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Community pharmacy Call to Action. Clare Howard – Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Alison Hemsworth - Senior Programme Manager CPCF. Jan 2014. The Call to Action. Why are we here? Why are we really here? The case for change – medicines optimisation
Community pharmacy Call to Action Clare Howard – Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Alison Hemsworth - Senior Programme Manager CPCF Jan 2014 NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date]
The Call to Action • Why are we here? • Why are we really here? • The case for change – medicines optimisation • How does this relate to the Call to Action, Winter pressures work, the Urgent & Emergency Care Review and the ‘Earlier the Better’ campaign? • Key questions NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 2014
So why are we here? • Call to action: a vehicle to inform the development of a five to ten year Community Pharmacy Strategic Framework • Planning guidance: Area teams will: • set out a five year strategic plan for how that service will improve within available resources, including dealing with any structural deficit; • include more granular detail for the first two years; • Local plans and national enablers NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 2014
So why are we really here? • We all can recognise that the use of medicines is sub optimal. Medicines optimisation. • Community Pharmacy can play a significant role in supporting patients to get more from their medicines. • Community Pharmacy can play a significant role in supporting patients and the public with public health issues • Urgent and Emergency Care Review. Recognised the role community pharmacy plays in terms of patients contact and support for out of hospital care. NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 14
Medicines Utilisation in Practice • Medicines still most common therapeutic intervention and biggest cost after staff, but, for example: • -30 to 50% not taken as intended • - Patients have insufficient supporting information • UK Literature suggests 5 to 8% of hospital admissions due to preventable adverse effects of medicines • Medication errors across all sectors and age groups at unacceptable levels • Medicines wastage in primary care: £300M pa with £150M pa avoidable • NHS Atlas of Variation • Relatively little effort towards understanding clinical effectiveness of medicines in real practice • The threat of antimicrobial resistance • Appropriate vs inappropriate polypharmacy
We need to make this vision a reality, translating it into how patient care looks and feels
Medicines Optimisation Progress Update 1 • Held 2nd national conference in November. Well attended ( over 800 delegates NHS and Industry) and the concept is now widely accepted. • The MO measurement work in progress. Wider reference group and Technical group developing a prototype dashboard. • York and Sheffield Centre for Health Economics reviewing the economics of Medicines Optimisation • NICE have started their short clinical guideline process. (publication in 18 months). Engaged with chair of Guideline Development Group • Kings Fund recently published Polypharmacy and Medicines Optimisation Making it safe and sound
Medicines Optimisation Progress Update 2 • RPS and ABPI are engaged and supporting the strategy development. ABPI secondee started Jan 2014. • Specialised Commissioning MO CRG now operational. First output released January. http://www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/commissioning/spec-services/npc-crg/medicines-optimisation/ • NHS England Community Pharmacy “Call to Action” published in December. Local events being organised by Area Teams to consider questions asked. Most Local Professional Network chairs appointed. All will impact on MO implementation. • The first NHS England MO patient engagement event was held in Leeds on 21st November. Report due Feb 2014.
Community pharmacy • A number of important developments……
So… its starting to come together • Community Pharmacy so important to medicines Optimisation. • Much more to do in terms of engagement. • Call to action responses need to reflect this. Its not a “wish list” for community pharmacy. The call to action is the chance to outline the opportunities that community pharmacy presents to help improve patient outcomes and reduce some of the issues highlighted at the start. NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 2014
Public Health Role (1) • Community pharmacies are located in the heart of communities • They are trusted health professionals on the high street, in supermarkets and shopping centres • They are especially accessible to deprived communities who may not access other conventional NHS services • Community pharmacies are already making a contribution to health improvement and protection and reducing health inequalities. • This contribution needs to be enhanced further NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 2014
Public Health Role (2) • It is clear that community pharmacy can play an important role in improving the health of the population in England. • PHE has recently expressed keenness to explore: • The role of the HLP • Health marketing • NHS Health Checks • Blood pressure checks • Vaccination • Smoking Cessation and have highlighted community pharmacy’s excellent track record in delivering these services
Timeline NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 14
Prime intention of all • Visit your local pharmacy first NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 2014
What is digital media telling us? NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 14
Share of voice from twitter conversations NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 2014
What are the Key Questions ?????? NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 2014
What about engagement with Patients? • Nationally we will be: • Holding 10-15 focus groups with patients and the public from ‘seldom heard voices’ groups • Disseminating a patient questionnaire via community pharmacies including online access • Developing a briefing sheet/slide pack for third sector organisations who may wish to run their own events • Tap into events already planned by Healthwatch England • Host webinars NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 2014
How will you engage locally with patients? NHS | Presentation to Local Call to Action Events Jan-Mar 2014