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atempo - nueva

atempo - nueva. Users evaluate „Nu tzerinnen und Nutzer eva luieren“. atempo - Graz. training and career. Leitbild. Gleichstellung von Menschen. „Unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen sind nur deshalb so gut wie sie sind, weil Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten und Behinderungen

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atempo - nueva

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  1. atempo - nueva Users evaluate „Nutzerinnen und Nutzer evaluieren“

  2. atempo - Graz training and career

  3. Leitbild Gleichstellung von Menschen

  4. „Unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen sind nur deshalb so gut wie sie sind, weil Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten und Behinderungen in die Produktion und Erbringung eingebunden sind.“ Auszug aus dem Leitbild

  5. nueva: an innovative evaluation method nueva is an evaluation method for describing and measuring the quality of services for people with learning difficulties and disabilities.

  6. nueva: An Innovative Evaluation Method • nueva Experts visit the residents at work (sheltered workshops) or at home and interview (or observe) them individually. • The customers there are asked to describe the service from their point of view.

  7. nueva-evaluators The nueva evaluatorsarepersonswith learning disablilities Before nueva they worked in shetered workshops and lived in supportes living houses.

  8. 7000 interviews and observations in 6 countries • Austria • Germany • Italy • Norway • Czech Republic • Israel

  9. nueva – networkandpartnership

  10. It‘s all about the quality of care that the customers actually receive! Service providers Customers • Residential care homes • Assisted living communities (full- or part-time assistance) • supported living service • sheltered workshops • People with learning difficulties: • who live in different types of residential opportunities • who are customers of Occupational Therapy Services How do customers view the service? 2. How satisfied are they? Consumer Outcome Quality

  11. Prinzipien von nueva Empowerment Strengthening self-determination, self esteem and autonomy Normalisation and Inclusion Living and working as anyone else/as normal as possible – taking on socially accepted roles Customer Orientation Getting from fosterlings to customers Participation „Nothing about us without us“

  12. Nueva brings about a change in the social role People with learning difficulties are becoming: • costumers • experts Customer Orientation Empowerment Normalisation Participation

  13. Choice basicrightsforconsumers Exit Voice

  14. Artikel 19: Unabhängige Lebensführung und Einbeziehung in die Gemeinschaft „ … die Möglichkeit zu haben, den Aufenthaltsort zu wählen und zu entscheiden, wo und mit wem sie leben, und nicht verpflichtet sind in bestimmten Wohnformen zu leben…“ UN-Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung Artikel 21: Recht der freien Meinungsäußerung, Meinungsfreiheit und Zugang zu Informationen. Artikel …

  15. nueva training - how to become a nueva evaluator • nueva can be learned • a complete nueva training takes a half year or two years • nueva trains with future evaluators and staff between 30 and 85 days

  16. nueva training • Phase 1 • Gettingpartner in thenuevanetwork • Buildingupthestructureandorganisation • Acquiringandassessingpartipants • Basic knowledge: nuevahandbook • nuevamethodology • nuevainstruments

  17. nueva training • Phases 2 and 3: participants • General modules: • Introduction, mobilityandorientation, PC basics, Word basics, Excel basics, internetand email, personal development, formsof handicap, basicsofcommunication, communication in theoffice, time management, attitudetowork, privacyprotection, labourlegislation, … • General nuevamodules: • gettingtoknowlivingandworkingoffers, theoryofneedsaccordingtoObrecht, qualityandindicatorsofquality, thevalueofnueva, presentingnueva, understandingandpresentingnuevaresults, nueva online catalogue… • Specificnuevamodules: • nueva interview, nuevaobservation, interview techniques, observationtechniques, nuevadatabase, mobilitychecks, … • nuevatestevaluations (6 months)

  18. nueva training • Phase 2 and 3: staff • Marketing • Networking andlobbying • Quality developmentandassurance • Preparationforthestartofthenuevacompany • Phase 4 • Start ofthe nueva partnerin the nueva network

  19. Meine Arbeit als Nueva - Evaluatorin Durch meine Ausbildung bei atempo und meine Erfahrungen in der Nueva-Arbeit bin ich eine Expertin geworden. Ich habe meine Kommunikation verbessert. Ich habe gelernt, rechtzeitig „nein“ zu sagen. Ich habe gelernt, was das richtige Tempo ist, meine Arbeit gut zu machen.

  20. Meine Arbeit als Nueva - Expertin Wir gehen in Werkstätten und Wohnangebote und erklären Nueva. Wir machen Interviews mit den Beschäftigten oder den BewohnerInnen. Wir geben die Daten in den Computer ein. Wir präsentieren die Ergebnisse.

  21. The four keypoints of nueva 1. Developed out oftheusersview

  22. 1. The users view • the questions have been developed through the intense involvement of people with learning difficulties and disabilities and reflect their particular needs and interests • are formulated in their own wording • questionnaires are being revised every two years

  23. The four keypoints of nueva 1. Developed out oftheusersview 2. Evaluatorsare out ofthepeergroupthemselves

  24. Theoretical knowledge Field experiences nueva Evaluators have… Both in housing and occupational therapy services 2-year training programme

  25. The four keypoints of nueva 1. Developed out oftheusersview 2. Evaluatorsare out ofthepeergroupthemselves 3. Objectifiedcriteriaasbasis

  26. 3. Objectified Criteria Users • users are asked to describe how things are, not whether that‘s good or bad • they also get new informations and ideas „Can you choose which work you do in your working group?“

  27. The four keypoints of nueva 1. Developed out oftheusersview 2. Evaluatorsare out ofthepeergroupthemselves 3. Objectifiedcriteriaasbasis 4. Coparabilityoftheresults

  28. 4. Comparable results • nueva exists for different types of offers • questionnaires are fully structured and standardised • service providers can therefore compare their results • users can see how it is elsewhere

  29. nueva: the film

  30. More Info: • Heinrichstraße 145 • A- 8010 Graz • Tel.: 00 43 / (0) 316 / 81 47 16 – 25 • Fax: 00 43 / (0) 316 / 81 47 16 – 20 • Mail: nueva.graz@atempo.at • Mail: martin.konrad@atempo.at • www.atempo.at • www.nueva-network.eu

  31. nueva is working with… • Verbal interviews in an easy-to-understand language • Pictures and symbols • Observation • Checks for suitability for particular types of disability • Collection of basic data

  32. Results

  33. Self advocacy for all Live Areas: Safety Therapie Gesundh. Normalisation and Integration Promotion Care Satisfaction …fiveQuality Dimensions

  34. Quality Profile – Quality Dimensions High value Low value

  35. Quality Profile result standard Erresult for comparison

  36. Live areas • General Aspects • Everyday working life • Work and employment • Social contacts

  37. Analysis of Live Areas

  38. Special analysis

  39. Chart

  40. Benchmarking Mutual Learningthrough comparison within or between service provider(s)

  41. Presenting the results for the users

  42. nueva – online catalogue www.nueva-online.info

  43. Nueva is working for… Costumers Service providers Quality development Information Authorities Controlling

  44. The advantage for the service users • Customers get the possibility to speak about their personal view of the service-quality • Nueva takes them seriously with their opinion • The get a lots of information out of the catalogue • They can compare different services • Tey can make more informed proposals

  45. The benefit for service providers • feedback about the consumer outcome quality • data for QM and controlling • relevant information for service development • benchmarking data • platform for presentation of the own offer

  46. The benefit for authorities • catalogue and website for consumer information • data for controlling • relevant information for development of the service system www.nueva-online.info

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