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SuperSINET. Shoichiro ASANO Asano@nii.ac.jp National Institute of Informatics (NII). SuperSINET. Promotion of Science and Technology. e-Japan Priority Program. Give Priority to Basic Research and Information Technology. SINET and SuperSINET.
SuperSINET Shoichiro ASANO Asano@nii.ac.jp National Institute of Informatics (NII)
SuperSINET Promotion of Science and Technology e-Japan Priority Program Give Priority to Basic Research and Information Technology
SINET and SuperSINET • SINET : National Backbone for Universities • and Research Institutes • SuperSINET : Research Project of Advanced Science • and Technologies • SuperSINET • 10Gbps Backbone • GbE / 10GbE Bridges for peer-connection • Operation of Optical Cross Connect (OXC) for fiber / wavelength switching • Operational from 4th January, 2002 to end of March, 2005 • Will be merged in Photonic SINET after April, 2005
SuperSINET Sites ● Jan. 2002 Oct. 2002 Oct. 2003 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
University / Institute: Tohoku University High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) The University of Tokyo The Institute of Medical Science (IMS), The university of Tokyo NII Hitotsubashi NII Chiba National Astronomical Observatory (NAO) The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) National Institute of Genetics (NIG) Nagoya University National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research (ICR), Kyoto University Osaka University Hubs: Tokyo Hub Nagoya Hub Osaka Hub SuperSINET Sites
SINET(as of January, 2001) Okinawa Niigata Sapporo Kitami Kagoshima Tottori Kanazawa Nagano Sendai Hirosaki Kumamoto Matsuyama Kyoto Tsukuba NII Chiba Chiba NII Hitotsubashi Kitakyushu Koganei Yamaguchi Chofu Meguro Fukuoka Hiroshima Kobe Osaka Nagoya Tokyo Yokohama ISAS Maebashi Okayama Tokushima Okazaki Nagasaki Yamanashi Saitama
SINET Integrated with SuperSINET(as of January, 2002) Okinawa Niigata Sapporo Kitami Kagoshima Tottori Kanazawa Nagano Sendai Hirosaki Kumamoto Matsuyama Kyoto Tsukuba NII Chiba Chiba SuperSINET NII Hitotsubashi Kitakyushu Koganei Yamaguchi Chofu Meguro Fukuoka Hiroshima Kobe Osaka Nagoya Tokyo Yokohama ISAS Maebashi Okayama Tokushima Okazaki Nagasaki Yamanashi Saitama N.B. All of the SuperSINET sites are not shown here.
SINET and SuperSINET(Oct. 2002, Planned) Okinawa Niigata Sapporo Kitami Kagoshima Tottori Kanazawa Nagano Sendai Hirosaki Kumamoto Matsuyama Kyoto Tsukuba NII Chiba Chiba SuperSINET NII Hitotsubashi Kitakyushu Koganei Yamaguchi Chofu Meguro Fukuoka Hiroshima Kobe Osaka Nagoya Tokyo Yokohama ISAS Maebashi Okayama Tokushima Okazaki Nagasaki Yamanashi Saitama N.B. All of the SINET and Super SINET nodes are not shown here.
International Links from SuperSINET Tohoku U KEK NREN Kyoto U U Tokyo APAN ICR Kyoto U IMS U Tokyo Osaka hub Osaka U Tokyo hub NII Hitotsubashi GEANT Nagoya hub NII Chiba Abilene ESnet Nagoya U NAO NIFS ISAS Int’l link NIG As of January, 2002
RF0492 RF0XXX RF0397 RF0396 RF0394 33E011216210 International Configuration - Europe- - Japan - - US - <NII Chiba> <DANTE LDN> OC3 <SC> <LDN> NII NS8000 STM1 DANTE [hostname] [IP address] OC3 RF0395 STM1 STM1 VP#6: PF0348 (NII-DANTE v6) 5Mbps 6/601 6/601 [] 4/401 4/401 VP#4: PF0346 (NII-DANTE v4) 40Mbps [] VP#5: PF0347 (KEK-CERN/DESY) 30Mbps 20Mbps 5/501 5/501 CERN [] [] 10Mbps 5/502 5/502 DESY [] [] KEK [hostname] [IP address] OC3 STM1 VP#2: PF0350 (KEK/NIFS-Esnet) 45Mbps 15Mbps 2/201 2/201 [] 18Mbps 2/202 2/202 Esnet (v4) [] [] 1Mbps CERN Esnet (v6) 2/203 2/203 [] [] 1Mbps DANTE (GEANT) Esnet (H.323) 2/204 2/204 1/* [] [] 10Mbps NII [nii-gate] [IP address] 2/205 2/205 [] ESnet [hostname] [IP address] 3/301 VP#3: PF0351 (NII-Abilene v6) 5Mbps Abilene (v6) DESY [] Abilene (v4) 1/101 VP#1: PF0349 (NII-Abilene v4) 70Mbps [] Abilene (予備) STM1 ESnet [] ESnet [] DANTE (v6) OC3 RF0492 PF0427 (NII-IDC) 15Mbps [] DS3 DANTE (v4) [] [] 5/801 [] [] NIFS [hostname] [IP address] [] OC3 RF0397 VP#7: PF0427 (NII-Abilene ) 15Mbps NII [abilene-gate2] [] ESnet [] Abilene [hostname] [IP address] [] [] [] <NII Hitotsubashi> STM1 NORDUnet Abilene [] [] Juniper M5 [sinet-gate-tokyo] [] NII [hostname] [IP address] GbE STM1 [] [] [] [] STM1 SURFnet [] [] NISN/NREN Commodity Traffic <Kyoto Univ.> STM1 NII [hostname] [IP address] Juniper M5 [sinet-gate-kyoto] [] GbE [] [] [] [] STM1 [] [] L.A.TAP
