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Quotable Quote. Talk sense to a fool, and he calls you foolish. ~ Euripedes. Quotable Quote. “ But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals, sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .” ― Nick Cave. Professional Communication. Student Teaching Orientation
Quotable Quote Talk sense to a fool, and he calls you foolish. ~Euripedes
Quotable Quote “But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals, sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .” ― Nick Cave
Professional Communication Student Teaching Orientation August 20, 2013
Disclaimer! • U may b attempted to think this stuff doesn’t apply 2 u. B4 u quit listening 2 me, please c this presentation thru. Give the workshop a chance to make ¢, and I will try 2 provide a gr8 application of its content. K?
Can you raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are. The olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses, and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Count the F’s Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.
Count the F’s • Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.
Worth trying harder? • I am forwarding my marriage certificate and six children. I had seven, but one died, which was baptized on a half sheet of paper. • Mrs. Jones has not had any clothes for a year and has been visited regularly by the clergy.
I am forwarding my marriage certificate and three children, one of which is a mistake as you can see. • I want my money as quick as I can get it. I’ve been in bed with the doctor for two weeks and he doesn’t do any good. If things don’t improve, I will have to send for another doctor.
Say what you mean! • My husband got his project cut off two weeks ago, and I haven’t had any relief since.
WRONG • From:Not Yet Revealed [mailto:notyreve@ut.utm.edu] Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 11:34 AMTo: R. Mark KelleySubject: Teaching Certification • Hello. My name is Not Yet Revealed and I am a recent graduate of UTM.
WRONG • …I have not received my teaching certification, (with no reasons to not have already done so), and I was wondering if there is any way you could tell me who I would need to contact in order to resolve this issue. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you!
WRONG • -- • Not Yet Revealed • "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." - Albert Einstein
Right • Hello, I am a recent graduate of UTM. I have not received my teaching certification(with no reasons to not have already done so), and I was wondering if there is any way you could tell me whomI would need to contact in order to resolve this issue. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you!
Response • I talked with Not Yet Revealed today. Yes, I attempted to process her application; however, just for the record, she did not have all her Praxis II exam test scores sent to us. (That sort of negates her "with no reason to not have already done so" parenthetical comment.) She is getting those scores to me ASAP so that I can finalize her application.
Response • I will say this regarding her signature quote: She may possess the supreme art of teaching, for she certainly awakened the joy in creative expression and knowledge within me. • Michael
WRONG • Colleagues, • Please share as needed. • Michael
Right • Colleagues, • Please share as needed. • Michael
WRONG • I have yet to receive my first placement for next semester. Please, if there are any changes, could you email me at the soonest possible time so I will be able to arrange a meeting with my CT and school principle.
Right • I have yet to receive my first placement for next semester. Please, if there are any changes, could you email me at the soonest possible time so I will be able to arrange a meeting with my CT and school principal?
WRONG I just wanted to let you know I did get the email. I have a couple of questions, my circumstances were out of the norm when i was preparing for student teaching and i had a late start and all but i have now completed all the requirements for teacher ed and i have taken the PPST, so my questions, am i able to student teach and has a school been assigned to me yet? if so what school?
Right I just wanted to let you know I did get the email. I have a couple of questions.My circumstances were out of the norm when I was preparing for student teaching, and I had a late start and all. However, I have now completed all the requirements for teacher ed, and I have taken the PPST.soMy questions:Am I able to student teach and has a school been assigned to me yet? If so, what school?
WRONG • What is the dates and times of the student teaching orientation next week?
Right • What are the dates and times of the student teaching orientation next week?
10 Flagrant Grammar Mistakes That Make You Look Stupid http://www.techrepublic.com/article/10-flagrant-grammar-mistakes-that-make-you-look-stupid/
Dodge the Grammar Traps • http://www.webpagecontent.com/arc_archive/138/5/
Top 10 Grammar Problems • http://wire.rutgers.edu/p_grammar_top10.html
Common Mistakes and Tricky Choices • http://englishplus.com/grammar/mistcont.htm
Stuff! Not only, but also A lot A bunch A great deal So (so that, and, very, therefore) You (second person pronouns) Indefinite pronouns Your/You’re
Pet Peeves • Continue on • Separate out • Two twins • Widow woman • I have/haven’t took • I seen/I done • Here is/There is • Fewer/less
.” • ,” • ?” • ”? • !” • ”! • ”: • ”;
Examples: ”? & ?” and ”! & !” • Is the name of that article “Twelve Handy Management Techniques”? • Mother asked, “Is it really my 78th birthday?” • I’m sick and tired of people overusing “exclamation points”! • Billy Bob exclaimed, “Oh, no, he ran over Bubba!”
A Real Example The Romulus wireless network has been replaced by “SkyNet for Guests”. … If you need assistance creating an account or connecting to “SkyNet for Guests”, please contact the Help Desk. …When trying to connect to “SkyNet for Guests”, you will initially be prompted to enter the WPA2 password. Once they’re connected, they should open a web browser and see the same captive portal page that was formerly used by Romulus. After logging into the captive portal page, guests will have web access. If a Guest needs assistance connecting, please contact the Help Desk.
Professional Example • What you can expect at the end [of your career at UTM] is in the definition of the words "seeking teacher certification": You will get a teacher's license. • The courses were waived because you have met the general education requirements for one degree. You are NOT seeking another degree; therefore, general education courses are not important. You are "seeking teacher certification"; therefore, you must take/complete the coursework that matters for "seeking teacher certification."
Which is correct? • In Old Testament times, it was a miracle if an ass spoke; my, how times have changed. • In Old Testament times, it was a miracle if an ass spoke. My! How times have changed! • In Old Testament times, it was a miracle if a ass spoke. My, how times have changed!
Which is correct? • Any fool can criticize, condemn, or complain. Most fools do. ~Ben Franklin • Any fool can criticize, condemn, or complain; most fools do. ~Ben Franklin • Any fool can criticize, condemn or complain. Most fools do. ~Ben Franklin
Well, Jessica, I got a new iPhone 5. Guess what I figured out? I have discovered a new way to use all those iPads in our office. When I discovered talking text, I also discovered that it would punctuate as I told it to. Furthermore, it also knows the difference between your/you're when I say you're welcome. Ain't this going to be fun! This will be a neat way to teach teachers to teach grammar. It will also be a neat way to teach editing and revision. Yes, every word and punctuation of the above text was dictated into my microphone on my iPhone 5. I love it!