The Canterbury Tales Pilgrims
The Lawyer • Physical Appearance: He wore a homely parti-colored coat with a silken beltCharacter Traits: wary, wise, discreetActions/Behaviors: He had won many a noble and a fee; he knew of every judgment and case recorded since King William’s time; he could dictate defenses and draft deeds.Portrait Result: positiveLiterary Technique: DirectIdentifying Quote: :Though there was nowhere one so busy as he, he was less busy than he seemed to be.”
The Guildsmen • Physical Appearance: One impressive guild-fraternity; they were so trim and fresh; they had the best weaponsCharacter Traits: impressive, worthyActions and Behaviors: They had the capital and the revenueLiterary Technique: DirectPortrait Result: PositiveIdentifying Quote: “They had the capital and revenue, besides their wives declared it was their due.”
The Cook • Physical Appearance: ulcer on the kneeCharacter traits: great cook/known for his dishesActions/Behaviors: boiling chicken, roast, broil, and fry; he could make a thick soup and a tasty piePortrait Result: PositiveLiterary Technique: humor/directIdentifying Quote: “But what a pity-so it seemed to me, that he should have an ulcer on his knee.”
The skipper • Physical Appearance: woollen gown that reached his knee, a dagger on a lanyard around his neck, tanned skinCharacter Traits: hardy, prudent, brutalActions/Behaviors: He rode a farmer’s horse best he could; he steals wine while the trader snores; he makes his prisoners walk the plank; he knew all the havens as they wereLiterary Technique: direct/ironyPortrait Result: NegativeIdentifying Quote: “The nicer rules of conscience he ignored.”
The plowman • Physical Appearance: He wore a tabard smock and rode a mareCharacter Traits: honest, charitable, religious, hard-workerActions/Behaviors: loved God with all his heart, thrashed corn, makes a ditch, helps the poor, pays his tithes in fullPortrait Result: PositiveLiterary Technique: DirectIdentifying Quote: He was a honest worker good and true, living in perfect peace and charity
The manciple • Physical Appearance: Actions/Behaviors: he watched the market closely; he bought on credit or paid cashCharacter Traits: illiterate, frugalLiterary Technique: Direct, ironyIdentifying Quote: “In any legal case there was to try, and yet this Manciple could wipe their eye.”