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2ARINC Proprietary Data. Purpose. Increase ability to economically plan, prepare, and deliver successful proposals using ARINC proposal tools and resources by completing the following objectives:Describe the ARINC proposal preparation process.Explain approaches to and methods for performing key
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Planning and Preparation Seminar
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ARINC Proprietary Data Purpose
Increase ability to economically plan, prepare, and deliver successful proposals using ARINC proposal tools and resources by completing the following objectives:
Describe the ARINC proposal preparation process.
Explain approaches to and methods for performing key proposal planning and preparation tasks.
Describe a proven methodology for writing the proposal.
Describe the primary sections of a proposal.
Know how to get proposal resource data.
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ARINC Proprietary Data Introduction
Pre Proposal Preparation
Proposal Preparation
Post Proposal Submission Activities
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ARINC Proprietary Data Introduction What is a proposal?
What is a good proposal?
What does it take to develop a good proposal?
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ARINC Proprietary Data Pre Proposal Preparation Phase 1 - Opportunity Assessment
including Long Term Positioning
Phase 2 - Capture Management
including Core Team Preparation
Phase 3 - Pre Proposal
preparing for the release of the RFP
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 1Opportunity Assessment Begins the proposal process
Qualifies an opportunity as a legitimate target
Is an iterative process
Culminates with an Opportunity Review
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ARINC Proprietary Data Steps in Qualifying an Opportunity Define the opportunity
Analyze the customer
Define proposal review drivers
Assess the potential competition
Determine teaming requirements
Analyze performance and cost risk
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ARINC Proprietary Data Steps in Qualifying an Opportunity Develops the initial win strategy
Identify sources
Inside company
Outside company
What’s needed
Product line fit
Funding available
Decision maker agrees
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ARINC Proprietary Data Capturing This InformationUsing Form AR-6516 Competitive Opportunity Tracking and Fact Sheet (AR-6516)
Customer issues
Analyze strategy options
Develop winning strategy
Develop proof of benefits
Competitive analysis
Teaming requirements
Determine program requirements
Estimate proposal costs and required resources
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 1 APEx Tools Opportunity Assessment Form AR-6516 Sections Helpful Tools to Complete AR-6516
Part I: Administrative Data Data required self explanatory, no tools required.
Part II: Technical/Contractual Data Data required self explanatory, no tools required.
Part III: Special Considerations Data required self explanatory, no tools required.
Part IV: Proposal Strategy Customer Issues Checklist Analyzing the Decision Makers Self Analysis Worksheet Analyzing Strategy Options Developing the Winning Strategy Developing Proof of Benefits Conducting a Competitive Analysis Teaming Requirements Estimate B&P Requirements
Part V: Teaming Approach Determining Program Requirements
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ARINC Proprietary Data Exercise #1 - Review
Sample Opportunity Review Sheet, Form AR-6516
State three of the biggest deficiencies in proposal development
State three common errors in developing a proposal
List three important reasons for this deficiency or error
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 2Capture Management Complete win strategy and develop initial win themes
Develop capture plan
Identify need for potential teaming partners
Submit a Proposal Establishment Memo (PEM) to request spending authority
Brief Management
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ARINC Proprietary Data What’s Required for a Positive Bid Decision Well defined customer requirements
Adequate customer funding
Opportunity is part of strategic business objectives
If not incumbent, address plan on how we can replace current one. Is proposal a multiple award?
