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The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Overview

An overview of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, highlighting its impact on improving student achievement, narrowing achievement gaps, increasing graduation and college enrollment rates, and increasing college attainment. The plan includes key elements such as early learning, effective teaching, increased access and affordability, and system-wide capacity. The Act has had a substantial impact, awarding billions of dollars and creating jobs in the education sector.

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The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Overview

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  1. The American Recovery & Reinvestment ActOverview March 2010

  2. Moving America’s Education System Forward What we need to do: • Improve student achievement • Narrow achievement gaps • Increase graduation and college enrollment rates • Increase college attainment PRESIDENT OBAMA’S GOAL America will have the highest proportion of college graduates of any country by 2020

  3. Cradle-to-Careers Education Plan Early Learning K-12 College & Career LITERACY & NUMERACY BY 3RD GRADE EFFECTIVE TEACHING & LEARNING INCREASED ACCESS &AFFORDABILITY College and Career Attainment

  4. Key Elements of Successful K-12 Reform System-Wide Capacity Aligned Instruction Effective Teaching & Learning School Environment Community Teachers and Leaders

  5. The Big Picture: K-12 Reform Elements and Priorities System-Wide Capacity Data Systems Standards and Assessments Aligned Instruction Effective Teaching & Learning School Environment Community Teachers and Leaders Struggling Schools Excellent teaching & Leadership

  6. American Recovery & Reinvestment ActStatus

  7. ARRA Advancing K-12 Reforms TQP $100 M Data Systems $250 M Title Title I $10 B IDEA $12.2 B Teacher Incentive $300 M Ed Tech $650 M Innovation Fund $650 M School Improvement $3.5 B Race to the Top $4.35 B State Fiscal Stabilization $48.6 B Early Learning K - 12 College & Career

  8. ARRA Substantial Impact to Date Spend Now to Save and Create Jobs • Awarded ~$71 Billion • +300,000 Jobs • Filled over $34 Billion in • State Education Shortfalls • 12 states with significant • legislative reforms • 41 Race To The Top Applicants • Substantial investments in • Professional Development • Classroom Technology Drive Education Reform

  9. ARRA 2nd Recipient Reporting • Trends in Jobs #s: SFSF down; Title I and IDEA up • Compliance: Approximately 98% of grant recipients reported -- represents 99.65% of the dollars awarded. • Quality Control: ED program offices reviewed 100% of all non- Federal Work Study reports • Transparency: The Department of Education continues to post data on a program-by-program and state-by-state basis to allow for easier tracking of education dollars (includes narratives). • OMB Changes:No significant impact on the data submitted given the clear, quantifiable nature of the education jobs saved or created with ARRA spending

  10. ARRA Obligations & Outlays

  11. Program Awards

  12. Remaining ARRA Grants

  13. ARRA Competitive Program Application Timelines Winter 2009-2010 Spring 2010 Summer 2010 RTT Phase I RTT Phase II School Improvement Grants SEAs & LEAs Investing in Innovation (i3) Teacher Incentive Fund

  14. State and District Coordination Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems 95% of ARRA Grants Explicitly Require SEA – LEA Coordination 95% of ARRA Grants Explicitly Require SEA – LEA Coordination $250 million Teacher Incentive Fund Race to the Top $200 million SFSF Phase Two School Improvement Grants Teacher Quality Part. Investing in Innovation $4.35 billion $100 million $3.5 billion Teacher Incentive Fund Ed Tech $650 million $200 million $11.5 billion $650 million

  15. ARRA Spending Timelines 2010 Fall 2011 2012 Winter 2013 Fall 2014 2015 9/30/11 SFSF Phase Two 9/30/11 ARRA Title I & IDEA 12/31/13 if a waiver granted Improvement Grants • School Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems within 3 years of award Race to the Top within 4 years of the award Teacher Incentive Fund within 5 years of the award

  16. ARRA Smart Uses of Funds • Laying the Groundwork for Reform • Preventing Property Tax Increases • Consolidating Programs & Funding – Related Curriculum • Professional Development • Drafting Plans for Turning Around Struggling Schools • Hiring Temporary Teaching Coaches and Mentors • Investing in Technology • Investing in Infrastructure and Construction • Preventing Tuition Increases at Universities and Colleges

  17. ARRA: Share Ideas & Combine Efforts Title I & IDEA ARRA Funds RTT Phase One Applications Previous TIF Awards 2010 TIF Applications SFSF Phase Two[baseline for remaining grants] Ed Tech Applications Teacher Quality Partnership SLDS Applications • Race to the Top Phase II • School Improvement Grant • Investing in Innovation Fund • Teacher Incentive Fund

  18. ARRA State-by-State Profiles (12/31/09 Reports)http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/leg/recovery/spending/impact2.html Thank You

  19. ESEA REAUTHORIZATION U.S. Department of Education

  20. Overarching Goal “By 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.” President Barack Obama, February 24, 2009 Early Learning (Birth-grade 3) Elementary(Grades K-5) Secondary (Grades 6-12) Post-Secondary Goal: All graduates have opportunities for success in the 21st century economy. Goal: All students enter middle school with foundational skills to tackle advanced subjects. Goal: All students graduate high school on time prepared for at least one year of post-secondary. Goal: All kindergarten students arrive ready to learn and remain on track to 4th grade.

  21. Overarching Principles • Raise the bar for all students. Close the gap. • Tight on goals. Loose on means. • Fosterinnovation and reward success. • Build on the four assurances.

