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Empowering People with Disabilities: Towards Inclusive Employment and Social Rights in the EU

This resource explores the social and employment situation of people with disabilities in the EU, addressing the evolving concept of disability, human rights perspectives, EU strategies, and the European Pillar of Social Rights. It highlights the need for income support, labor market participation, and adaptable work environments for individuals with disabilities. Recommendations from the European Commission on fostering employment and social safety nets for disabled individuals are also discussed. Country-specific data on employment, education, poverty, and social protection gaps are analyzed, along with European Semester reports on disability inclusion and independent living. Useful tools and reports for further understanding and implementation of disability rights are provided.

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Empowering People with Disabilities: Towards Inclusive Employment and Social Rights in the EU

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  1. People withdisabilities The social and employment situation of people with disabilities European Parliament, Brussels 6 March 2019 Elena Schubert, EMPL C3

  2. The situation in 2016 In total, some 80 million persons in EU-28 have limitations.

  3. What is disability? • Diverse and evolving concept – no unique definition at EU level • Shift from medical perception of disability – human rights based perception • UNCRPD and EU Disability Strategy 2010-2020

  4. European Pillar of Social Rights • Principle 17: Inclusion of people with disabilities • “People with disabilities have the right to income support that ensures living in dignity, services that enable them to participate in the labour market and in society, and a work environment adapted to their needs.”

  5. European Pillar of Social Rights Disabilityis explicitly mentioned in the explanatory fiches of the following Principles: • Principle 1: Education, training and life-long learning • Principle 3: Equal opportunities • Principle 9: Work-Life balance • Principle 11: Childcare and support to children • Principle 18: Long-term care: Independent living and right to community-based services • Principle 19: Housing and assistance to homeless • Principle 20: Access to essential services Name, surname – EMPL C1

  6. Commission's recommendations – CSRs – 2017/2018 CZ: Foster the employment of disabled people EE:Improve the adequacy of the social safety net in particular for older people and people with disabilities LV: Improve the adequacy of income support for people with disabilities.

  7. Commission's recommendations – Recitals 2017/2018 • Social protection and poverty BG, EE, HR, LV, LT, NL, RO • Employment CZ, DK, IE, LT, MT, RO

  8. Employment gap Source: ANED based on EUROSTAT 2016, persons with and without disabilities 20-64 years, difference in percentage points

  9. Tertiary education gap Source: ANED based on Eurostat 2016, persons with and without disabilities (age: 30-34 years), difference in percentage points

  10. Early school leavers gap Source: ANED based on Eurostat 2016, Share of early school leavers with and without disabilities (age: 18-24 years), difference in percentage points

  11. At risk of poverty or exclusion Source: EU SILC 2016, persons with and without disabilities 16+ years, difference in percentage points

  12. European Semester 2018/2019 • Winter Semester Package– adopted on 27.02 • -Chapeau Communication: …despite increasing employment rates people with disabilities also remain at a disadvantage. • -28 Country reports including Annex D

  13. European Semester 2018/19 Disability in Country Reports 2018/19

  14. European Semester 2018/2019 • The Coverage of Independent living including De-institutionalisation and Inclusion in the community • EL, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, PL, RO, SK

  15. The European Semester 2018/2019Spring package - 29. May • Commission proposals for Country SpecificRecommendations (CSRs) for each MS with a Chapeau communication • CSRs for endorsement in the JuneEuropeanConcil and adoption in Council in the course of July

  16. To learn more • ANED disability country fiches • DOTCOM disability online toolhttp://www.disability-europe.net/dotcom • Reports by Disability High Level Group on the Implementation of the UNCRPD

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