2. Microbiology and HACCP For Surimi Seafood OSU Surimi Technology School
April 11-13, 2000
3. Surimi Seafood Microbiology Production and storage
Microbial quality
Microbial safety
Pasteurization studies
Non-thermal processing
Microbial standards
Fermented products
Rapid test kits
4. Microbiology of Surimi During Production and Storage
5. Microbial Quality and Safety of Surimi Seafood Depends On: Microbial load in the raw surimi
Microbial load in ingredients
Processing time/temperature abuse
Equipment sanitation
Employee hygiene Microbiology of Surimi Seafood During Production and Storage.
Microbial Quality and Safety of Surimi Seafood Depends On:
Microbial load in the raw surimi
Microbial load in ingredients
Processing time/temperature abuse
Equipment sanitation
Employee hygiene
Microbiology of Surimi Seafood During Production and Storage.
Microbial Quality and Safety of Surimi Seafood Depends On:
Microbial load in the raw surimi
Microbial load in ingredients
Processing time/temperature abuse
Equipment sanitation
Employee hygiene
6. a = surimi
b = surimi plus ingredients
c = first cook/rope formation
d = color addition e = second cook
f = flaking or chopping
g = packaging
h = “pasteurization” Microbiological data on surimi seafood production are variable.
Changes in Aerobic Plate Count at processing steps in the production of surimi seafood.
High initial counts from the raw surimi and ingredients
Some reduction in APC during the initial cook
Further reduction during second cook
Flaking, chopping, packaging add bacteria
“Pasteurization” reduces APC to low levels. Pasteurization does not kill all bacteria, e.g., spores of Bacillus and Clostridium.
2. JR Matches, E Raghubeer, IH Yoon, RE Martin. Microbiology of surimi-based products. In: DE Kramer, J Liston, ed. Seafood Quality Determination. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publ, 1987, pp 373-387. Microbiological data on surimi seafood production are variable.
Changes in Aerobic Plate Count at processing steps in the production of surimi seafood.
High initial counts from the raw surimi and ingredients
Some reduction in APC during the initial cook
Further reduction during second cook
Flaking, chopping, packaging add bacteria
“Pasteurization” reduces APC to low levels. Pasteurization does not kill all bacteria, e.g., spores of Bacillus and Clostridium.
2. JR Matches, E Raghubeer, IH Yoon, RE Martin. Microbiology of surimi-based products. In: DE Kramer, J Liston, ed. Seafood Quality Determination. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publ, 1987, pp 373-387.
7. a = surimi
b = surimi plus ingredients
c = first cook/rope formation
d = color addition e = second cook
f = flaking or chopping
g = packaging
h = pasteurization Coliforms and fecal Coliforms, present in surimi and ingredients or contributed through handling, are generally low to absent in pasteurized surimi seafood.Coliforms and fecal Coliforms, present in surimi and ingredients or contributed through handling, are generally low to absent in pasteurized surimi seafood.
8. a = surimi
b = surimi plus ingredients
c = first cook/rope formation
d = color addition e = second cook
f = flaking or chopping
g = packaging
h = pasteurization
9. Equipment Sanitation Belt conveyor 1,800,000/cm2
Container of mixed paste 25,000/cm2
Inner wall of mixer 540/cm2 Bacterial biofilms or improperly cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils can add bacteria to the product, causing quality problems and potential safety problems.
These results were found on crab leg kamaboko processing equipment (3).
The color paste can be a reservoir for bacteria and can result in higher bacteria counts after the thermal gelling step.
3. M Yokoyama. Packaging of surimi-based products. In: TC Lanier, CM Lee, ed. Surimi Technology. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1992, pp 317-334.
Bacterial biofilms or improperly cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils can add bacteria to the product, causing quality problems and potential safety problems.
These results were found on crab leg kamaboko processing equipment (3).
The color paste can be a reservoir for bacteria and can result in higher bacteria counts after the thermal gelling step.
3. M Yokoyama. Packaging of surimi-based products. In: TC Lanier, CM Lee, ed. Surimi Technology. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1992, pp 317-334.
10. Surimi Seafood Shelf Life Days at: 15oC 10oC 5oC 0oC
59oF 50oF 41oF 32oF
Surimi crab legs 4 14 >28 >28
Flaked surimi
crab meat <3 <4 <7 14
Only a few shelf life studies have been conducted for surimi seafood. These studies show that product form affects shelf life as the overall bacterial growth rates are more rapid for flaked surimi crab meat than for surimi crab leg at each storage temperature.
Handling and product size reduction increase microbial contamination and enhance microbial growth.
Storage temperature directly effects the shelf life of surimi seafood products.