  22. Fiscal Year 2011 Budget • Includes a $3 billion increase for programs under ESEA, and an additional $1 billion contingent on reauthorization – largest increase proposed in the 45-year history of the law. • Lays out a vision for the major themes for ESEA reauthorization: redefining the federal role in PK-12 education to focus less on compliance and more on rewarding success and supporting innovation. • Focus on maximizing impact by flexibility in approach, emphasizing competitive funding, accountability for outcomes, and evidence of results.

  23. Proposed Increases for ESEA Funding $28.0b $25.0b Competitive: $7.8b Competitive: $4.2b Formula: $20.8b Formula: $20.3b Formula - Formula - FY10 FY11 Request

  24. Core Areas for ESEA Reauthorization College- and Career-Ready Students Great Teachers and Great Leaders Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners A Complete Education Successful, Safe and Healthy Students Fostering Innovation and Excellence

  25. Early Learning • ESEA reauthorization provides the opportunity to promote a continuum of early learning programs and services from birth through 3rd grade across the six core areas. • Encourage: • Alignment of standards and assessments • Coordination of professional development • Engagement of families in their children’s learning • Integration of high-quality early learning programs into school reform efforts

  26. College & Career-Ready Students – Principles NCLB Our Proposal Lowered the bar Because of wrong incentives Raise the barFocus on college and career readiness Too prescriptive For too many schools Greater flexibilityFor all but lowest-performing & gap schools Too punitive Even where progress is being made Recognize successReward and learn from progress & growth Narrowed curriculum Focusing on tests in math and ELA Well-rounded educationAllow all subjects, fund better tests = Focus on gaps & equity Focus on achievement of all student groups Focus on gaps & equityMaintain focus + appropriate interventions

  27. College- and Career-Ready Students – Approach Rethinking the federal accountability system • Use growth and progress to measure schools. • Focus on closing achievement gaps. Respond to greatest challenges Provideflexibility for results Recognize& reward success Schools in bottom 5% Most schools School makinggreatest gains Schools in next 5% Schools meeting all performance targets Achievement gaps Similar differentiation at district and state level

  28. Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners • Maintain federal support for historically underserved groups. • English Learners • Strengthen programs for English learners and support teachers of ELs, including through new competitive funds. • All programs • Transparency on outcomes. • Greater flexibility. • Other minor changes to address community concerns or implementation issues. English Learner Education Migrant Education Neglected & Delinquent Indian Education Homeless Education Impact Aid Alaska Native Education Native Hawaiian Education Rural Education • Support students with disabilities in IDEA and across ESEA.

  29. Great Teachers and Great Leaders - Principles • Treat teachers like the professionalsthey are. • Shift focus from inputs tooutcomes. • Strengthen teacher and leader preparation. • Ensure equitable distributionof effective teachers and leaders.

  30. Great Teachers and Great Leaders - Structure Improve the effectiveness and equitabledistribution of teachers & leaders. Effective Teachers & Leaders ($2.5b) Preparation& support Equitable distribution Meaningful evaluations Flexibilitywith results Teacher & Leader Innovation Fund ($950m) Teacher & LeaderPathways ($405m) Support ambitious reformsin teacher & leader placement, compensation, recognition & advancement. Develop & scale up programs that prepare teachers & leaders to be effective where needed most.

  31. A Complete Education - Principles • Support high-quality instruction in high-need districts and schools. • Support implementation of college- and career-ready standards. • Focus on a complete and well-rounded education. • Improve low-income students’ access to accelerated and college-level coursework.

  32. A Complete Education - Structure Literacy ($450m) STEM ($300m) Well-Rounded ($265m) Improve literacy instruction in high-need districts and schools, aligned with standards that build to college- and career-readiness. Improve STEM instruction in high-need districts and schools, aligned with standards that build to college- and career- readiness. Improve low-income students’ access to well-rounded education in subjects such as history, art, foreign languages, & financial literacy. College Pathways & Accelerated Learning ($100m) Improve access to accelerated coursework for students in high-need schools, including early college/dual enrollment, other acceleration & transition activities.

  33. Successful, Safe & Healthy Students - Principles • Ensure students are safe and healthy. • Ensure students have regular access to adults who care about their success. • Provide comprehensivesupports along the birth-through-college-and-career continuum, working with CBOs. • Offer more time and supports for students and teachers to focus on teaching and learning. • Engage and empower families.

  34. Successful, Safe & Healthy Students - Structure PromiseNeighborhoods ($210m) Successful, Safe, & Healthy Students ($410m) 21st Century Community Learning Centers ($1.2b) • Implement climate measurement systems to target resources to: • improve school safety and strengthen family & student engagement; • improve students’ physical & mental health. • Strengthen community learning centers & support more learning time including: • after-school programs; • expanded learning time; • full-service community schools. • Create birth-through-college-and-career-continuum of: • effective community services; • strong family supports; • comprehensive education reform.

  35. Fostering Innovation & Excellence - Principles • Encourage States and districts to put in place conditions for innovation and reform. • Expand and sustain promising and proven innovations. • Expand the range and quality of educational choices available to students. • Empower families to make informed choices.

  36. Fostering Innovation & Excellence - Structure Race to the Top ($1.35b) Investing inInnovation ($500m) Encourage States & districts to take on comprehensivesystemic reforms. Spur and scale up promising and proven innovations. Supporting EffectiveCharters ($400m) Promoting PublicSchool Choice ($90m) Magnet Schools Assistance ($110m) Create and expand high-performingcharter & other public autonomous schools. Design and implement comprehensive systems of choice. Support magnets that raise diversity & achievement.

  37. Core Areas for ESEA Reauthorization College- and Career-Ready Students Great Teachers and Great Leaders Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners A Complete Education Successful, Safe and Healthy Students Fostering Innovation and Excellence

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