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Uitdagingen voor de docenten Moderne Talen in de volwassen educatie. Kristi Jauregi Universiteit Utrecht. Coutinho / Levende Talen. Schema. Maatschappij Onderwijs breed Taalonderwijs Context (NT2 /MVT) Voorwaarden voor taalverwerving Grammatica Interactie Interculturele communicatie
Uitdagingen voor de docenten Moderne Talen in de volwassen educatie Kristi Jauregi Universiteit Utrecht Coutinho / Levende Talen
Schema • Maatschappij • Onderwijs breed • Taalonderwijs • Context (NT2 /MVT) • Voorwaarden voor taalverwerving • Grammatica • Interactie • Interculturele communicatie • Web 2.0
1. Maatschappij Globalisatie
Dynamisch Snel Lifelong learning
Creativiteit Kofino
Netwerken Samenwerking
Verbonden Kofino Kofino
Cross-culturele communicatie Meertaligheid: 1 + 2 Interculturele competentie Sociale cohesie
2. Onderwijs Top down Docent Formeel onderwijs
80 % van kennis en vaardigheden wordt opgedaan via: informeel leren
Studenten Kofino
Stimuleer de samenwerking Kofino
Verandering in leertheorieën Sociaal constructivisme Kennis als betekenis die wordt geconstrueerd via taken Leren van en met anderen Cognitivisme Kennis wordt verworven, opeengestapeld Leren: individueel gebeuren
De vaardige docent van de 21ste eeuw • Is vertrouwd met gebruik computers • Is creatief • Is kritisch • Zoekt uitdagingen • Is constructief • Is verbonden (connected)
3. Moderne talen onderwijs: context Verschillen NT2 / MTO? • Doelgroep • Behoeftes / Doelen • Toegang tot T2/VT input en interactie • Methodologie
Taalonderwijs: vorwaarden en principes • Blootstellingaan begrijpelijk, gevarieerd en rijke input(i+1, Krashen, 1982, 1985). • Mogelijkheden om (pushed) output(Swain, 1985) te produceren, die begrijpelijk, correct en adequaat is in de gesprekscontext (Lantolf, 2006). • Interactie in de doeltaal stimuleren in een sociale en authentieke context(Lantolf, 2006; Kasper, 2001). In dit proces staat negotiation of meaning(Long, 1996) centraal. • In een betekenis georiënteerde onderwijsperspectief, moeten er momenten zijn om aandacht te schenken aan formele taalelementen: focus of form(Doughty & Willis, 1998; Long, 1996). • Het gebruik van strategieën moet gestimuleerd worden (Oxford, 2010; Dörnyei et al 1997; Richards et al 2009). • Focus op Interculturele Communicatie (Byram,1997; Kasper, 2001; Kramsch, 1993, 1998; Lo Bianco et al 1999; Müller-Jacquier, 2003).
Interactie centraal in leerprocessen T2V Taken Socio constructivisme (Vygotsky, 1962) Interactie ICC Met expert leeftijdsgenoten
Grammatica • Een van de subcompetenties binnen de communicatieve competentie
COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE LINGUISTIC COMPETENCES SOCIOLINGUISTIC COMPETENCES Linguistic markers of social relations PRAGMATIC COMPETENCES Functional competence Politeness conventions COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE COMPETENCES Discourse competence Expressions of folk wisdom Interaction schemata Register differences Dialect and accent Lexical (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment Grammatical Phonological Semantic …….
Grammatica • Onenigheid over welke methode de beste is (onderzoek/docenten/studenten)(Ellis, 2006): • Direct / indirect • Impliciet / Expliciet • Belangrijk om grammatica in de communicatieve context te behandelen (focus on form) (Swain; 1996; Doughty & William, 1998; Lightbown, 1998; Norris & Ortega, 2000; Ellis, 2002; Lyster,2004). • Lessituatie: veel variabelen (Kumaravadivelu, 2009) • Grammatica onderwijs: geen duidelijk beeld (Allwright, 1983) • Post method: Drama grammar (Even, 2011)
Sociale cohesie Wederzijds begrip (Byram, 1997; Zarate et al. 2004; Kramsch)
NIFLAR Project Belang van Web 2.0
NIFLAR 2009-2011Objectives: Enrich Innovate learning processes Improve Make them more rewarding!!