Typical Circuit Configuration Site 1 Site 4 OXC WDM WDM OXC Site 2 R R Site 5 Hub A Hub B Site 3 GbE 10Gbps WDM
OXC (Optical Cross Connect) OXCs are installed at the hub nodes to switch fiber or lambda These OXCs are all optical, and therefore independent of the transmission rate and framing, which will make use of new technologies, e.g. 10 GbE, easier Network resource management based on GMPLS is developing
Network Configuration- Japan Telecom is now providing transmission capability - WDM WDM WDM WDM GbE WDM WDM OsakaOXC TokyoOXC WDM WDM WDM WDM WDM WDM WDM GbE WDM WDM WDM WDM WDM WDM WDM NagoyaOXC GbE GbE GSR124xxx Gigabit Ether WDM WDM WDM WDM GbE OXC: Optical Cross-connect WDM WDM WDM WDM GbE
Cable Map Hiroshima Fukuoka Sapporo Sendai 1 Kobe Sendai 2 Osaka OsakaOXC Sendai 3 Kyoto 2 KEK Kyoto 1 Tsukuba Kanazawa TokyoOXC NII 1 NIFS NagoyaOXC NII 2 Nagoya Tokyo 1 Okazaki Tokyo 2 NIG Toyko 3 ISAS NAO TIT Waseda
10 Gbps IP backbone • PoPs at each Super SINET Sites • OC192 POS • 14 nodes + 3 hub nodes • Integrated with SINET into a single IP network
10Gbps Backbone 10G Backbone OC-192 Hiroshima Fukuoka Sapporo Sendai 1 Kobe Sendai 2 Osaka Sendai 3 Kyoto 2 KEK Kyoto 1 Tsukuba Kanazawa NII 1 NIFS NII 2 Nagoya Tokyo 1 Okazaki Tokyo 2 NIG Tokyo 3 ISAS NAO TIT Waseda
Gigabit Ethernet Bridges • Gigabit Ethernet connectivity is provided for selected scientific research projects • It bridges between laboratories and facilities of the key institutions • 1550 nm is used for long range transmission, but converted into 1310 nm at the edges. • 2.4 Gbps (0C48) is available to the online VLBI research project
Gigabit Ethernet Bridges Tohoku U KEK Kyoto U U Tokyo ICR Kyoto U IMS U Tokyo Osaka OXC Osaka U Tokyo OXC NII Hitotsubashi Nagoya OXC NII Chiba Nagoya U NAO Gigabit Ethernet many Gigabit Ethernets NIFS ISAS NIG 2.4 Gbps
Other Services • MPLS VPN An alternative to GbE bridges • IPv6 Native mode on GSR+
Projects on SuperSINET / SINET • Computational GRID, GRID on ITBL, GRID on Tsukuba-WAN as well as new initiative of Japanese Research GRID • DataGRID through KEK • Bio-Informatics / BIOGRID • Computational GRID for Nano-technology • VLBI and DataGRID through NAO
High Energy Physics and Fusion Research- Data GRID - Sendai 1 Osaka KEK Kyoto 1 NII 1 NIFS Nagoya Tokyo 1
KEKB/BELLEComputer System Started in 1999 Data rate : 20 MB/sec Data Volume : 50 TB/year or more Data Storage: 630 TB PC Farm P-III x 240 (8,200 SPECint 95) Compute Server (5,000 SPECint95) Disk: 14 TB Internal Servers LAN SuperSINET / GbE to Universities
GbE OC-48 Space Science and Astronomy- Data GRID - Fukuoka Sendai1 KEK Kyoto1 NII Nagoya Tokyo1 ISAS NAO
Bio-Informatics Kyoto 2 Tokyo 2 NIG
Genome (Academic) Theater 3-dimensional visualization of Genome information Data Mining of Genome information Structure of Genome map
Computational GRID Fukuoka Sapporo Sendai 1 Osaka Kyoto 1 Nagoya Tokyo 1
7 Inter-university Computer Centers (Jan.2001) Hokkaido University HITACHI SR8000 HP Exemplar V2500 HITACHI MP5800/160 Sun Ultra Enterprise 4000 Kyoto University FUJITSU VPP800 FUJITSU GP7000F model 900 /32 FUJITSU GS8000 Tohoku University NEC SX-4/128H4 NEC TX7/AzusA Kyushu University FUJITSU VPP5000/64 COMPAQ GS320/32 FUJITSU GP7000F model 900/64 University of Tokyo HITACHI SR8000 HITACHI SR8000/MPP Nagoya University Osaka University FUJITSU VPP5000/64 FUJITSU GP7000F model 900/64 FUJITSU GP7000F model 600/12 NEC SX-5/128M8 HP Exemplar V2500/N
Nano-technology- Computational GRID - Sendai 2 Okazaki Tokyo 3
Super-SINET based collaboration • Multi-Disciplinary Computational GRID for • nano-material development • Nano-device development • Collaboration with industries
National Institute for Materials Science National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST) National Institute of Informatics (NII) Application System Development for Material Design System Development for Earthquake Simulation System Development for Integrated Space and Aeronautical Simulation System Development for Cell Simulation Advancement of Bio-Information Processing System Development for Material Design Network Technology Development of Secure VPN for ITBL Development of Core Software for ITBL Network Operation Operation of Super Computers for ITBL Development and Operation of Super-SINET IT Based Laboratories (ITBL) on SuperSINET