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Reporting on Bilateral Relations

This reporting training focuses on bilateral reporting requirements and the progress in implementing the programme and achieving expected outputs. It also examines the extent, nature, and outcomes of cooperation between beneficiaries and donors.

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Reporting on Bilateral Relations

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  1. Reporting on Bilateral Relations Andreas Aabel Bilateral Officer EEA and Norway Grants E-mail: aaa@efta.int Tel: +32 2 211 1 820 Reporting training for FPs and POs @ FMO 20/11/2012

  2. Bilateral reporting

  3. Bilateral reporting requirements(references) Regulation - Article 5.11 (a) the progress in implementing the programme compared to the plans set out in the programme agreement and/or the preceding annual programme report and in achieving the expected outputs; (b) the programme’s contribution to the overall objective and outcomes of the programme area; Programme Operators’ Manual (Annex 9) - Article 5.6 Progress of bilateral relations Give a summary of how partnerships between the Beneficiary States and the Donor State(s) have been facilitated during the reporting period. In cases of donor partnership programmes, the cooperation between the Program Operator and the donor programme partner shall be assessed. State the number of donor partnership projects, and describe what has been done to encourage the establishment of such partnership. Guideline for strengthened bilateral relations 7.1.1 Annual programme report from the PO The PO shall describe “the progress in implementing the programme compared to the plans set out in the programme agreement and/or the preceding annual programme report and in achieving the expected outputs”. The POM sets out the obligation to report on the number of donor partnership projects, give a summary of how partnerships have been facilitated, and to assess the cooperation between the PO and the DPP.

  4. Bilateral thinking Outcomes / types of results Extent of cooperation - Who cooperate? (types of institutions, sectors, etc.) - Level of cooperation and contact? - Nature of partnerships? Shared results - Are partners working together for joint results development of policies, laws, strategies? - Do partners share experience, knowledge, know-how and technology? Improved knowlede and mutual understanding (between individuals, institutions, states and the wider public) - Do partnerships lead to increased awareness about common challenges? - What do we learn about each other? (working methods, approaches, institutional structures etc.) Wider effects - Do partnerships lead to cooperation beyond project and programme spesific tasks?

  5. The Annual Programme Report Bilateral aspect of programme Example of report elements Overall bilateral strategy: - What were the expectations/plans, what has been achieved (progress)? Bilateral indicators: - No. of partnerships established - Need for revision of indicators? Assessment of cooperation with DPP Assessment of bilateral cooperation at project level Use of bilateral fund at programme level - How were partnerships facilitated? - Who is supported? - Events Use of complimentary actions fund - Key meetings

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