Blended learning Learner centeredness Interaction Authenticity of language learning Telecollaboration ICC
NIFLAR 2009-2011, Virtual environments: Video- communication Adobe connect Virtual worlds Second Life Open Sim
Experiences NIFLAR (2009-2011) 22 pilot experiences have been carried out in video-communication and Second Life (OS), Both with secondary and tertiary learners (A1-B2 / pre-service teachers) 430 students have participated in cross-cultural sessions (1 to 1 / 1 to 2) (3 to 5 sessions per course once a week) Developed criteria for effective tasks 60 interaction tasks for Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish have been developed & tested. Data gathered for research
Research issues Is there an added value in implementing virtual interaction through video-communication & virtual worlds in language teaching curricula? • What are foreign language learners’ experiences? • Is there any impact on motivation? • Is there any indication suggesting that learners learn more if they have the opportunity to engage in networked interaction with experts according to relevant tasks? • What happens during those cross-cultural interactions?
Foreign language learners’ experiences: positive aspects “Step by step you learn to speak more easily in the target language without feeling any boundaries. It improves your talking skills” “We learned a lot of new words, known culture and lifestyle in the Netherlands. I have no fear of speaking” “I had an opportunity to talk with a native speaker which is not very frequent in the language course. We had also interesting tasks, so it was something different than a normal lesson” “Personally I think that the greatest thing is that we made new friends from the Netherlands so we can keep in touch and keep improving”
Impact on motivation Start interactionsessions 5 point Likert scale Spanish
Interaction effect between condition and pre- and post-tests was found to be significant. In other words, the difference between pre- and post- test scores depends on the specific condition (F 2, 34 = 5.01; p = .012). Learning effect. Results. The results show that the difference between pre- and post- oral tests depends on the specific condition. Especially in the SL and VWC condition students show on average more progression than in the control condition. Hence, both SL and VWC have an additive effect on students’ test scores.
Interaction analysis • Learners exposed to very rich input (i+1; pragmatic adequacy). • Learners use language meaningfully (output hypothesis + ICC). • Varied sequences of negotiation of cultural and linguistic meaning emerge. • Authenticity of interaction. • Positive learning atmosphere. It is fun! • Differences VC v. SL: • VC static, visual added value (gestures), more quantity of talk • SL dynamic, creative, unexpected L use linguistic focus, more silences
Meer weten, doen? • NIFLAR: www.niflar.eu; www.niflar.ning.com • Euroversity: www.euroversity.ning.com / TILA • NL: 3DLes (de NIFLAR sims, Chatterdale, Parolay and …more GRID locations) • Utrecht Summerschool 2012 NIFLAR Comenius course:in Utrecht (week 32) & Valencia (week 42) SURF - OWD2011
Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. • Dörnyei, Z.; Scott, M. (1997). "Communication strategies in a second language: definitions and taxonomies". Language Learning47: 173–210. • Doughty, C. & Williams, J. (1998). Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition. Cambridge:C.U.P. • Ellis, R. (2002). The place of grammar instruction in second/foreign curriculum. In E. Hinkel & S. Fotos (eds.) New perspectives on grammar teaching in L2 learning. Mahway: Erlbaum. 00 17-34 • Even, S. (2011). Drama Grammar: towards a performative postmethod peagogy. The Language Learning Journal, 39/3. 299-312. • Hinkel, E. (ed.) (2004). Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Kramsch, C. (1993). Context and Culture in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press • Kramsch, C. 1998. Language and culture. Oxford: O.U.P. • Kumaradivelu, B. (2009). Understanding Language Teaching. From method to postmethod.New York:Routledge. • Lantolf, J.P., & Thorne, S.L. (eds.) (2006). Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. • Lo Bianco et al (1999). Striving for the Third Place: Intercultural Competence through Language Education. Melbourne: Clearinghouse. • Long, M. (1996). The role of the linguistic environment in L2 acquisition. In Handbook of L2 acquisition, ed. W. Rirchie & T.K. Bhatia, 413-468. San Diego: • Müller-Jacquier, J. (2003). Linguistic awareness and cultures. In Jürgen (Ed.) Studien zur internationalen Internehmenskommunikation (pp. 20-49). Leipzig: Popp. • Richards, Jack C.; Schmidt, Richard, eds (2009). "Communication strategy". Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. New York: Longman. • Swain, M. (1985). Communicative competence. Some roles of comprehemsible input and comprehensible output in its development. In Input in second language acquisition, ed. S. Gass & C. Madden, 235-253. Rowley: Newbury. • Vygotsky, L.S. (1962). Thought and Language. Massachusetts: MIT Press.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnh9q_cQcUE&feature=related (educ