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Slide 0. The Lens of Glory. Slide 20.5. Which way is the pointer going? Some seem to believe that Jesus points us to great Biblical truths that we must follow as a pattern for living a life of obedience Rather, we see that the Scriptures (Great Biblical Truths) point us to Christ. Slide 20.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Slide 0 The Lens of Glory

  2. Slide 20.5 Which way is the pointer going? Some seem to believe that Jesus points us to great Biblical truths that we must follow as a pattern for living a life of obedience Rather, we see that the Scriptures (Great Biblical Truths) point us to Christ

  3. Slide 20 Other models of biblical interpretation are not necessarily wrong The Bible presents us with a model for interpretation. Not so much a “how” but a “who” That model (“lens”) of interpretation is Jesus Christ

  4. Slide 21 Reading the Bible through the lens of Jesus We are on safe ground in believing this since Jesus Himself tells us that the Bible is about Him The text of the New Testament is clearly about Jesus What about the Old Testament? Is it about Jesus?

  5. Slide 22 Consider what the Lord Jesus said about the then existing written Bible when He was on Earth: Luke 24:25-27 John 5:37-40; 45-47 Matthew 22:41-46

  6. Slide 23 Consider what the New Testament writers wrote of Jesus: Hebrews 1

  7. Slide 23.3 Hebrews 1 – Visual graphic of Old Testament usage in just this chapter

  8. Slide 23.7 Consider what the New Testament writers wrote of Jesus: John 1:1-3 Jude 1:5 (Two early manuscripts have “Jesus”, not “Lord”); English Standard Version uses “Jesus” John 12:37-41

  9. Slide 24 John 12:37-41 John wrote in verse 41: Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus’ glory and spoke about him. When did Isaiah see the glory of Jesus?

  10. Slide 25 Isaiah 6:1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple (NIV 1984). And it came to pass in the year in which king Ozias died, that I saw the Lord sitting on a high and exalted throne, and the house was full of his glory (Septuagint [LXX] in English)

  11. Slide 26 Isaiah 6:1 The Septuagint (also known as LXX) is heavily used by the New Testament writers including John; It is thought by many commentators that John is referring to Isaiah’s vision in Isaiah chapter 6 as Isaiah actually seeing a vision of Christ in glory.

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