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European Solar Telescope Design Study

European Solar Telescope Design Study. End of Phase III Meeting WP 10300 Instrument Control System. Cosentino, R., Romano, P. Belluso, M., Comparato, M., Giorgi, F., Grivel, C., Laforgue, D., Paez, E. Instrument Control Software Overview.

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European Solar Telescope Design Study

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Presentation Transcript

  1. European Solar Telescope Design Study End of Phase III Meeting WP 10300 Instrument Control System Cosentino, R., Romano, P. Belluso, M., Comparato, M., Giorgi, F., Grivel, C., Laforgue, D., Paez, E. EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  2. Instrument Control Software Overview The instruments are designed and constructed to be used simultaneously and synchronized. There will be also a deep interaction among the ICS and some external sub-system developed by other sub-WPs EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  3. EST ICS architecture Two options are available to send a command to ICS. In the former case an already defined configuration, i.e., list of commands and parameters, can be send to the ICS through the sequencer. In the latter case a generic user can select a configuration by the GUI. Moreover, the user can download a complete configuration and can use the GUI to modify some parameters or part of the setup. EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  4. ICS coordinator classes EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  5. Broad Band Imager EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  6. Broad Band Imager EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  7. BB class diagram EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  8. BB use case EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  9. EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  10. EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  11. Narrow Band tunable filter Spectropolarimetr EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  12. NB class diagram EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  13. NB use case EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  14. EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  15. Grating Spectropolarimeter EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  16. SP class diagram EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  17. GS use case EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  18. EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  19. Deployment diagram EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

  20. Plan for the next future • Detailed definition of classes and methods • Implementation of instrument simulator • Development of instrument control system in “simulation mode” (prototyping) • Test of the communication software • Final design of the node deployment • Reliability and failure analysis of critical parts • Development of instrument user interfaces (GUI) EST Design Study. End of Phase-III Meeting

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