Available proposal resources
Return and risk
Winning proposal themes
Ability to write technical solution and sample tasks
Understanding of unwritten concerns and issues
Enough time to write a WINNING proposal
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ARINC Proprietary Data Requirement for Bid Board with AES Executive Vice President Bid Board required if
Requires B&P > 25K and/or an award value > 2.5 Million
For Bid Boards complete the following forms
Opportunity Assessment (AR-6516)
Proposal Establishment Memorandum -- PEM (AR-6301 LLC)
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 2 APEx ToolsCapture Management Anticipating Bid Board Questions
Bid Board Presentation Outline
Bid/No Bid Decision Matrix
Capture Plan Outline
Developing Agreements with Subcontractors
Performing a Risk Analysis
Proposal Establishment Memorandum (AR-6301) for AES LLC
Proposal Establishment Memorandum (AR-6301) for ARINC Incorporated
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ARINC Proprietary Data Exercise #2
Theming Session
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 3 Pre-Proposal Identify and organize the proposal team
Finalize themes
Nail down required teaming partners and finalize commitments by signing teaming agreements
Activity is dependent upon whether there is a draft RFP to review
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Team Major Milestones Forming the Proposal Team
Select proposal manager
Establish core team
Establish proposal war room and library
Develop proposal strategy
Formulate straw man RFP
Establish should cost, pricing strategy, and estimating guidelines
Create straw man executive summary
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Team Roles and Responsibilities Team Make-Up
Proposal Manager
Volume Leader
Production Coordinator
Review Team Leader
Ad-Hoc Team Members
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Manager Manages the proposal team
Determines requirements and develops proposal strategy
Assesses and organizes resources
Assigns tasks and enforces schedule
Controls B&P spending
Directs and focuses proposal team
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ARINC Proprietary Data Volume Leaders/Writers
Prepares volume outline
Prepares and brief story board to review team
Writes and/or reviews proposal sections
Ensures section compliance
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ARINC Proprietary Data Production Coordinator
Maintains configuration control
Manages production
Manages graphics
Develops proposal standards
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ARINC Proprietary Data Review Team
Review for compliance
Review for substance
Provide constructive criticism and recommendations
Review to ensure win themes come through in writing of proposal sections
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ARINC Proprietary Data Contracts/Subcontracts
Prepares teaming agreements
Communicates with Customer’s procurement/ contracts department
Submits proposal questions
Responsible for Contracts and Pricing Volume
Keeps you out of jail
Submits all ARINC pricing data to the customer or prime contractor
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ARINC Proprietary Data Pricing
Develops proposal pricing
As Prime, and
As Subcontractor
Responds to DCAA and customer pricing questions
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ARINC Proprietary Data More Team Responsibilities Draft Section Strategy
Develop section strategy
Section writers
Based on overall proposal strategy, but reflect specific section concerns
Incorporate themes
Develop baseline design
Design to should-cost limits
Identify cost drivers
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ARINC Proprietary Data More Team Responsibilities Create storyboards to:
Prototype the section
Facilitate planning
Allow for peer & management review
Coordinate sections
Avoid unnecessary writing
Avoid wrong emphasis
Provide proposal development efficiency
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ARINC Proprietary Data Exercise #3 Practice drafting sample RFP questions
Work in groups to prepare a sample storyboard
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Development Tools APEx and PDC Resources
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Development Tools The PDC has put together a series of tools designed to help proposal team members to write and manage proposals to help you put together a high quality proposal. Tools can be viewed and downloaded by proposal phase, proposal role, or by performing a key word search based on the title of the tool or the name of the associated activity.
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 3 APEx Tools: Proposal Management Determining Program RequirementsDetermining Team CompositionDeveloping Proof of BenefitsFacilitating Teaming AgreementsKey Holes and IssuesProposal DirectiveProposal Team Members' Roles and ResponsibilitiesSelf Analysis WorksheetSubcontractor POC ListSubmitting RFP Questions
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 3 ToolsProposal Administration Identifying Production RequirementsIndividual Volume AnalysisProposal Configuration Management PlanProposal Style GuideSetting Up the Proposal FacilityVolume Production Summary
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ARINC Proprietary Data Using APEx and the PDC APEx
Provides a library of tools and proposal information to help the proposal process
Help to stop reinventing the wheel
Allows a more tailored response to customer
Don’t use as boilerplate - tailor to your RFP and customer
Proposal Development Center (PDC)
Stable of proposal personnel who have been through the proposal process many times
Allows technical team to focus on technical proposal
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ARINC Proprietary Data APEx Resources Proposal Development Tools - Access a toolkit of proposal templates, checklists, and forms tied to the ARINC Proposal Development Process.APEx Proposal Library - Access and search previously submitted proposal data contained in APEx as well as samples of commonly used proposal data and format samples.Proposal Data Gathering Sources - Access available on-line data source links on the intranet that can aid in proposal development.About ARINC - Access corporate data sources that could be used in a proposal.Subcontractors - Search for subcontractors based on your proposal teaming requirements — includes ratings on selected subcontractors.About the PDC - View services the Proposal Development Center can perform in the ARINC Proposal Development Process.
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 3 Tools: Proposal Development Compliance MatrixDeveloping Management ApproachDeveloping Technical ApproachDeveloping Winning ThemesRFP Analysis ChecklistRFP Content
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ARINC Proprietary Data Accessing APEx in the ARINC Proposal Development Process Username: APEX
Password: xxxxxxx
To obtain a password, see your Division Manager or
Call the PDC
David Warwick: 410-266-4525 or
Tom Bennett: 410-266-4922
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ARINC Proprietary Data APEx Proposal Library
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Data Gathering Sources
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ARINC Proprietary Data About ARINC
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ARINC Proprietary Data
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ARINC Proprietary Data Role the PDC Plays in Proposal Development Proposal development support
Proposal management
Proposal review
Proposal theming
Proposal training
Assist you in using/accessing APEx
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ARINC Proprietary Data Exercise #4 Provide a brief demonstration of APEx
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Preparation Phase 4 - RFP Release
Phase 5 - Proposal Development
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 4RFP Release Energize the proposal team
Read RFP from cover to cover
Revisit pricing strategy
Make the “Go/No Go” decision
Develop the proposal directive
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ARINC Proprietary Data Go/No Go Decision Answer the following questions to determine whether to proceed:
RFP is what was expected?