The shelf life for vacuum packaged surimi crab legs is >28 days at 32°F, and for vacuum packaged flaked surimi crab meat about 14 days at 32°F.
Only a few shelf life studies have been conducted for surimi seafood. These studies show that product form affects shelf life as the overall bacterial growth rates are more rapid for flaked surimi crab meat than for surimi crab leg at each storage temperature.
Handling and product size reduction increase microbial contamination and enhance microbial growth.
Storage temperature directly effects the shelf life of surimi seafood products.
The shelf life for vacuum packaged surimi crab legs is >28 days at 32°F, and for vacuum packaged flaked surimi crab meat about 14 days at 32°F.
11. Increasing storage temperature for surimi seafood, increases the rate of bacterial growth.Increasing storage temperature for surimi seafood, increases the rate of bacterial growth.
12. More rapid growth with flaked surimi seafood products than with unflaked products.
More surface available for rapid growth.More rapid growth with flaked surimi seafood products than with unflaked products.
More surface available for rapid growth.
13. Microbial Quality of Surimi Seafood: Bacillus Species and Other Gram-positive Bacteria
14. Pasteurization Has no effect on bacterial spores, i.e., Clostridium and Bacillus species
Bacillus species are prime spoilers in air-packaged surimi seafood II. Microbial Quality of Surimi Seafood: Bacillus species and Other Gram-Positive Bacteria.
Bacillus can produce volatile fatty acids (lactic and acetic) and alcohols (butabediol and ethanol) from sucrose and sorbitol (cryoprotectants). Slime formation and sour odors are also theorized to occur from Bacillus growth on cryoprotectants.
A major source of Bacillus is starch, which may contain 10,000 spores/gram.II. Microbial Quality of Surimi Seafood: Bacillus species and Other Gram-Positive Bacteria.
Bacillus can produce volatile fatty acids (lactic and acetic) and alcohols (butabediol and ethanol) from sucrose and sorbitol (cryoprotectants). Slime formation and sour odors are also theorized to occur from Bacillus growth on cryoprotectants.
A major source of Bacillus is starch, which may contain 10,000 spores/gram.
15. Vacuum packaged, surimi flaked crabmeat stored at 22°C (71.6°F) is predominated by Gram-positive bacteria.Vacuum packaged, surimi flaked crabmeat stored at 22°C (71.6°F) is predominated by Gram-positive bacteria.
16. At 15°C (59°F), spoilage is still primarily by Bacillus species.At 15°C (59°F), spoilage is still primarily by Bacillus species.
17. Below 10°C (50°F), Pseudomonas start to grow better or faster than Bacillus species.Below 10°C (50°F), Pseudomonas start to grow better or faster than Bacillus species.
18. At 5°C (41°F) and 0°C (32°F), Pseudomonas predominate in spoilage.At 5°C (41°F) and 0°C (32°F), Pseudomonas predominate in spoilage.
19. Microbial Safety of Surimi Seafood: Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum and Other Bacteria
20. L. monocytogenes 1988 surimi survey found 29% of samples positive
1988 U.S. Class I recall of imitation crab meat produced in Japan and distributed in three states
21. Table 1. Surimi Seafood Recalls Due to L. monocytogenes Imitation crab meat products 7/28/99
Imitation crab spread 9/17/97
Imitation king crab legs 8/6/97
Imitation crab meat chunks 6/12/96
Imitation crab meat salad 9/30/92
Seafood salad 7/2/92
III. Microbial Safety of Surimi Seafood: Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, and other bacteria.
In the first published survey of Listeria in surimi seafood in 1988, 29% of the samples were contaminated with L. monocytogenes.
In the U.S., FDA has established a zero tolerance for L. monocytogenes in ready-to-eat seafood because the infective dose has not been established.
The first reported FDA recall of surimi seafood for Listeria occurred in 1988 for imitation crabmeat manufactured in Japan and distributed in three states.
Additional recalls for L. monocytogenes have occurred in 1992, 1996, 1997, and 1999.
A small (2 people) outbreak of food poisoning from Listeria monocytogenes in imitation crab meat was reported in 1997, but other recent research reports have found no Listeria in surimi seafood.III. Microbial Safety of Surimi Seafood: Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, and other bacteria.
In the first published survey of Listeria in surimi seafood in 1988, 29% of the samples were contaminated with L. monocytogenes.
In the U.S., FDA has established a zero tolerance for L. monocytogenes in ready-to-eat seafood because the infective dose has not been established.
The first reported FDA recall of surimi seafood for Listeria occurred in 1988 for imitation crabmeat manufactured in Japan and distributed in three states.
