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Experience the heartwarming return of Mahatma Vidura in the Kuru palace, embraced by joy and love. Dive into his inquiries and conversations with Maitreya about spiritual truths.
SB Canto 1 Chapter 13 Dhritarastra Quits Home by Amritananda das
Based on the Teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
SB 1.2.4narayanam namaskrtyanaram caiva narottamamdevim sarasvatim vyasamtato jayam udirayet Before reciting this Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is the very means of conquest, one should offer respectful obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, Narayana, unto Nara-NarayanaRsi, the supermost human being, unto mother Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, and unto Srila Vyasadeva, the author.
SB 1.2.18nasta-prayesvabhadresunityambhagavata-sevayabhagavatyuttama-slokebhaktirbhavatinaisthiki By regular attendance in classes on the Bhagavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact.
Chapter 12: Birth of Emperor Parikshit Inquiries about Maharaj Parikshit Glorification of Maharaj Yudhisthira The Qualities and Position of the Lord (What Maharaj Parikshit saw while still in the Womb) The Lords Protection (Birth & Celebration of Maharaj Parikshit’s birth by Maharaj Yudhisthira, sages attend) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sankirtan in Kali Yuga (Maharaj Yudhistra plans to perform Ashwamedha Yagna to atone sins) Removing Fear & Anxiety (Brahmanas glorifies the future qualities of Maharaj Parikshit, describes His future, gets sufficiently remunerated) Lord Krsna Leaves for Dwarka 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Chapter 13: Dhritarastra Quits Home Kuru Family Delighted to see Vidura, exchanged obeisances, embraces and All cried out of Love and affection. Mahatma Vidura returns from pilgrimage, convinced after hearing from Maitreya Muni 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Maharaj Yudhisthira remembers how Mahatma Vidura protected Pandavas Maharaj Yudhisthira inquires how Vidura maintained His livelihood during pilgrimage, And praises How Vidura is a Holy Place personified. 8 9 10
SB. 1.13.1 – Vidura returns from Pilgrimage sütauväca vidurastértha-yäträyäà maitreyädätmanogatim jïätvägäddhästinapuraà tayäväpta-vivitsitaù Srila SutaGoswami said : While traveling on a pilgrimage, Vidura received knowledge of the destination of the self from the great sage Maitreya and then returned to Hastinäpura. He became as well versed in the subject as he desired. Purport : • How Yamaraja incarnated as Vidura. • Vidura’s Love for His elder brother Dhritrastra. • Vidura returns to reclaim His elder brother from fallen position. • Why did Vidura leave Hastinapur for pilgrimage? Duryodhana Insulting Vidura. • Vidura meeting Uddhava and Maiterya, inquires about Lord Sri Krishna. How Can I Apply? : • How to deal with Vaishanavas and elderly relatives. • Proper Inquiry. • Continued Next Page…
SB. 1.13.2 – Vidura Inquires from MaitreyaRishi yävataùkåtavänpraçnän kñattäkauñäravägrataù jätaika-bhaktirgovinde tebhyaçcopararäma ha After asking various questions & becoming established in the transcendental loving service of Lord Kṛṣṇa, Vidura retired from putting questions to Maitreya Muni. Purport : • Vidura convinced after Hearing from Maitreya Muni that summum bonum of life is to be finally situated in the transcendental loving service of Lord Krsna, nothing else can give him satisfaction. • Like Vidura, inquisitive condition soul must approach Spiritual Master to discern Knowledge. How Can I Apply? : • One Must Approach Spiritual Master (BG 4.34) • Retire from inquiry when convinced, apply diligently • Ref Chanakya Niti shastra Chapter 4 Verse 15
SB. 1.13.3-4 Welcoming Mahatma Vidura taàbandhumägataàdåñövä dharma-putraùsahänujaù dhåtaräñöroyuyutsuç ca sütaùçäradvataùpåthä gändhärédraupadé brahman subhadräcottaräkåpé anyäç ca jämayaùpäëòor jïätayaùsasutäùstriyaù When they saw Vidura return to the palace, all the inhabitants—MahäräjaYudhiñöhira, his younger brothers, Dhåtaräñöra, Sätyaki, Saïjaya, Kåpäcärya, Kunté, Gändhäré, Draupadé, Subhadrä, Uttarä, Kåpé, many other wives of the Kauravas, and other ladies with children—all hurried to him in great delight. It so appeared that they had regained their consciousness after a long period. Ray of Hope after prolonged distress…
SB. 1.13.5 – Welcoming Mahatma Vidura pratyujjagmuùpraharñeëa präëaàtanvaivägatam abhisaìgamyavidhivat pariñvaìgäbhivädanaiù With great delight they all approached him, as if life had returned to their bodies. They exchanged obeisances and welcomed each other with embraces. Purport : In the absence of consciousness, the limbs of the body remain inactive. But when consciousness returns, the limbs and senses become active, and existence itself becomes delightful. Vidura was so dear to the members of the Kaurava family that his long absence from the palace was comparable to inactivity. All of them were feeling acute separation from Vidura, and therefore his return to the palace was joyful for all.
