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WELCOME TO T. A. F. E. T exas A ssociation of F uture E ducators. WHAT IS T.A.F.E. T.A.F.E. is a statewide organization that offers students the opportunity to explore the teaching profession:

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  1. WELCOME TOT.A.F.E. Texas Association of Future Educators

  2. WHAT IS T.A.F.E. • T.A.F.E. is a statewide organization that offers students the opportunity to explore the teaching profession: • To learn about the teaching profession, its opportunities, responsibilities, and its important role in our democracy. • To explore your interests and abilities in relation to the various fields of teaching. • To cultivate the qualities of character, service, and leadership which are essential in good teachers. • To learn how and where teachers receive their training, the cost, scholarships available, number of years required, certification requirements, and standards. • To study the lives and influence of great teachers.

  3. AND HOW DO WE DO THAT… • By… • Creating and supporting various activities on individual school campus, regions, and at the state level. • Attend and / or lead various workshop sessions. • Enter various contests • Apply for scholarships • Attend the TAFE Leadership Summer Camp

  4. TAFE PLEDGE • As a T.A.F.E. member, I hereby pledge to promote positive attitudes regarding all noble aspects of education, to acknowledge the challenging role of the teaching profession, and to provide service and leadership within my school and community.


  6. CONTEST TO ENTER • Scrapbook • Design and compile a scrapbook of the years accomplishments with pictures • Project Visualize • Showcase a project complete this year on a tri-fold bold and explain how and why it was important • Top 10 Project • Showcase a project, in description only, that was complete this year.

  7. CONTEST TO ENTER • Lesson Plan • Submit a lesson that you would teach to the state office. If chosen as the top 5 lessons, you will then teach your lesson at State Contest. • Speech • Write and give a 3 ½ minute speech related to the current theme. • TAFE – Make A Splash Into Teaching • Compete at Regionals first and must earn 1st or 2nd to advance to state • Outstanding Chapter • Complete application detailing what the chapter accomplished throughout the year.

  8. CONTEST TO ENTER • Student of the Year • Complete application and if chosen in the top 10 you will then go through an interview process at the State Conference. • Count on Character • Design and present a book based on a character value. • May have a partner, but only the author can present the book • Compete at Regionals first and must earn 1st or 2nd to advance to state

  9. CONTEST TO ENTER • Promotional Video • Design and submit a video promoting TAFE. • Multimedia Competition • Design a video highlighting TAFE. • Outstanding Sponsor of the Year • Complete application and submit to State Officer. Board of Directors vote on the Sponsor of the Year. • Sponsor usually nominated by chapter members. • Must compete at Regionals and be nominated by the Regional Sponsors in order to be advanced to the State Level.

  10. TRAFLES • What are TRAFLES??? • Areas of individual activities that each chapter should complete in order to have a diverse and complete year. • TRAFLES helps in promoting your chapter and the teaching field • Teaching/Classroom Participation • Recreational Project • Appreciation Project (Teacher / Staff) • Fund Raising Project • Leadership Project • Educational Awareness Project • Service Project

  11. Brack TAFE 2011-2012 • Theme – Teachers plant the seeds • T-Shirt – Amount to be determined • Trips – • Regional Conference (San Antonio) • State Conference (February - San Antonio) • National FEA Conf. (to be determined • Activities – - Teacher Appreciation Baskets, Book Fair,

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