Additional recalls for L. monocytogenes have occurred in 1992, 1996, 1997, and 1999.
A small (2 people) outbreak of food poisoning from Listeria monocytogenes in imitation crab meat was reported in 1997, but other recent research reports have found no Listeria in surimi seafood.
22. Clostridium botulinum Strict anaerobe
Grows above 38°F
No instances reported from surimi seafood
C. botulinum type E and nonproteolytic types B and F are the target bacteria for FDA’s pasteurization processes
6-D process = 90°C (194°F) for 10 minutes Strict anaerobe
Grows above 38°F
No instances reported from surimi seafood
C. botulinum Type E and nonproteolytic Type B and F are basis for FDA “Pasteurization”
6-D process = 90°C (194°F) for 10 minutes used by EU
Strict anaerobe
Grows above 38°F
No instances reported from surimi seafood
C. botulinum Type E and nonproteolytic Type B and F are basis for FDA “Pasteurization”
6-D process = 90°C (194°F) for 10 minutes used by EU
23. Generation Times (Hours) for Pathogens in Surimi Seafood 15oC 10oC 5oC 0oC
59oF 50oF 41oF 32oF
Aeromonas hydrophila 18 48 194 -
Salmonella species 11 34 - -
Staphylococcus aureus 29 46 - -
Yersinia enterocolitica 11 26 77 166 Other pathogens have been shown to grow in surimi seafood, although no outbreaks have been reported.
Psychrotrophic Aeromonas hydrophila and Yersinia enterocolitica grew slowly at 5°C (41°F) Other pathogens have been shown to grow in surimi seafood, although no outbreaks have been reported.
Psychrotrophic Aeromonas hydrophila and Yersinia enterocolitica grew slowly at 5°C (41°F)
24. Pasteurization Studies for Surimi Seafood Inoculated pack studies with Enterococcus faecium
93°C (199.4°F) 5 minutes
85°C (185°F) for 15 minutes
75°C (167°F) for 15 minutes
Yielded 6 log reduction of E. faecium
Process also effective against C. botulinum Type E (85 and 93°C), L. monocytogenes, enteropathogenic E. coli, Salmonella, Yersinia entercolitica, and Vibrio
Ineffective against C. botulinum Type B IV. Pasteurization Studies for Surimi Seafood.
Inoculated pack studies with Enterococcus faecium
93°C (199.4°F) initial temperature
Reduced to 75°C (167°F) for 15 minutes
Yielded 6 log reduction of E. faecium
Process also effective against L. monocytogenes, enteropathogenic E. coli, Salmonella, Yersinia entercolitica, and Vibrio
Ineffective against C. botulinum
IV. Pasteurization Studies for Surimi Seafood.
Inoculated pack studies with Enterococcus faecium
93°C (199.4°F) initial temperature
Reduced to 75°C (167°F) for 15 minutes
Yielded 6 log reduction of E. faecium
Process also effective against L. monocytogenes, enteropathogenic E. coli, Salmonella, Yersinia entercolitica, and Vibrio
Ineffective against C. botulinum
25. Pasteurization Studies for Surimi Seafood Temperature Time D-Values
(min.) L.m. C.b.(E) C.b.(B)
93°C (199.4°F) 5 16,200 52 0.7
85°C (185°F) 15 5,400 24 0.6
75°C (167°F) 15 350 2.2 0.1
26. Microbiological Implications of Novel Surimi Processing Technologies High pressure
200-400 MPa
Effective against Vibrio, Listeria, Salmonella
Ineffective against pressure resistant species and spore forming Bacillus and Clostridium species
Electron beam
Untested V. Microbiological Implications of Novel Surimi Processing Technologies.
High pressure
200-300 MPa
Effective against Vibrio, Listeria, Salmonella
Less effective against Moraxella, Acinetobacter, Enterococcus, and Corynebacterium
