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PRESENTE DEI VERBI REGOLARI IN –IRE REGULAR PRESENT TENSE –IRE VERBS The present tense verb endings for regular -ire verbs are: -o, -i, -e, -iamo, -ite and –ono. These verbs follow two patterns: that of dormire (to sleep) and that of capire (to understand). The endings are the same for both gropups, but verbs like capire insert –isc between the stem and the ending in all forms except for the noi and voi forms.
PRESENTE DEI VERBI REGOLARI IN –IRE REGULAR PRESENT TENSE –IRE VERBS The following verbs are regular –ire verbs in the present tense:
PRESENTE DEI VERBI REGOLARI IN –IRE REGULAR PRESENT TENSE –IRE VERBS To determine which group a particular –ire verb belongs to, count backwards from the last letter of the infinitive. If the fifth-to-last letter is a consonant, it is probably conjugated like the verb dormire; if it is a vowel, it is probably conjugated like the verb capire (with the exception of the verb restituire). The verbs finire and suggerire require the preposition di before an infinitive. English uses the –ing form to express the same idea: Example: Quando suggerisci di partire? When do you suggest leaving? Quando finiamo di studiare. When we finish studying.
PRESENTE DEI VERBI REGOLARI IN –IRE REGULAR PRESENT TENSE –IRE VERBS Remember that in a double-verb construction, the first verb is conjugated and the second verb is in the infinitive: Example: Preferisci prendere l’autobus dell’una? Do you prefer to take the one o’clock bus? No, veramente preferisco partire ora. No, actually I prefer to leave now. Let’s practice by conjugating all of the –ire verbs that are listen on p.118.