Any show stoppers?
Win strategy still valid?
Programmatic and technical risk assumptions still valid?
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Directive Brief Conveys proposal order of operations
Proposal standards
Proposal schedule
Win themes
Basic information
Resume/past performance templates
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ARINC Proprietary Data Analyze the RFP Section C – Description/Specifications/SOW/SOO
Section L – Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors
Section M - Evaluation Factors for Award
RFP Responsiveness
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ARINC Proprietary Data Prepare the Proposal Outline Normally prepared by Proposal Manager
Top level layout of proposal
Beginning compliance matrix
Assign volume and section responsibilities
Allocation of pages
Structure is dictated by Sections L and M of the RFP
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ARINC Proprietary Data Use the Compliance Matrix An extremely valuable table that maps each individual RFP requirement to the proposal
Used to assign proposal team members to respond to each requirement
Condensed version should be submitted at the front of the submitted proposal to cross reference where our proposal responds to each requirement
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ARINC Proprietary Data Exercise #5 Review a sample Proposal Directive (Kickoff Meeting) Brief
Review and discuss a Request for Proposal (RFP)
Prepare a Proposal Outline
Prepare a Compliance Matrix
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 4 APEx ToolsProposal Management Bid/No Bid ChecklistConduct Kickoff MeetingDeveloping the Proposal ScheduleProposal DirectiveSubmitting RFP Questions
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 4 APEx ToolsProposal Development Compliance MatrixRFP Analysis ChecklistRFP Content
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 4 APEx ToolsProposal Administration Identifying Production RequirementsProposal Configuration Management PlanProposal Delivery PlanProposal Style Guide
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 5Proposal Development Define team member roles and activities to facilitate teamwork in a coordinated environment
Establish major milestones to aid development
Write to the RFP requirements and tie proposal volumes/sections together
Schedule status meetings
Have an independent group review proposal material
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ARINC Proprietary Data Major Milestones to Aid inProposal Development Proposal volume outline
Data gathering
Blue team review
Written drafts Red team review
Proposal production
Executive/Gold Team Review
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ARINC Proprietary Data Schedule Proposal Manager develops and maintains schedule of activities and milestones
Highly recommended to hold regular status meetings to avoid significant problems and to keep proposal team members informed
Action items at these meetings should be tracked, discussed, and closed out
APEx contains sample 30-day and 45-day schedules
Schedules are linked to proposal tools
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ARINC Proprietary Data Sample 30 Day Proposal Schedule
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ARINC Proprietary Data Typical Proposal Reviews Blue Team
Usually done by proposal team and includes Review Team Leader
Fixes outline and storyboards
Reviews first draft of proposal sections
Red Team
Done by a review team
Review as if final submission
Evaluates and fixes proposal
Executive or Gold Team Review
Typically is the Business Unit VP or Senior Director
Last read through from an outside source
Fixes proposal show stoppers
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ARINC Proprietary Data Primary Sections of a Proposal Executive Summary
Technical Approach
Past Performance
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ARINC Proprietary Data Executive Summary ARINC’s sales pitch for why we should win this proposal
Summary of proposal
Includes main proposal themes and all section themes
Addresses “Why ARINC” and “Why the ARINC Team” (Benefits to Customer)
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ARINC Proprietary Data Technical Approach and Sample Task Write to RFP requirements (Section L) and RFP evaluation factors (Section M)
Understanding of Customer’s organization
Understanding of the problem and technology
Clear, detailed description of approach and evidence of success in same or similar effort
Clear identification of anticipated risks and use of risk mitigation
Use of WBS
Design freeze must precede
Should be tailored to Customer’s needs and benefits and not be a textbook answer or direct APEx/previous proposal boilerplate
Staffing Plan
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ARINC Proprietary Data Management Approach Write to Section L & M
Lines of authority/clear organizational structure
Project/cost controls
Subcontract management
Match with technical approach and cost proposal
Problem resolution/risk mitigation
Start-up plan
Team facilities -- emphasize unique capabilities
Should be tailored to Customer’s needs and benefits and not be a textbook answer or direct APEx/previous proposal boilerplate
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ARINC Proprietary Data Personnel/Resumes Write to Section L & M
Name recognition
Attractiveness versus cost
Tied to cost proposal
Best Value Solution versus Cost
Technical Competence and Experience versus Cost
Smorgasbord or dedicated few
Tailored resumes
Establish common format, if not provided by RFP
Write resumes to RFP labor category and SOW/SOO requirements
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ARINC Proprietary Data Past Performance Write to Sections L & M