Ineffective against Bacillus, Clostridium
Electron beam
V. Microbiological Implications of Novel Surimi Processing Technologies.
High pressure
200-300 MPa
Effective against Vibrio, Listeria, Salmonella
Less effective against Moraxella, Acinetobacter, Enterococcus, and Corynebacterium
Ineffective against Bacillus, Clostridium
Electron beam
27. HACCP and Surimi Seafood Preventive system of food safety control
Based on
Identified hazards
Critical control points
Monitoring records VI. Application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System to Surimi Seafood Products
VI. Application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System to Surimi Seafood Products
28. Three steps can be used to control potential hazards:
Metal fragments
CoolingThree steps can be used to control potential hazards:
Metal fragments
29. Metal Fragments Hard or sharp objects >7 mm in size are a potential hazard from laceration, perforation wound, and secondary infections
Hard or sharp objects <7 mm in size are a possible hazard for high risk (e.g., infants, elderly) individuals
Controls can include frequent inspections of cutting, portioning, blending, or other mechanical equipment for damage, or use of a metal detector
Metal fragments
Hard or sharp objects >7 mm in size are a potential hazard from laceration, perforation wound, and possibly a secondary infection
Hard or sharp objects <7 mm in size are a possible hazard for high risk (e.g., infants, elderly)
Controls can include frequent inspections of cutting, portioning, blending, or other mechanical equipment for damage, or use of a metal detector
Metal fragments
Hard or sharp objects >7 mm in size are a potential hazard from laceration, perforation wound, and possibly a secondary infection
Hard or sharp objects <7 mm in size are a possible hazard for high risk (e.g., infants, elderly)
Controls can include frequent inspections of cutting, portioning, blending, or other mechanical equipment for damage, or use of a metal detector
30. Pasteurization Eliminates targeted pathogenic bacteria and also extends product shelf life
Pathogens in packaged products indicates inadequate pasteurization, or post pasteurization contamination, and time/temperature abuse
Critical aspects: IT, temperature of heating medium, length of pasteurization cycle, package thickness, package integrity, product formulation, and microbial quality of the cooling medium
31. Cooling Rapid cooling prevents growth from Bacillus and Clostridium
60°C (140°F) to 21.1°C (70°F) in 2 hours
To 4.4°C (40°F) within another 4 hours Rapid cooling prevents growth from Bacillus and Clostridium
60°C (140°F) to 21.1°C (70°F) in 2 hours
To 4.4°C (40°F) within another 4 hours
Rapid cooling prevents growth from Bacillus and Clostridium
60°C (140°F) to 21.1°C (70°F) in 2 hours
To 4.4°C (40°F) within another 4 hours
32. Refrigerated Storage Refrigerated storage below 4.4°C (40°F) prevents growth of pathogens
33. Three CCPsThree CCPs
34. Microbial Recommendations for Ready-to-eat Seafood n c m M
Aerobic plate count 5 2 105 106
E. coli 5 1 11 500
S. aureus 5 0 103 -
V. parahaemolyticus 10 1 102 103
VII. Microbial Standards and Specifications
n = Number of representative sample units.
c = Maximum number of acceptable sample units with bacterial counts between m and M.
m = Maximum recommended bacterial counts for good quality products.
M = Maximum recommended bacterial counts for marginally acceptable quality products.VII. Microbial Standards and Specifications
n = Number of representative sample units.
c = Maximum number of acceptable sample units with bacterial counts between m and M.
m = Maximum recommended bacterial counts for good quality products.
M = Maximum recommended bacterial counts for marginally acceptable quality products.
35. FDA Tolerance Levels: Vacuum Packaged Ready-to-eat Seafood C. botulinum Presence of cells, toxin
Enteropathogenic E. coli 103/g
L. monocytogenes Presence
Salmonella Presence
S. aureus 104/g or toxin positive
V. cholerae Presence
V. parahaemolyticus 104/g
V. vulnificus Presence FDA tolerance levels for vacuum packaged ready-to-eat seafood:
C. botulinum Presence of cells, toxin
Enteropathogenic E. coli 103/g
L. monocytogenes Presence
Salmonella Presence
S. aureus 104/g or toxin positive
V. cholerae Presence
V. parahaemolyticus 104/g
V. vulnificus Presence
FDA tolerance levels for vacuum packaged ready-to-eat seafood:
C. botulinum Presence of cells, toxin
Enteropathogenic E. coli 103/g
L. monocytogenes Presence
Salmonella Presence
S. aureus 104/g or toxin positive
V. cholerae Presence
V. parahaemolyticus 104/g
V. vulnificus Presence
36. Microbiological Considerations in Packaging of Surimi Seafood Nitrogen and carbon dioxide packaging reduce fat and pigment oxidation and reduce spoilage bacterial growth
Aseptic packaging requires a sterile product and may not be feasible
37. New Surimi Seafood Products Utilizing Fermentative Bacteria Fermented pollock kamaboko
pH 4.5
Sour tasting
Fermented chum salmon surimi
Sensory studies have not been conducted
38. Reliability and Efficacy of Rapid Microbiological Procedures Traditional methods
APC with petri dishes or PetriFilm
ATP technology for sanitation
Rapid test kits for L. monocytogenes
1-2 days instead of 5-7 days
39. Conclusion Surimi seafood Products are ready-to-eat
Safety and quality concerns remain
HACCP can help ensure a safe product
The use of the term “pasteurization” should be discouraged or the process needs to be further studied