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Historical Perspectives: Role of Creatine Phosphate in Energy Transport in Muscle Cells Evaluated by 31 P-NMR. Kazuo Yoshizaki Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Tokushima, Tokushima 770-8503, JAPAN kyoshi@basic.med.tokushima-u.ac.jp. P/O = 2 ~ 3.
Historical Perspectives: Role of Creatine Phosphate in Energy Transport in Muscle Cells Evaluated by 31P-NMR. Kazuo Yoshizaki Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Tokushima, Tokushima 770-8503, JAPAN kyoshi@basic.med.tokushima-u.ac.jp
Shuttle hypothesis energy-production system (mitochondria) ATP ATP ADP ADP + energy energy Pi Pi energy-production system energy-consumption system ATP C C ATP C~P C~P ADP energy ADP energy Pi Pi a) ATP carrier model energy-consumption system (actomyosin) b) C~P carrier model
Intracellular Energy Transport in Muscle: Yoshizaki et al BBA 1051:144 (1990) 1) Diffusivities of phosphorus metabolites measured by 31P-pulsed gradient NMR. 2) The flux of creatine kinase reaction measured by 31P-saturation transfer NMR. 3) Evaluation on creatine phosphate shuttle theory.
2Dτ Diffusion distance τ: life time D: diffusion coefficient
2Dτ 22 μm 1.8 57 37 Diffusion distance (μm)
A case report on acute myocardial infarction accompanied with no increase in serum creatine kinase activity. K. Koizumi et al., Kobe City General Hospital, J. Jap. Coll. Angiol., 27, 988 (1987) (in Japanese) A 56 years old female, suffering from Diabetes mellitus without cardiac complications, died with acute myocardiac infraction. The agar gel electrophoresis of muscle homogenates showed that the CK-MM isozyme was almost undetected in skeletal and cardiac muscles, and the CK-MB isozyme was decreased in cardiac muscle. (Tentatively translated by K. Yoshizaki) P 2-4 血清CK上昇を伴わない急性心筋梗塞症の一例 神戸市立中央市民病院 循環器センター 同臨床病理科* 小泉克己, 吉川純一, 加藤 洋, 奥町冨久丸, 吉田 清, 白鳥健一, 高尾精一, 赤阪隆史, 赤土正洋, 城 泰子, 笠倉新平*, 内田博也*
Shuttle hypothesis energy-production system (mitochondria) ATP ATP ADP ADP + energy energy Pi Pi energy-production system energy-consumption system ATP C C ATP C~P C~P ADP energy ADP energy Pi Pi a) ATP carrier model energy-consumption system (actomyosin) b) C~P carrier model
Biochmica et Biophysica Acta, 1074 (1991) 302-311 In vivo regulation of mitochondrial respiration in cardiomyocytes: Specific restrictions for intracellular diffusion of ADP Valdur A. Sakes, Yulia O. Belikova and Andrey V. Kuznetsov Laboratory of Bioenergetics, U. S. S. R. Cardiology Research Center, Moscow (U. S. S. R.) Preparations Km(μM)Km(mM) ADP creatine no additions +AP5A +(creatine) (at 0.2mM ATP) Mitochondria 17.6± 1.0 13.6±4.4 6.9 ±0.14 Saponin-treated carduinyocytes 250.2±38.5 256.5±31.8 35.6±5.6 5.67±0.11 Skinned fibers 263.7±57.4 79 ±8 6.25±0.21
Biochmica et Biophysica Acta, 1074 (1991) 302-311 In vivo regulation of mitochondrial respiration in cardiomyocytes: Specific restrictions for intracellular diffusion of ADP Valdur A. Sakes, Yulia O. Belikova and Andrey V. Kuznetsov Laboratory of Bioenergetics, U. S. S. R. Cardiology Research Center, Moscow (U. S. S. R.) Preparations Km(μM)Km(mM) ADP creatine no additions +AP5A +(creatine) (at 0.2mM ATP) Mitochondria 17.6± 1.0 13.6±4.4 6.9 ±0.14 Saponin-treated carduinyocytes 250.2±38.5 256.5±31.8 35.6±5.6 5.67±0.11 Skinned fibers 263.7±57.4 79 ±8 6.25±0.21 Discussion: (The old Japanese lady, described by Oita et al. (1988) reported to have only 2% of intact creatine kinase preserved, might not be able to perform too much of work any more and might had suffered from decreased relaxation; however, such a case should be verified by more numerous studies to be taken seriously.)
31P-saturation transfer NMR on skeletal muscles of creatine kinase (CK)-knockout mice. wild M-CK(-/-) Nicolay et al.(1998) Mol. Cell. Biochem 184: 195-208
31P-saturation transfer NMR on skeletal muscles of creatine kinase (CK)-knockout mice. wild M-CK(-/-) Nicolay et al.(1998) Mol. Cell. Biochem 184: 195-208