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WISE – Recruiting & Retaining WOMEN in IT Nancy Moyers, Ashley Augustine, Allison Loehr, Ebe Randeree Ebe.Randeree@cci.fsu.edu. Introduction
WISE – Recruiting & Retaining WOMEN in IT Nancy Moyers, Ashley Augustine, Allison Loehr, Ebe Randeree Ebe.Randeree@cci.fsu.edu • Introduction • WISE (Women in IT Sharing Experiences) is a peer mentoring group started by STARS@FSU in 2009. WISE works to provide women in the IT program at FSU with opportunities for professional growth, networking and leadership through partnerships with female leaders in the local technology community • Overall female enrollment in the IT program at FSU 2006-2010 averages 20% • The number of females that graduate from the IT program has been limited to 7-10% • Success • INCLUSIVENESS: Amended name (now: Women in IT/ICT Sharing Experiences) and opened to other majors (CS, Business) • MENTORS: Access to 50+ leaders who serves as mentors and speakers • MEMBERS: 12 members in 2009, 94 official members in 2013 • LEADING: participates in and leads most STARS activities • INSTITUITIONALIZE: WISE is now its own Registered Student Organization • MORE OPPORTUNITIES: 3 breakfasts per year, professional headshots, social events, etc. • NEW: small group sessions with CEOs initiated this spring (we held 3 of them) • CURRICULUM: Assisted in establishing the new ICT major and promoting this major to students • % FEMALE STUDENTS: current female enrollment is 37% • Initiative • Recruit/Retain and Graduate more women in IT; Recruit CCI students to WISE • Increase mentorship opportunities and professional events for female students • Promote WISE on campus and in the community • Expand Membership and revise description • Establish a community presence and an RSO • Work with STARS to change curriculum to diversity of technology interests How do we Recruit and Retain Women in IT?