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Quality assurance in VET in the EU policy context

Quality assurance in VET in the EU policy context. Koen Bois d’Enghien European Commission Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Unit E3 - Vocational training, Apprenticeships and Adult learning. Overview presentation. EU VET instruments study

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Quality assurance in VET in the EU policy context

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  1. Quality assurance in VET in the EU policy context Koen Bois d’Enghien European Commission Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Unit E3 - Vocational training, Apprenticeships and Adult learning

  2. Overview presentation

  3. EU VET instruments study Progress and influence of EQAVET and ECVET

  4. Progress of EQAVET

  5. Influence on national policies - EQAVET • EQAVET spurred countries to review and refine their QA systems. Around half have QA policies developed specifically to reflect EQAVET. In some (EE, PT, RO) it is referred to in QA legislation. Eleven designed new QA systems based on the EQAVET • EQAVET useful to countries regardless of the maturity of their QA systems. For countries building up QA, it provides a template for QA; for others it provides a reference point of EU best practice • Perception of greater influence on QA in school-based IVET. Considerable variation in use of various provision of the Recommendation across countries (e.g. quality of self-assessments, use of indicators and nature of external audits) • EQAVET did not significantlycontributeto improvetransparency and trust

  6. How might challenges and future needs be addressed? • 5 options for ECVET and 6 options for EQAVET are proposed • Reflect the views of the contractor based on the research and interviews with stakeholders • The option can be combined / merged

  7. Options for EQAVET • Option 1 - Enhanced status quo. Revise recommendation to incorporate a set of core indicators utilised by all providers, as well as the refinements in EQAVET+. • Option 2 – Embedding the functions of EQAVET into other existing EU policy instruments. Implement EQAVET as part of Annex IV of the EQF recommendation. • Option 3 - EQAVET becomes part of a broader policy strategy framework for VET. Introduce an overarching recommendation covering QA, flexibility and recognition in VET (same as ECVET option 3). • Option 4 - Strengthen the recommendation by implementing peer reviews of Member States' QA arrangements at system level. Provide the governance group with a remit to monitor the progress countries are making to develop their QA systems and support to them. • Option 5 - Align instruments to similar instruments in HE. Create overarching recommendation for quality in education which provides high-level principles for QA that both systems adhere to, and tools to do this (ESG and EQAVET). • Option 6 - Introduce a voluntary certification system for national QA systems. Revise recommendation to specify explicit expectations for national quality systems and a certification scheme requiring countries VET QA systems to achieve certain standards. These could be graded so they progress towards a standard.

  8. Assessment of EQAVET options Based on the scoring below, Option 4 was identified as the most positively assessed option. It provides the greatest benefits in terms of increasing the quality of QA arrangements. Implementing costs are low and it is relatively feasible to implement. It was also the preferred option in the Delphi survey. This could be combined with Option 3.

  9. Next steps Studyisavailableon https://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=20749&langId=sk

  10. ACVT meetings ‘’to simplify the VET governance at EU level notably through increased effectiveness and efficiency of structures supporting the implementation of EU instruments in the field of VET’’ 2018 ACVT Opinion • reflection with experts from the ACVT • the potential for streamlining existing VET instruments Relevant developments Revised EQF (Annex 4 and 5), Europass, launch of ESCO New Recommendation on tracking graduates, mutual recognition The Commission proposals for the new Erasmus Programme(3x more VET mobility)

  11. ACVT Working Group - purpose • Are the objectives of the two tools still valid in the context of the overarching: • VET policy vision defined in the ACVT Opinion, • objectives pursued under the European Education Area, or • propose options for their re-formulation. • How to best pursue these objectives by adapting: • structure, • implementation modes, • governance framework of the tools • taking into account their links with other tools and initiatives in the field of skills and qualifications.

  12. Conclusions from the WG General and specific objectives of the EU tools Current state of play The way forward

  13. Facilitating mobility and free movement of VET learners and workers • Flexible solutions for lifelong VET (I and C) • Quality, excellence and trust in European VET systems General and specific objectives • access to upskilling and reskilling opportunities • contribute to quality improvement in VET at national level • transfer and recognition of learning outcomes • transfer and accumulation of learning outcomes • promote mutual trust in Member States VET systems • increase transparency of skills and qualifications of individuals • systems that lead to up-to-date, high quality and recognised qualifications based on modules • contribute to transparency of, and consistency in, VET between Member States • increase portability of skills and qualifications within national and international contexts

  14. The way forward - options for EQAVET • Option 1 – focus on national level • continue to support the QA national developments and focus more on VET providers level • update EQAVET provisions by integrating EQAVET+ – extenduse of QA to WBL, CVET and VFINL • revising EQAVET indicators / descriptors where needed • focus activities on mutual learning on various aspects of QA in VET • Option 2 – Option 1+ EU dimension • strengthen the European dimension and transparency in QA in VET • the objective of ‘trust-building’ by introducing a voluntary peer review scheme between Member States

  15. Elements of the future implementation framework Integration of functions and content Legislative implications Governance structures Funding Working methods

  16. EQAVET – Option 1 • Legislative implication Governance structure • Integration of function • Integration of content • Working methods Funding • Erasmus • ESF+ • DGVT/ACVT • EQAVET network • Links to EQF AG • Targeted support actions • Rolling work-programme under the new VET policy framework • Revision of EQAVET Rec • or • Repeal of EQAVET Rec combined with an integration of EQAVET into an overarching VET Council Rec • Reinforcing WBL, CVET and VFINL & • Revising descriptors and indicators • (EQAVET+) • VET providers level • Support for QA developments at national level • EQAVET – • national level

  17. EQAVET – Option 2 • Governance structure • Integration of function • Integration of content Legislative implication Working methods • Funding • EQVAT – national level + • Erasmus • ESF+ • Targeted support actions • EU peer review of QA arrangements at VET system level • Rolling work-programme under the new VET policy framework • DGVT/ACVT • EQAVET network • Links to EQF AG • Revision of EQAVET Rec • or • Repeal of EQAVET Rec combined with an integration of EQAVET into an overarching VET Council Rec • Mutual Recognition Rec • Strengthening the European dimension and transparency in QA in VET and the objective of ‘trust-building’ • EQAVET - • European dimension

  18. Educationandtraining post 2020 • ThenewCommissionwillconsidera proposal on ET post 2020 • Format: Commission Communication • Bringingtogetherconversations on European EducationAreaandthecooperationframework • Time period must allowstrategicperspective • New CommissionandMember State discussions • Existingplans for the European Education Area up to 2025 • Acombination of shorter-termprioritiesandan overarching vision

  19. Overviewofpreparationactivities • Forum on the Future ofLearning– January 2019 • Expert Panel – February 2019 • MemberStatesinformal workshops– before summer • HighLevel Group – February and October 2019 • Public consultation –summer 2019, 12 weeks • Council – November 2019 • Commission proposal – around 3 months after new Commission takes office

  20. 2nd European Education Summit • 26 September 2019 at theSquareinBrussels • Educationandtrainingministers, academics, civil societyand150 teachersandtrainers • Acrossalleducationandtrainingsectors • Launch of the 2019 Educationand Training Monitor

  21. 2nd European Education Summit • Topic: theteachers • Boost the attractiveness of the teaching profession • Shortages of teachers across the board or in particular areas • Importance of investing in innovative teaching methods to promote the development of new skills and competences • Importance of a continuum of teachers' learning

  22. Thankyou!

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