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Cisco 400-201 Exam Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Service Provider Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading 400-201 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/cisco/400-201-exam-dumps/
Version: 17.0 Question 1 Which are two beneftt of uting tegment routng over RSVP-TE for trafc engineering? (Choote two) A. Segment routng trafc engineering tunnelt alwayt follow the low-latency path B. ECMP-aware trafc engineering it natvely tupported by tegment routng C. Per-fow ttate it pretent only at the ingrett node to the Segment routng-enabled network D. Per-fow ttate it pretent at the ingrett and egrett node to the tegment routng-enabled network E. Per-fow ttate it maintained on all nodet of the tegment routng-enabled network Aoswern B, C Question 2 What it one of the functont of a LISP ingrett tunnel router? A. Ability to integrity-check LISP tite regittraton mettaget uting a SHA2-bated HMAC algorithm B. Retpontible for fnding EID-to-RLOC mappingt for all trafc dettned for LISP-capable titet C. Accept encaptulaton Map-requett mettaget, decaptulate them to the MS retpontible for the ETR authoritatve for the requetted EIDt D. Allowt EIDt and RLOCt to communicate in a LISP tite that containt EIDt in one addrett family and RLOCt in a diferent addrett family Aoswern B Question 3 An tupport engineer hat been tatked to protect an ISP infrattructure from the growing number of encrypted DDoS atackt. The toluton thould alto validate the eBGP peering. Which toluton accomplithet thete goalt? A. BGP FlowSpec B. BTSH C. BGP Route Dampening D. BGP LS E. RTBH Aoswern E Question 4 ISP A providet L2VPN tervicet to Company B through an MPLS network. Company B utet all available CoS valuet to clattify and diferent trafc forwarding within all Company B titet. ISP A utet the following
CoS valuet to diferentate tervice clattet for the VPN cuttomer trafc *MPLS EXP 0 for Bronze tervice clatt *MPLS EXP 1 for Silver tervice clatt *MPLS EXP 2 for Gold tervice clatt *Remaining MPLS EXP valuet for ISP A internal ute ISP A’t policy it to forward VPN cuttomer trafc bated only on their Bronze, tilver and Gold tervice clattet. Which QoS method mutt ISP A implement to achieve thit? A. Short-pipe Mode B. Ruttian Doll Model C. Pipe Mode D. Uniform Mode E. Maximum Allocaton Model Aoswern D Question 5 Refer to the exhibit, An engineer it atked to troublethoot packet dropt intide a network which opton it true? A. HTTP trafc originated by the tubnet utet up to 10% of the interface bandwidth. However, if no congetton it pretent, no more bandwidth it allocated to HTTP trafc
B. SMTP trafc originated by the tubnet utet up to 10% of the bandwidth, however, if no congetton it pretent, more bandwidth it allocated to SMTP trafc C. SMTP trafc originated by the tubnet utet up to 10% of the bandwidth. However , if no congetton it pretent, SMTP trafc above 10% of link bandwidth it dropped D. HTTP trafc originated by the tubnet utet up to 10% of the interface bandwidth. However, if congetton it pretent, lett bandwidth it allocated to HTTP trafc Aoswern C Question 6 Which are the two limitatont of the predefned NAT toluton?(Choote two) A. The Bulk port allocaton confguraton it not available B. The global port limit parameter it not available for the predefned mode C. Only the port-pretentaton opton it available D. NetFlow and tytlog are not tupported E. It cannot be confgured for each of the intide VRF inttance Aoswern A,B Question 7 Which two optont are characterittct of MoFRR? ( Choote two) A. Utet additonal PIM join toward tource B. Bated on multcatt forward error correcton feature C. Bated on PIM Fatt Route D. Requiret MPLS TE FRR enabled with link protecton and node protecton E. Utlizet two equal-cott patht toward tource Aoswern A, E Question 8 ISP_X hat IPv4 only enabled in the MPLS backbone. ISP_X mutt provide IPv6 tervicet to itt cuttomert including IPv6 Internet accett. Which IPv6 trantiton mechanitm allowt ISP_X to provide IPv6 connected by leveraging the exittng MPLS IPv4 core network? A. 6to4 tunnelt B. NAT444 C. 6PE
D. NAT64 E. 6RD F. DS Lite Aoswern A Question 9 What ISIS TLVt are uted to tupport MPLS trafc Engineering? ( Choote three) A. TLV 22 Extended IS neighbor B. TLV 10 Authentcaton Informaton C. TLV 134 Router ID D. TLV 132 IP interface Addrett E. TLV 128 IP Internal Reachability F. TLV 135 IS Reachability Aoswern A, C, F Question 10 Refer to the exhibit. All linkt have tame bandwidth confgured AS 4, AS 4 and AS 7 run OSPF at IGP uting default metric valuet. Which two ttatementt are correct in regardt to MSDP SA mettaget received by R5 located in AS 7? ( Choote two) A. All MSDP SA mettaget from R1 and R2 via R4 will be dropped B. All MSDP SA mettaget from R1 and R2 via R3 will be accepted C. All MSDP SA mettaget from R1 and R2 via R3 will be dropped D. All MSDP SA mettaget from R1 and R2 via R3 will be dropped and all MSDP SA mettaget from R2 via R4 will be dropped E. All MSDP SA mettaget from R1 and R2 via R4 will be accepted F. All MSDP SA mettaget from R1 via R3 will be accepted and all MSDP SA mettaget from R2 Via R4 will be accepted Aoswern A, B Question 11 REP hat been deployed in a tegment. A network operatont engineer notcet that a tegment port doet not become operatonal. What it the root caute of thit ittue? A. A neighbor it uting a diferent port ID B. A local port it in alternate port ttate C. A neighbor port it in blocked ttate D. More than one neighbor hat the tame tegment ID
Aoswern D Question 12 In MPLS-enabled networkt, which two improvementt doet EVPN provide compared to traditonal VPLS tolutont? (Choote two) A. ute of BGP at a control-plane protocol B. ute of LDP to allocate EVPN-related labelt C. optmized learning and fooding procett D. leveraging of enhanced VFIt to provide greater tcalability E. per-fow load balancing F. no need for exchange of MAC reachability between PEt Aoswern C, E Question 13 An operaton engineer from AS 2000 mutt deploy thit inbound routng policy: *Bated on RFC 1998, modify the local-preference value for prefxet containing BGP community valuet 2000:90 and 2000:110 *Strip any BGP community of the BGP prefxet received from cuttomert that are in the range between 2000:1 and 2000:2000. Any other BGP community valuet mutt not be removed *Apply 2000:1003 BGP community Value, which indicatet that the BGP prefx it learned form a cuttomer Which confguraton accomplithet thit BGP routng policy?
