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MCT – July 2013. Ecodevelopment . V.K.Uniyal. Shifting Trajectories. 1970-90. 1950-70. 1990-2010. Henceforth. Eco-development A win-win formula . Emphasis on decentralized governance Strengthening forest staff and self governments Targeting the poorest and socially marginalized

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MCT – July 2013 Ecodevelopment V.K.Uniyal

  2. Shifting Trajectories 1970-90 1950-70 1990-2010 Henceforth

  3. Eco-development A win-win formula Emphasis on decentralized governance Strengthening forest staff and self governments Targeting the poorest and socially marginalized Better management of natural resources Promoting rural growth and income generation

  4. Empowerment of Tribals Issues • Individual land/ pepper crop mortgaged • Income/livelihood reduced • Heavy dependency on Park resources Approach • Tribals organized into EDCs • Financial support to pay back debts • Assistance to raise crops in current season • EDCs empowered to collect & market pepper Impacts • Freeing tribals from debt burden • 10-fold increase in tribal income from pepper • 60% reduction in firewood collection for sale • Community revolving fund established • Joint patrolling by tribals & park staff

  5. Managing Pilgrimage Issues • 5 million pilgrims over two months • 1000 vendors (60% outsiders) • Unregulated exploitation of fuelwood, small timber • Excessive solid waste Approach • Local EDCs to provide pilgrim needs • Pilgrim facilities confined • Confederation of the EDCs for financing & monitoring • Participatory rules/ regulations-environmental & social audit Impacts • Impacts confined to restricted area • No small timber exploitation (2 lakh poles p.a. saved) • 70% reduction in fuelwood collection - alternative LPG • Assured income to local communities • National award to confederation for conservation

  6. Institutionalizing Inclusive Approach National Forest Policy of 1988 Orientation shift The Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act 2006 Critical Tiger Habitat Critical Wildlife Habitat The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006

  7. Integrate biodiversity rich areas in the wider landscapes Engendering benefits to people, and To receive wider social acceptance for conservation

  8. DMP vs. PMP Paradigm Dominant Management Paradigm Top heavy, centralized Bureaucratic, hierarchical Confidential, individualistic Above social auditing Official, arbitrary Participatory Management Paradigm Devolutionary, decentralized People-centered, democratic Open, transparent Collective, socially accountable Social, participatory

  9. Conservation and Development Target Human Welfare Either way. Thanks

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