SB. 1.13.6 – Welcoming Mahatma Vidura mumucuùprema-bäñpaughaà virahautkaëöhya-kätaräù räjä tam arhayäàcakre kåtäsana-parigraham Due to anxieties and long separation, they all cried out of affection. King Yudhiñöhira then arranged to offer sitting accommodations and a reception. How Can I Apply? : • Receiving Guests appropriately.
SB. 1.13.7 – Art of Receiving Guests. taàbhuktavantaàviçräntam äsénaàsukhamäsane praçrayävanatoräjä prähateñäà ca çåëvatäm After Vidura ate sumptuously and took sufficient rest, he was comfortably seated. Then the King began to speak to him, and all who were present there listened. Purport : King Yudhiñöhira was expert in reception also, even in the case of his family members. Vidura was well received by all the family members by exchange of embraces and obeisances. After that, bathing and arrangements for a sumptuous dinner were made, and then he was given sufficient rest. After finishing his rest, he was offered a comfortable place to sit, and then the King began to talk about all happenings, both family and otherwise. That is the proper way to receive a beloved friend, or even an enemy. According to Indian moral codes, even an enemy received at home should be so well received that he will not feel any fearful situation. An enemy is always afraid of his enemy, but this should not be so when he is received at home by his enemy. This means that a person, when received at home, should be treated as a relative, so what to speak of a family member like Vidura, who was a well-wisher for all the members of the family. Thus YudhiñöhiraMahäräja began to speak in the presence of all the other members.
SB. 1.13.8 – Feeling Protection in Relationship yudhiñöhirauväca apismaratha no yuñmat- pakña-cchäyä-samedhitän vipad-gaëädviñägnyäder mocitäyatsamätåkäù MahäräjaYudhiñöhira said: My uncle, do you remember how you always protected us, along with our mother, from all sorts of calamities? Your partiality, like the wings of a bird, saved us from poisoning and arson. Purport : • Bhishmadev and Vidura affectionate towards Pandavas. • Mahatma Vidura protects Pandavas from the onslaught of Kauravas. • Analogy, Birds Protects it’s eggs by Wings. How Can I Apply? : • Video Presentation. • Extending Protection in Relationship.
SB. 1.13.9 – Purpose of Visiting Holy places. kayävåttyävartitaàvaç caradbhiùkñiti-maëòalam térthänikñetra-mukhyäni sevitänéhabhütale While traveling on the surface of the earth, how did you maintain your livelihood? At which holy places and pilgrimage sites did you render service? Purport : • Vidura was insulted by Duryodhana (calling Him a son of Sudrani). • Vidura accepted Vanaprastha life (for 35 Years). • Maharaj Yudhisthira inquired, how He maintained His livelihood during Vanaprastha life. How Can I Apply? : • SB 10.14.8 principle • Preparing oneself to depend on Lord Krsna.
SB. 1.13.10 – Purpose of visiting Holy places. bhavad-vidhäbhägavatäs tértha-bhütäùsvayaàvibho térthé-kurvantitérthäni sväntaù-sthenagadäbhåtä My Lord, devotees like your good self are verily holy places personified. Because you carry the Personality of Godhead within your heart, you turn all places into places of pilgrimage. Purport & Application : The Personality of Godhead is omnipresent by His diverse potencies everywhere, just as the power of electricity is distributed everywhere within space. Similarly, the Lord's omnipresence is perceived and manifested by His unalloyed devotees like Vidura, just as electricity is manifested in an electric bulb. A pure devotee like Vidura always feels the presence of the Lord everywhere. He sees everything in the potency of the Lord and the Lord in everything. The holy places all over the earth are meant for purifying the polluted consciousness of the human being by an atmosphere surcharged with the presence of the Lord's unalloyed devotees. If anyone visits a holy place, he must search out the pure devotees residing in such holy places, take lessons from them, try to apply such instructions in practical life and thus gradually prepare oneself for the ultimate salvation, going back to Godhead.
SB. 1.13.1-10 Summary Kuru Family Delighted to see Vidura, exchanged obeisances, embraces and All cried out of Love and affection. Mahatma Vidura returns from pilgrimage, convinced after hearing from Maitreya Muni 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Maharaj Yudhisthira remembers how Mahatma Vidura protected Pandavas Maharaj Yudhisthira inquires how Vidura maintained His livelihood during pilgrimage, And praises How Vidura is a Holy Place personified. 8 9 10