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Paula Eerola Spåtind 7.1.2008

LHC and Beyond Collaboration project under the NordForsk scheme ”Joint Nordic Use of Research Infrastructures”. Paula Eerola Spåtind 7.1.2008. Overall aims and objectives. A Nordic Joint Consortium has been formed to exploit the physics at the Large Hadron Collider, LHC.

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Paula Eerola Spåtind 7.1.2008

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  1. LHC and Beyond Collaboration project under the NordForsk scheme ”Joint Nordic Use of Research Infrastructures” Paula Eerola Spåtind 7.1.2008

  2. Overall aims and objectives • A Nordic Joint Consortium has been formed to exploit the physics at the Large Hadron Collider, LHC. • The aim is to maximize the physics outcome of LHC for the Nordic scientific community, and to plan for next steps beyond LHC. Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  3. The project objectives are: • to strengthen and optimize the Nordic participation in the LHC experiments, • to promote co-operation and sharing of best practices between the Nordic research partners, including using the Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF) for analysis of the LHC data, • to optimize joint Nordic R&D for the future generation of particle physics experiments, • to prepare for joint infrastructure applications for the European Union (EU). • Funded by NordForsk 2008-2010 (1 MNOK). Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  4. Work plan • Operation mode of the project: • workshops, • student training courses, • mobility. Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  5. Participants • All the Nordic experimental and phenomenologigal high-energy physics groups involved in LHC physics • St. Petersburg and Tallinn Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  6. SE: Lund U. (ATLAS, ALICE and theory), Uppsala U. (ATLAS and theory), Stockholm U. (ATLAS) and KTH (ATLAS). • NO: Univ. Oslo (ATLAS and ALICE), Univ. Bergen (ATLAS, ALICE and theory) and Bergen Univ. College (ALICE). • DK: Niels Bohr Institute (ATLAS and ALICE), Univ. Southern Denmark (theory). • FI: Univ. Helsinki and Helsinki Institute of Physics (CMS, TOTEM and theory), Univ. Jyväskylä (ALICE). • Nordita (theory). • Russia: St. Petersburg State University (ALICE). • Estonia: National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics in Tallinn (CMS and theory). Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  7. Proton-proton physics ATLAS and CMS • Proton-proton collisions 14 TeV cms-energy and L=1034 cm-2s-1. • LHC is now at the final phases of installations, and the collider will be starting in 2008. • Explore high-energy frontier at the TeV scale: • Discovery of the Higgs boson(s) and the verification of their properties • Investigating SUSY models, their parameters and the consequent phenomenology • Search for non-SM effects in B decays and lepton sector • Extra dimensions, little Higgses, ”unparticle physics”, … Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  8. Forward physics – TOTEM (Helsinki) • Forward experiment: LHC luminosity, elastic p-p scattering, total p-p cross section, and soft and hard diffraction. • New particle states, eg. Higgs bosons, SUSY particles,… Heavy flavour physics – LHCb (no Nordic groups) • Physics of B hadrons: CP violation, precision measurements, search for non-SM effects in B decays,… • Charm and taus decays. Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  9. Heavy ion physics ALICE • Pb-Pb collisions at 5.5 TeV cms-energy per nucleon pair. • Strongly interacting matter should undergo a phase transition when subject to extreme temperatures or energy densities. • The goal of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion interactions is to explore the nuclear phase diagram and to probe the boundary between confined, hadronic matter and the quark-gluon plasma. • Also p-p and p-nucleus runs. Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  10. The next generation of experiments beyond LHC LHC later stages, upgrade to S-LHC • The luminosity of LHC will be upgraded around year 2015(?) up to 1035 cm-2s-1. • Significant upgrades of experiments to meet the increased particle rates and radiation levels. • Development on Si-detectors: 3D Si (Uppsala, Bergen, Oslo), Si material engineering – Czochralski-Si, … (Helsinki) • Shielding, forward detectors (Lund). • GEM development for forward regions (Helsinki). Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  11. ILC and CLIC • ILC: detector development in the framework of the EUDET project (funded by EU through FP6). • Global design effort to construct a TPC with GEMs or Micromegas avalanche chambers for readout (Lund). • 3D Si-detectors (Helsinki). • CALICE calorimeter (Bergen). • CLIC: beam instrumentation (Uppsala, Oslo), cavity development (Helsinki). Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  12. Workshops 2008 • Spåtind 3.-7.1.2008 – co-organized with Spåtind 2008 organization (Finland) • Stockholm 12.-14.6.2008 – jointly with Nordita project ”TeV-scale physics and Dark Matter” Topical workshops • Detector R&D ? Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  13. Workshops 2009-2010, under discussion • 2009 Helsinki/St.Petersburg/ Tallinn • Jan 2010 Spåtind – co-organized with the Spåtind 2010 organization (Norway) • End 2010 Copenhagen/ Odense Topical workshops • Heavy ions and soft QCD, Lund beg. 2009 ? Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  14. Student training courses, mobility, outreach • Training courses and invited lectures in connection to the workshops. • Invite top-class researchers to give pedagogical lectures of the latest research developments. • These lectures make a unique collection of in-depth reviews of topical subjects, available through the project homepage. • Mobility through researcher and/or research student exchange between the consortium nodes. The groups from St. Petersburg and Tallinn will be given a priority in the exchange programme. • Outreach: • e.g. information aimed at the general public in our web-pages, • public lectures in connection with the workshops etc. Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

  15. More information • Webpages (currently still http://www.hep.lu.se/nlhc/) • Contact your local node coordinator • Contact project coordinator (PE) Paula Eerola Spåtind January 7, 2008

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