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Kenya By: Lily Bitner. 400 AD- Arabs begin to settle in Kenya, introducing the Muslim religion.
400 AD- Arabs begin to settle in Kenya, introducing the Muslim religion. 1885-Germany invades Kenya, Britain tries to make an agreement, they divide up the land between the two, Britain more to the north and Germany more to the south, leaving the sultan of Kenya with only a ten mile wide piece of land along the coast, now this is the border between Kenya and Tanzania. 1963- Jomo Kenyatta leads Kenya from independence until his death in 1978.
Many rulers have led this country in it's history, including KANU and NARC.
The founding president, Jomo Kenyatta led them from independence in 1963 until he died in 1978. Since then, Kenya has been ruled by many different leaders and powers.
.Jomo Kenyatta was born in 1894, and named KamauNgengi, he adopted the name Jomo "Burning Spear", and Kenyatta,for the fancy belt he wore. .After a surgery for an illness, he ran from home to be a resident pupil at the Church Of Scotland mission, and studied the Bible and a few other things. .He was baptized JohnstoneKamau in August 1914. .In the 1930s, he briefly joined the communist party. .On Oct. 21, 1952, he was arrested, believed to have directed the Mau Mau movement. .In April 1952 he was sentenced to 7 yrs in jail, and was released in 1961. .In 1962, at the London Conference, he negotiated the terms leading up to Kenya's independence. .KANU won the preindependence election in 1963, Kenya celebrated its independence on Dec. 12, 1963 with it's new prime minister, Jomo Kenyatta. .He died in 1978.
The prominent tribes in Kenya are the Masai, the Oromo, the Kiyuku, and the Luo.
The Masai have a language that is in the Nilotic group. They herd cattle, and live in huts made of mud. The Masai men protect the people, and the women do household work. Their god is called Enkai, who is male and female at the same time. Their religious leaders are called Laibon, believed to have the power to heal and give prophesies. They have the power to declare wars.
The Masai have a language that is in the Nilotic group. They herd cattle, and live in huts made of mud. The Masai men protect the people, and the women do household work. Their god is called Enkai, who is male and female at the same time. Their religious leaders are called Laibon, believed to have the power to heal and give prophesies. They have the power to declare wars.
The Oromo are actually various groups that people often consider on large cultural group. Their language is in the Cushitic speaking tribes group. They live in Ethiopia, mostly, but they also live in northern Kenya. The tribe consists of roughly 25 million people, and is broken up into 16 smaller subgroups. The Oromo are roughly half Christian and half Muslim.
The Kiyuku's language falls into the Bantu speaking tribe category. This tribe is among the biggest of the tribes in Kenya. Their population is roughly 5 million. They live in the fertile central highlands and dominate the country economically and politically. Most Kiyuku are Christians, however some still believe in their traditional beliefs.
The Luo's language falls into the Nilotic Speaking tribes. They are the second largest tribe in Kenya. They keep cattle, annd are now settled farmers. The name of their language is Dholuo. This tribe is famous for their egaltarian culture.
Two of the traditional musical instruments of this country are the Nzumari, a wood wind instrument, and the Chivoti, another wood wind instrument.
Kenyan people eat fresh, cheap food normally. A few vegetables they eat are kale, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, and avocadoes. Common meats they eat are beef and goat meat.
The Main religions of this country are Protestant, Roman Catholic, And Islam.
Protestantism is a form of Christianity, similar in some ways to Baptist and Presbyterian. Protestantism adheres to the Bible, and only accepts two of the sacraments directly commanded by the Lord.
Roman Catholicism is the largest Christian denomination, and has no specific beginning in history. Over time, it has evolved to become what we know it as today. Catholics believe that the Pope has special authority, saints can intercede on to help believers, Purgatory is a place of afterlife purification before entering Heaven, and the doctrine of transubstantiation.
The religion of Islam is a monotheistic religion, their holy book is the Qu'ran, and they pray many times a day towards the direction of Mecca.
In Kenya, each religion they practice is practiced traditionally.
This country's main industries are small-scale consumer goods, agriculture, horticulture, oil refining, aluminum, steel, lead, cement, commercial ship repair, and tourism
The main agricultural products produced in Kenya include tea, coffee, corn, wheat, sugarcane, fruit, vegetables, dairy products, beef, pork, poultry, and eggs.
The main natural resources found in Kenya include limestone, soda ash, salt, gemstones, fluourspar, zinc, diatomite, gypsum, wildlife, hydropower.
Kenya's GDP per capita is greatly less than the US's. Kenya's is $1,600, while the US's is $47,200. Kenya's GDP is $45,600 less than the US's. One of the reasons this is might be the US' greater labor force, it's greater occupations, it's lesser unemployment rate [as of 2008], and even more factors.