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Comprehensive Project Costing and Analysis Methodology

This guide covers steps and techniques for understanding, analyzing, and normalizing project costs, ensuring accuracy and defensibility of results. It includes comparative analysis, data collection, and developing a shadow cost to assess the government's estimates.

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Comprehensive Project Costing and Analysis Methodology

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  1. Proxy Modelling Analytical Steps

  2. Step 1: Understand the Proposed Project –What is • Scope - the extent to which it tackles a specific purpose. • the extent individuals might benefit from services, different regions covered, or issues dealt with as part of the project • Lifecycle-successive stages the project passes through, • such as the design, build and operation stages of the project. • It is important that all stages in the Lifecycle of the project are costed • Scale-set of amounts that measure the size of the project. • Context in which the project is being implemented • incorporate any extraneous variables that would have an impact on the costing. For example, political considerations

  3. Step 2: Comparative Analysis & Methodology • Identify key characteristics based on an analysis of the purpose, scope, lifecycle, scale and context of the project b) Analyze Political Processes- Environment assessment required? c)Identify Key Variables • These vary from one infrastructure type to another d) Develop Comparative jurisdictions- ensure its apple to apple- • Similar infrastructure-lifecycle, width if a road, type, • Use and Purpose-volume & type of traffic • Geography & climate-topograpgy • Ideal number of Jurisdictions is 6-7 but 3-4 is enough

  4. STEP 2: Comparative Methodology continued

  5. Step 3: Cost Buckets(Categories of Data) • Capital Expenditure Expenditures that will go beyond the immediate year (e.g. plant, property and equipment), .. • Operating + Maintenance costs costs to keep and run the project

  6. Step 4: Data Collection • Scenario 1: No time • Raise good & useful questions for Parliamentarians e.g lifecycle costs, • Scenario 2: Some time- Data Sources include • Domestic data based on similar projects • Look in GN-PBO • epbo blasts • Good Practices for data reference- include a cover sheet to define the terms and references( if agreeable, need volunteers to create a template) • Checklist of Data Sources ( if agreeable, need volunteers to create a template by probably)

  7. Step 5:Normalize the Data • Same currency in real terms (select a base year) • Identify specifications and break down costs accordingly (e.g. per metre, per kilometer, per user etc.) • Identify Quantities (e.g. number of users, traffic volume, etc.) • Look for unique costs and outliers and remove them

  8. Step 6: Develop a shadow cost • Identify the cost drivers- Can use Correlations • Develop a reasonable cost range • Establish if the Government`s cost is reasonable-within the range!

  9. Step 7: Defensibility of Results • Peer Review the work -the GN-PBO community, researchers or experts in that sector • Publish the Methodology

  10. Feedback & Proposals for Improvement!

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