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Bourne MIDDLE School Be Fit ~ Wellness & Physical Education ~2019-20

This course focuses on assessing physical and mental health to promote personal wellness. Students engage in Fitnessgram tests, learn about body systems, fitness, nutrition, stress management, and more. The program offers various activities to support lifelong fitness and wellness, emphasizing health-related physical fitness for overall well-being. The curriculum aligns with National Standards for Physical Education and Health, emphasizing motor skills, movement patterns, knowledge application, physical activity, and responsible behavior. The course includes a mix of individualized fitness activities and traditional PE experiences like sports, dance, and outdoor pursuits.

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Bourne MIDDLE School Be Fit ~ Wellness & Physical Education ~2019-20

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  1. Bourne MIDDLE School Be Fit ~ Wellness & Physical Education ~2019-20 Samantha Ziehl ~ sziehl@bourneps.org Andy Mather ~ amather@bourneps.org

  2. WHY Wellness?“In our Department, we create brain cells, it’s up to other teachers to Fill them.” Zientarski Brain Based Learning ~ • Tons of research has shown the effectives of exercise on the brain ~ 20 minutes of aerobic activity creates synapses and prepares the brain to focus and learn • “Spark” by Dr. John Ratey explains how exercise can “supercharge your mental circuits in order to beat stress, sharpen your thinking, lift your mood, and boost your memory” • A wellness class enhances “brain based learning.” Students learn how to “manage their brain” with exercise. • “Exercise optimizes brain function by fostering quality. (Ratey,36)” • “Wellness & PE can save education” ~ • Research from Naperville, Il shows how an effective fitness based PE program can improve standardized test scores • California Department of Education has correlated Fitnessgram test scores with standardized test scores, result students in the HFZ tend to score higher on standardized testing • Activity can prevent boredom and unsafe behaviors ~ • By providing students with a variety of activities, students can take their learning out of the gym and apply it at home. Also regular fitness based activity can improve and enhance self confidence, self worth, and self awareness. Students are prepared to make healthier, wiser decisions.

  3. Be Fit ~ Wellness Course Description This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to assess one’s health physically and mentally in order to enhance one’s personal wellness. Students will participate in the Fitness grams tests in order to pretest and set goals then to post test and analyze goals. Throughout the semester long course, students will learn about body systems, individualized personal fitness, nutrition, stress management and the importance of sleep in order to lower the risks of infections and chronic diseases. Students will also participate in a variety of individualized personal fitness activities in order to promote lifelong fitness and wellness. This is an activity based course.

  4. Physical Education ~ Course Description • Students will participate in activities that provide the opportunity for learning experiences in knowledge, skills and fitness through instruction, cooperative learning and physical activity. The Physical Education program offers a variety of experiences such as: Project Adventure, Physical Best, conditioning, dance, table tennis, outdoor pursuits, including fishing, and team and individual sports. The program will focus on health-related physical fitness to promote a lifetime of personal wellness. Students will value physical activity for health, to relieve mental and emotional tension, self-expression and social interaction. The program will focus on health-related physical fitness to promote a lifetime of personal wellness. Students will value physical activity for health, challenge, to relieve mental and emotional tension, self-expression and social interaction.

  5. Curriculum Alignment to National Standards • SHAPE America's National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education and Health define what a student should know and be able to do as result of a highly effective health and physical education program. States and local school districts across the country use the National Standards to develop or revise existing standards, frameworks and curricula.

  6. SHAPE ~ National PE Standards • PE Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. • PE Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. • PE Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness. • PE Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. • PE Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

  7. Be Fit ~ Wellness & PE Learning Activities

  8. Be Fit ~ Wellness & Physical Education Grading • There are two components to the quarter grade: • Participation/effort (75%) ~ Daily grades (7 points maximum) will be based upon: • Being prepared for class • Participation • Effort • Respectful behavior/teamwork. • Written Assessment (25%) ~ • 1st Quarter ~ Goal Setting • 2nd Quarter ~ Health Related Fitness /Skill Related Fitness (7th & 8th grade) Definitions • 3rd Quarter ~ Fitness Component Application • 4th Quarter ~ Goal Analysis & The Fitness gram Post Test will be 10% of the grade (Participation will be 65%)

  9. Comparison of Wellness to PE • Wellness and PE are courses that are collaboratively designed to keep all students moving while enhancing the health related fitness components of movement.

  10. Differentiation through the GradeS • For Sport & Games: Grade 6 is focused upon skill refinement and utilizing more than one skill. For Fitness Based Activities: Grade six’s focus is on the essential questions of: why do we perform the fitness activity and how can we improve our results? • For Sport & Games: Grade 7 is focused upon utilizing the skills in order to compete in the game and or activity. For Fitness Based Activities: Grade 7 is focused on progression of the fitness activity for the age level. • For Sport & Games: Grade 8 is focused upon utilizing the skills in order to compete in the game and or activity. For Fitness Based Activities: Grade 8 is focused on progression of the fitness activity for the age level.

  11. Healthy Eating & Drinking Habits • School Wellness Policy Mission Statement • Based on research conducted by the Center for Disease Control, the Bourne Public School District – School Committee acknowledges the direct correlation between health and academic success. Therefore, we will provide the necessary resources in nutrition, health and physical education, school based activities and food services to promote healthy lifestyles and maximize student performance. •  Food available on school campus will follow USDA Regulations and MA School Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods and Beverages. • Beverage machines sell water and low sugar/low calorie powerade • Snacks provided by the school are low calorie/reduced sugar • Classroom celebrations are to follow the wellness policy

  12. SupportHow do you get “on Board?” • Parental Involvement • See the website, www.bmspe.weebly.com for monthly updates on what’s going on in class • Quarterly emails to remind families about what’s going on • Attend the Fall and Spring evening activities for family members to participate • Attend school wide events, such as a Turkey Trot • Attend Parent Informational Nights • Administrative Support • Meet with Administration to discuss and plan activities • Invite the administration to actively participate in the evening activities • Health & PE teachers can host the Parent Informational Meeting about infusing exercise and healthy eating habits • Health & PE teachers can attend PTA, School Council and School Committee Meetings to showcase the program

  13. Bourne Middle School Be Fit ~ Wellness Website www.bmspe.weebly.com The website is updated monthly with current announcements. Information regarding, The Contract, Fitnessgram Testing, Medical Notes, Study Guides, PEEP Awards and other accomplishments such as mile times, BEEP-BEEP’s or Turkey Trot Information will be posted. Also, pictures of fishing from the previous school year are posted. In addition, annual Wellness nights are announced.

  14. Summary • In closing, a strong wellness program will make a positive effect on school climate. • Promotes wellness & fitness • Promotes team work, cooperation, problem solving, communication • Promotes healthy life style • Enhance brain activity to improve focus, memory retention and learning readiness • Enhances self confidence, self worth, and self awareness • Fun!

  15. References • Ratey, John J., and Eric Hagerman. "Aging." Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. New York: Little, Brown, 2008. N. CH9. Print. • Meeks, L., Heit, P., & Page, R. (2013). Comprehensive school health education totally awesome strategies for teaching health (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. • http://www.wordle.net/create, 3/10/2016 • http://www.bourneps.org/policies.cfm?pid=6921&searchwords=Wellness, 2/14/2019 • https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/sher/standards/index.htm, 2/14/2019 • https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/, 2/14/2019

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