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Begin to Understand Qur’an & Salah – The Easy Way. Basic Course Lesson - 2. www.understandQuran.com. Lesson Plan. Hadith Quran - Al Fathihah 5-7 Grammar - He is a muslim… Motivational tip - Book of blessings Reminders. HADITH. Hadith.
Begin to UnderstandQur’an & Salah – The Easy Way Basic Course Lesson - 2 www.understandQuran.com
Lesson Plan Hadith Quran - Al Fathihah 5-7 Grammar - He is a muslim… Motivational tip - Book of blessings Reminders
Hadith "Allah does not look at your figures, nor at your attire but He looks at your hearts and accomplishments".[Muslim]. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Source: Riyadh us Saaliheen 2-7
Allah But, looks at Does not look at your figures/ attire your hearts and accomplishments
Hearts: Let us study Qur’an to please Him only. Accomplishments: Let us plan to be consistent.
AL QURAN Al-Fatihah The Opening Chapter
Open your notes & Take out your pencil • Let us study it verse by verse. • Keep looking at your notes for writing imp. points with your pencil.
Meanings عِبَادَة مَعْبُود نَعْبُدُ From the same root ع ب د
Meanings عَون، تَعَاوُن إسْتِعَانَة إعَانَة، مُعَاوِن نَسْتَعِين From the same root ع ون
4 • To worship You also we need Your help. • Ask Allah from the depth of your heart. • Feel that I am a beggar in front of Allah and nothing without Allah’s help.
Meanings هِدَايَة هُدًى اِهْدِ From the same rootه د ي
مُسْتَقِيم Straight
This is the help that we need. This is the main Du’aa of the Surah. • We need His help to know the path and to follow it till out death.
1423 1080
Meanings إنْعَام أنْعَمْتَ favor You have bestowed favors
Meanings عَلَى + هُمْ = عَلَيْهُمْ them on عَلَيْهِمْ Easy to say it!!! Like بِهِم، فِيهِمْ، إلَيهِمْ
أَنعَمْتَ عَلَيهِمْ • Let us take the top one, Muhammad, pbuh • He recd. the guidance • Understood it • Propagated it • Did tazkiah (purificn. of those who accepted it) • Implemented the laws in the society • & Became successful here & the hereafter. • أنبِيَاء • صدّيقين • شهدَاء • صَالِحين
1423 1080 • Ask Allah from the depth of your heart that you want to follow in all those areas
To Remember مَغْضُوب مَظْلُوم مَغْضُوب One who is subjected to ظُلم One who is subjected to anger
Meanings ضَالُّون ضَالِّين ضَالٌّ the one who goes astray those who go astray
A person follows the wrong because: • He does not know • He does not want to follow Worst case: Who knows but does not follow; that is why it is mentioned first.
Recite it with the feelings that we really don’t want to be such people.
Silent Study for 2 min. in Silence Use your pencil to mark or underline new words. And now translate…
DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check سُورَۃُ الْفَاتِحَۃ ... إِيَّاكَنَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ{5} اهدِنَاالصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ{6} 143* 46
DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check سُورَۃُ الْفَاتِحَۃ ... صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ {7} 1423 1080 1732 147
Let us Revise the last class
1295 times or 1.5% of total words Explain to Arabs
Let us learn to make plurals By adding ون or ين
جمع سالم: ون، ين مُسْلِم مُسْلِمُون، مُسْلِمِين مُؤْمِن مُؤمِنُون، مُؤمِنِين صَالِح صَالِحُون، صَالِحِين كَافِر كَافِرُون ، كَافِرِين مُشْرِك مُشْرِكُون، مُشْرِكِين مُنَافِق مُنَافِقُون، مُنَافِقِين
We have to understand the Qur’an… If we want to make our relationship with the Qur’an meaningful
Our Relationship with Qur’an • Direct • Personal • Planned • Relevant DPPR www.understandquran.com
Direct • Whenever we read Qur’an or listen to it, it is Allah talking to us. He is ALIVE. He is watching our response LIVE (right there).
Personal • If Allah says, “Be Kind to parents” then take it as for you and not for others in the audience. It is for me. A personal message.
Planned • If I hear something of Qur’an today, it was written in my fate before even I was born that so and so verses will be recited to me. • Same is true for any ayah. • If food, clothing and all the material needs are a part of Qadr, then what I listen or read is also a part of Qadr.
Relevant • If I hear today, “Be kind to parents”, I should immediately check my relationship with parents TODAY and NOW. • Allah will not talk to us any irrelevant things. It is our duty to find the relevance. • Same way for other verses
So, to realize this relationship… DPPR • Direct • Personal • Planned • Relevant We have to understand the Qur’an.. www.understandquran.com
What have we learnt? Quran : صراط، غير، لاetc. Grammar : He is a Muslim, etc Educational tip: Book with full of Blessings Study the material thoroughly, and then fill up the work sheet in the .pdf file sent with the email.
Remember Dua 7 Home Works 5 Min Study at the Start of the Day 5 Min Recitation without Translation 5 Min Recitation from Memory • 30 seconds study @ 5 times (preferably before or after Salah) from the pocket book/POSTERS 1 Min Discussion about the lesson with someone Recite different Surahs in the Salah Listen to the Cassettes Pray to Allah after almost every Salah that Allah give you & your friends to continue this work.
Be ready for the next lesson! Allah has chosen you to learn Qur’an this Ramadan. Thank Him & don’t reject his selection by walking away! Don’t give up! سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَكَ اللهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ نَشْهَدُ أَن لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ نَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَنَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