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Registration systems in Migration Management

Explore the impact of biometric technology on border control and security in the context of global migration management. Learn about EURODAC, VIS, SIS, and the challenges and benefits of registration systems. Join the workshop to discuss standards and national presentations.

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Registration systems in Migration Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Registration systems in Migration Management

  2. Outline Globalization Biometric and border control EURODAC, VIS and SIS Implications of Registration Systems Programme of the Workshop

  3. Major factors driving globalization Expansion of international migration Rapid spread of information technology

  4. Biometric and border control Heightened security concerns arising from the growth of transnational criem and terrorism have in recent years increased interest in registration systems based on biometric technology. The use of biometric technology in passports, visa and residence permits has been seen as a way of “filing the gaps” in traditional methods of border control

  5. A man suspected of involvement in last year's Madrid train bombings has been detained in Spain after being extradited from Serbia. Moroccan, 22, faces trial for the bomb attacks which killed 191 people on 11 March 2004. He was arrested at the main railway station in Belgrade in June. He had no documentation and said he was an Iraqi immigrant worker. WWW.BBC.CO.UK What biometric?

  6. What biometric? Definition of Biometrics Any automatically measurable, robust and distinctive physical characteristic or personal trait that can be used to identify an individual or verify the claimed identity of an individual.

  7. What biometric? Iris scan • Retinal scan • Facial recognition • Speaker / Voice • Fingerprints • Hand / Finger geometry • Signature verification • Keystroke dynamics

  8. EURODAC, VIS, SIS II, … ? • Global data • Regional data • National data

  9. What are the challenges? • Terminology • Capacity • Resources • Data sources • Systematic collection, storage and sharing

  10. What will we be discussing over the next two days? TODAY Standards on registration of refugees Eurodac, SIS and VIS National Presentations

  11. What will we be discussing over the next two days? TOMORROW National Presentations Study visit

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