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Desuggestopedia Method: Unlocking Mental Reserve Capacities

Desuggestopedia is a method that helps individuals tap into their mental reserve capacities to learn faster than expected, overcoming anti-suggestive barriers through logical, emotional, and ethical principles. The process involves relaxation, conscious and unconscious factors in learning, and breaking through psychological set-ups. Dr. Lozanov's approach emphasizes the power of desuggestion to expand one's vision and perspective. Learn about means of desuggestion through self-fulfilling prophecies, rituals, music, intonation, and the golden section in architecture. Discover how Desuggestopedia can enhance your learning experience.

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Desuggestopedia Method: Unlocking Mental Reserve Capacities

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  1. Desuggestopedia …..is a method that helps you to tap into the mental reserve capacities Dr. Lozanov

  2. Basic Assumptions 1 The process of suggestion influences the increasing use of the reserve capacities of the brain and psyche. • You can learn faster than you expect • anti-suggestive barriers • logical • emotional • ethical

  3. Basic assumption 2 • Learning is free from tension • Concentrative relaxation • „Learning is state of mind dependent“

  4. Basic assumption 3 • Learning includes conscious and unconscious factors • Secondary information is important

  5. Anti-suggestive barriers 1 • The critical – locical barrier Denounces everything which does not follow a strict line of good intentions "That´s not possible" "Others may be able to do that, but not me."

  6. Anti-suggestive barriers 2 • The intuitive – affectionate barrier is connected with the biologically ingrained neg-ativistic tuning of man necessary for survival "I won´t do it. It just makes me feel uneasy. I can´t explain it really. I´d rather not, thank you."

  7. Anti-suggestive barriers 2 • The ethical barrier • The most complex barrier • It is connected with philosophical-wordly orientations of personality. "I really think that´s slightly dishonest." "I don´t think it´s fair."

  8. Overcoming the antisuggestive barriers is in fact a process of desuggestion. It allows people to expand from one fixated condition of stagnation and limitation to a vision of new horizons and new perspectives. (Dr. Gateva, p25) Antisuggestive barriers

  9. Our response to every stimuli is very complex, involving many unconscious processes which have become automatic responses. These are largely patterned responses - in many ways peculiar to us as individuals. The psychological set-up 1

  10. The psychological set-up 2 Skinner • The responses tend to be automatic and typical for them - the result of an inner, unconscious disposition or set-up. • The set-up is the product of automatized, conditioned responses.

  11. Power of the influence of our unconscious set-up is enormous. Overcoming of previous limits involve a change in our unconscious patterns of response. Only when a teacher is able to penetrate the set-up, the real potentials of a student begin to open up. The psychological set-up 3

  12. Authority Authority creates confidence in the reliability of expected results Prestige of the source of information Authority of teacher as a person Authority of classical art (transmits the knowledge of centuries) Carl Rogers Means of de-suggestion 1a

  13. Means of desuggestion 1bThe Self-Fulfilling Prophecy or Pygmalion Effect • The concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy can be summarized in these key principles: • We form certain expectations of people or events • We communicate those expectations with various cues. • People tend to respond to these cues by adjusting their behavior to match them. • The result is that the original expectation becomes true. • This creates a circle of self-fulfilling prophecies.

  14. Means of desuggestion 1bExperiment by Blumenthal (1968) •   Rosenthal and L. Jacobson worked with elementary school children from 18 classrooms. They randomly chose 20% of the children from each room and told the teachers they were "intellectual bloomers." • They explained that these children could be expected to show remarkable gains during the year. • The experimental children showed average IQ gains of two points in verbal ability, seven points in reasoning and four points in over all IQ. The "intellectual bloomers" really did bloom!

  15. Means of de-suggestion 2 • Infantilization • Pure and naive state of mind of a child curious interested motivated allowed to make mistakes trustful

  16. Means of desuggestion 3 • Rituals • Feeling of … safety • familiarity beginning of lessons ending of lessings suggetopedic kaladoscope

  17. Means of desuggestion 4 • Music • In music, the rhythm and intonation are basic means of expression. • The system of the music supposes a paraconscious absorption and assimilation of information.

  18. Means of desuggestion 5 • Intonation • One of the basic expressive means „intonational swing“ „learning is state of mind dependent“ • Use your voice like an instrument“

  19. Means of desuggestion 6 • Concerts • Create pseudopassivity in the students. In this state the reserve capacities of the personality are shown most fully.

  20. Means of desuggestion • The golden section • 'a geometric proportion in which a line is divided so that the ratio of the length of the longer line segment (A) to the length of the entire line (C) is equal to the ratio of the length of the shorter line segment (B) to the length of the longer line segment (A)."  Mathematically written, this would read: • A/C = B/A

  21. Golden section - architecture • The ancient Egyptians were the first to use mathematics in art. • The Parthenon was perhaps the best example of a mathematical approach to art.

  22. Golden section - architecture • Medieval builders of churches and cathedrals approached the design aspect of their buildings similarly to Greeks. • The 20th Century architect Le Corbusier (1887-1965) developed a scale of proportions, which were according to the rules of the golden section.

  23. Golden section in music • Mozart's sonatas are divided into two parts exactly at the golden section point in almost all cases.

  24. Golden section - art • The Golden Section was used extensively by Leonardo Da Vinci. • used it for beautyand balance in the design of art • The French impressionist painter Georges Pierre Seurat is said to have "attacked” every canvas by the golden section

  25. Golden section – human body

  26. Golden section - plants • Here a plant illustrates that each successive level of branches is often based on a progression through the Fibonacci series. • Many flowers have petals that total a number in, or very close to, the Fibonacci series

  27. Golden section - planets • Venus and the Earth are linked in an unusual relationship involving phi.  • Start by letting Mercury represent the basic unit of orbital distance and period in the solar system

  28. The golden section – credit cards • Even the logos of many credit card companies are pretty good approximations to golden rectangles.

  29. Means of desuggestion 8 • Successful atmoshere • artistic • psychological • educational

  30. Successful atmosphere -psychological • psychological nurturing supportive • Student • feels free to try out the new information • can be inventive • can make mistakes without being put down • enjoys the learning experience.

  31. Successful atmosphere -artistic • Artistic • Good quality pictures They should be displayed and changed every few days. • Music can be played as the students enter the room, and during the breaks. • Plants and flowers. • Chairs are arranged in a U-shape, there is a better communication possible

  32. Successful atmosphere - educational • educational • The material should be presented in a structured fashion, combining the Big Picture, Analysis and Synthesis. • Every moment should be a didactic experience even when the learning process is not that apparent.

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