Use recent experience -- past 3 to 5 years (usually asked for)
Tailored descriptions
Emphasize applicability to program being proposed
Tie to RFP SOW Paragraphs
Explain any shortcomings
Identify benefits and accomplishments
Make sure customer information is correct
Identify correct points of contact, don’t rely solely on CPAD
Get updated address, phone, fax, and e-mail
Know what the customer will say about ARINC
Establish common format if not provided by the RFP
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ARINC Proprietary Data Contractual Information Provides contract data required by the RFP, including:
Completed Section B, RFP Pricing Summary
Sample contract
Certs & Reps
Teaming information
Acknowledgement of RFP amendments
Small Business Plans/Subcontracting Plans
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ARINC Proprietary Data Cost Volume Provides detailed pricing
Presents pricing in accordance with the RFP requirements
Provides pricing Basis of Estimate (BOE)
Reasonableness – Costs are fully justified and documented
Realism Analysis – Costs are compatible with proposal scope and efforts while meeting or exceeding all RFP requirements
Completeness – Required cost information included is traceable to the schedule
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ARINC Proprietary Data Exercise #6 Discuss an Executive Summary
Discuss a Technical Section and Sample Task
Discuss a Management Section
Compare a CPAD resume to a Tailored resume and discuss
Compare a CPAD contract write-up to a tailored past performance write-up and discuss
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ARINC Proprietary Data
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ARINC Proprietary Data
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ARINC Proprietary Data Exercise #7 Review an Oral Presentation Slide and associated Transcript
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 5 APEx ToolsProposal Management Managing SubcontractorsStatus MeetingsTracking Action ItemsWorking with Contracts and Pricing
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 5 APEx ToolsProposal Development ARINC On-line Proposal Data ResourcesCreating an Annotated OutlineDeveloping the Cover, Spines, and Title PagesDeveloping First Draft TextDeveloping First Draft GraphicsDeveloping the OCI Avoidance/Mitigation PlanOral Proposal ScheduleStoryboardWriting the Executive SummaryWriting the President/CEO Letter
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 5 APEx ToolsProposal Review Conducting a Blue Team ReviewConducting the Red Team ReviewDeficiency ReportPreparing Red Team CriteriaPreparing for Red Team ReviewPresenting Red Team FindingsPrincipal CommentsRating SheetReviewing Proposal Writer's Work/Offering Writing AdviceReviewing StoryboardsSelection of Red Team Reviewers
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 5 APEX ToolsProposal Administration Packaging the Proposal for DeliveryProducing the Final ProposalProviding Production Support to the Proposal TeamProposal Configuration Management Plan
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ARINC Proprietary Data Post Proposal Submission Activities Phase 6 – Post-Proposal Submission
Phase 7 – Post Award
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 6Post-Proposal Submission Continue to track proposal and respond to questions
Submit Best and Final Offer (BAFO) if required
Ensure any changes ripple through the entire proposal
Document lessons learned
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ARINC Proprietary Data Exercise #8 Discussion - Evaluation Notices (ENs) Why they happen
How to respond
Common Problems
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ARINC Proprietary Data Best and Final Offers (BAFOs) Purpose: Provide potential Customer final inputs
Answer what they indicate
Answer any ENs
Provide new pricing
Evaluate how proposal was received
Determine who/how to respond
Last chance to provide a winning proposal
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 6 APEx ToolsPost Proposal Submission Conducting a Proposal Lessons Learned SessionGathering IntelligenceHosting a Pre-Award SurveyHosting a Technical DemonstrationResponding ENs/CRs/DRs or Questions
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 7Post Award Begin contract start-up activities to prepare for contract kick-off
Conduct proposal debrief with customer
Send proposal to ARINC proposal exchange (APEx), if not done after proposal submission
Close PEM
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ARINC Proprietary Data Debriefings When and how to request
Desired information
Standards: How well did we meet them?
Strengths and weaknesses
Waiting too long
Not converting findings to useful lessons
One of the ways the PDC wants to help you
Want a debriefing either if you WIN or Lose
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ARINC Proprietary Data Phase 7 APEx ToolsPost Award Cancellation of Proposal Memorandum (AR-6303)Obtaining Information from Customer's Debriefing
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ARINC Proprietary Data Summary The Proposal Process ModelThe “Big Picture”
Proposal Resources
Benefits of the Proposal Process
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ARINC Proprietary Data The Proposal Process ModelThe “Big Picture”
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ARINC Proprietary Data Proposal Resources(You are not in it alone at ARINC) APEx
ARINC Intranet
ARINC division proposal organizations
Quality assurance personnel
Business Operations and HR
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ARINC Proprietary Data
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ARINC Proprietary Data Wrap-Up Questions and discussion
Results of seminar purpose and objectives
General questions and answers
Seminar critique