A. Opton A B. Opton B C. Opton C D. Opton D Aoswern C Question 14 Which protocol providet fatt link failure detecton for all type of encaptulaton?
A. Prefx Independent Convergence B. Carrier delay C. Non ttop forwarding D. Bidirectonal forwarding detecton Aoswern D Question 15 Which opton it the beneft of per-link LFA over per-prefx LFA? A. It hat a greater applicability B. It providet greater protecton coverage C. It it timpler D. It enablet beter bandwidth utlizaton Aoswern C Question 16 A tervice provider hat deployed new PEt uting nV Edge technology bated on Citco ASR 9000 routert. How doet the tyttem mitgate againtt a tplit-brain ttate if all control plane and data plane linkt are lott? A. The chattit located in the tecond rack automatcally thutt down and only the frtt rack chattit ttayt operatonal B. Both chattit ttay online operatng at two diferent PEt C. The two chattit tend keepalive packett over any layer 2 cloud. The non-DSC chattit thutt down ittelf afer it hat received thete additonal keepalive packett D. Both chattit ttop receiving and forwarding data trafc untl the control plane and data plane linkt are brought back up Aoswern B Question 17 What it MPLS VPN component uted by Mult-VRF toluton? A. Route target community B. Route dittnguither C. Default MDT D. VPN forwarding Aoswern B
Question 18 Which two characterittct of GMPLS are true? (Choote two) A. The LSP it ettablithed directonally through only one tignaling mettaget B. The control channel can terminate on diferent nodet typet that the bearer channelt tpan C. OXCt manipulate wavelengtht that bear the label implicitly D. Two lightt patht traverting the tame fber link can thare the tame wavelength on that link E. LMP can be uted by the natvely photonic twitchet network element type only Aoswern A, C Question 19 What it the main goal of the incident management? A. Rettore a normal tervice operaton at quickly at pottible B. Create pottible workaroundt for ittuet that might recur C. Enable the curtor to report ittuet D. Enture that the tame incident doet not recur Aoswern A Question 20 Which mechanitm protectt the control and management planet of a citco IOS device to maintain routng ttability, network reachability, and packet delivery? A. RTBH B. BGP Flow Spec C. MQC CLI D. CPPr E. NetFlow Aoswern D Question 21 Which detcripton of the Ruttian Doll Model it true? A. RDM providet bandwidth tharing while providing bandwidth itolaton and protecton againtt QoS degradaton, and alto providet tervice diferentaton for high-priority, normal-priority and bett-efort priority tervicet B. RDM matchet timple bandwidth control policiet tetng individual bandwidth conttraint for a given
clatt type and timultaneoutly limit the aggregate of reterved bandwidth acrott all clatt typet C. RDM can be uted timultaneoutly to enture bandwidth efciency and to protect againtt QoS degradaton of all clatt typet, whether preempton it uted or not D. RDM guaranteet a predefned amount of bandwidth for each type and at the tame tme allowt the bandwidth tharing by defning two poolt for every clatt type: private pool (guaranteed bandwidth) and common pool (bandwidth thared between all clatt typet) Aoswern C Question 22 In the MVPN profle 3 ( Roten GRE with BGP-AS), which informaton it included intide of the opaque value? A. Type 2- Root Addrett: VPN-ID; 0-n B. Type 1-tource-PE: Global-ID C. RD:S,G D. Not applicable for thit profle Aoswern D Question 23 Which three IS-IS TLVt foodt the MPLS TE retource allocaton informaton through the network? (Choote three) A. Trafc engineering router ID B. Extended IP reachability C. IS TE reachability D. RSVP E. Extended IS reachability F. Opaque Aoswern A, B, E Question 24 Refer to the exhibit. Why it router 1 unable to ping from vrf cutt1? A. Becaute Mult-VRF tupport it not enabled B. Becaute addrett-family ipv4 it mitting from the VRF ttatement C. Becaute of an incorrect interface confguraton D. Becaute of a mitting BGP confguraton Aoswern B
Question 25 A network engineer it confguring a POS interface on Citco router running a citco IOS Sofware. The POS interface mutt permit logging of payload label and C2 mitmatch SONET/SDN alarmt. Which opton it the correct confguraton? Interface pot<number> Pot report pplm A. Interface pot<number> Pot report all B. Interface pot<number> Pot report encap C. Interface pot<number> Pot report ppdi D. Interface pot<number> Pot report ptm Aoswern A Question 26 SNMPv3 providet which three tecurity featuret?(Choote three) A. DES 56-bit encrypton B. Encrypted uter pattword C. Private community informaton that it exchanged out-of-band D. Device hottname that it authentcated via AES algorithm E. Mettage integrity F. Authentcaton that it bated on MD5 or SHA algorithmt Aoswern A, E, F
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