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In order for Kazakhstan to become an innovative state, it requires modernization of its scientific research base and innovation management system. The effectiveness and efficiency of the state's scientific and educational institutions need to be improved. This article provides useful advice on creating and showcasing widescreen slides and highlights the progress made by the Kazakh National Medical University in becoming a research university. It also discusses the normative legal base for scientific activities in Kazakhstan.
К 2020 году Казахстан должен иметь все признаки и атрибуты работающего государства инновационного типа… Нужна модернизация научно-исследовательской базы страны и системы управления инновациями. Необходимо повысить результативность и эффективность системы государственных научно-образовательных институтов. Нурсултан Назарбаев Полезные советы по созданию и демонстрации широкоформатных слайдов Innovative scientific projects of KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov Аigul Sadvakasovna Karakushikova vice-rector of scientific work and innovative projects of KazNMU
20 steps on the way to a Research University In january 11, 1989 TheCouncilofMinistersofKazakh SSR institutewasnamedafterSanjarDzhafarovich Asfendiyarov By Government Resolution № 978 of August 7, 1996 Order for MH RK № 384 of August 22, Almaty State Medical Institute was reorganized into the Kazakh Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov(KazGMU) By the Presidential Decree N. Nazarbayev № 648 of July 5, 2001 "On the granting of special status separate state institutions of higher education" institution has received the status of the Kazakh National Medical University.
20 steps on the way to a Research University RSBE «KazNMUn.a. S.D.Asfendyarov» RSEon the rights to operating control «KazNMUn.a. S.D.Asfendyarov» MHRК (2009) Mission, value system, strategic aims of (2009) Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendyarov ScientificResearchInstituteofFundamentalandAppliedMedicine (SRIFAM) n.a. BahiaAtchabarov (2009)
20 steps on the way to a Research University Resource centre with developing sector of fund rising (2010) KazNMUn.a. S.D.Asfendyarov joined to Bologna process, Masters program, PhD, MD (2010) Foundation in KazNMU of consortium with Kazakh Academy of nutrition, Laboratory of ecological risks, SRIFAMn.a. B.Atchabarov (2010)
20 steps on the way to a Research University Funding of scientific projects by KazNMUGrants in 2010 - 20.0 milliontenge, in 2011 - 30.0 mln.tg In pursuance of Government decision on June 8, 2011 № 645 "On approval of accreditation entities of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities" in conformity with Article 23 of the Law "On Science" KazNMU n.a. S.D. Asfendyarov received a certificate of accreditation to participate in the competition of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities at the expense of state budget on August 22, 2011
20 steps on the way to a Research University KazNMUn.a. S.D. Asfendiyarov entered into the top ten of Innovation-oriented Universities of the RK (2011) Pursuant to paragraph 192 of the Action Plan for implementing the State Programme for the Development of Health "Salamatty Kazakhstan" for the southeast region based KazNMU created an innovative biomedical cluster scientific, medical and educational services for the National Center for collective use "Genomic Laboratory" KazNMUn.a. S.D. AsfendiyarovResearch University
Normative legal base of the RK • The Law "On education" from 27.07.2007 № 319-III; • The Law "On Science" from 18 February 2011; • Government Decision of 25.05.2011, № 575 "On approval of rules base, grant, program financing and (or) scientific and technical activities“; • Government Decision of 08.06.2011, № 645 "On Approval of Rules for Accreditation of scientific subjects, and (or) scientific and technical activities“; • Government Decision of 20.06.2011, № 670 "On approval of rules of base funding, and (or) scientific and technical activities“; • Government Decision of 19.07.2011, № 831 "About creation of joint-stock company" National Center of State Scientific and Technical Expertise “; • Government Decision of 19.07.2011, № 833 "On approval of rules of state registration of scientific, technical projects and programs funded from the state budget and reports on their implementation“; • Order of MES from 19.05.2011, № 200 "On approval of the standard regulations for scientific laboratories use a standard“; • Order of MES from 19.05.2011, № 202 "On approval of the standard regulations for an advisory body of scientific organization and (or) scientific and technical activities"
«Development model (program) of the anti-aging to provide the active longevity of elderly people in Kazakhstan» (MH RK) Progress. Determined the proportion of influence environmental factors (economic, social, biological, demographic, medical, psychological, environmental, etc.) on the health and quality of life of older people, developed a mathematical model, including on the basis of biological and calendar age. Develop and recommended a new standards for health and social care services, identified needs in health and social care services for rejuvenation and active longevity. New approaches in improving prevention and care for the elderly people, and in general - geriatric care in the country. On the basis of intercell interactions and morphological characteristics, features bioregulator predictors of aging investigated the basis of the aging process. On the basis of experimental studies established the effect of oxidative stress mechanisms in the aging process. Technology has been tested using new sorbents, including nanosorbents in the experiment on the process of rejuvenation, on the basis of which will be developed and implemented the model (program) to ensure the rejuvenation of active longevity (improving the quality of life) for older people. Actuality.In Kazakhstan, as of January 1, 2010, the number of citizens aged 65 and over was 7.14% of the total population (1.1 million). UN experts referred the Kazakhstan to countries with accelerated aging, according to their projections, by 2050 the country's expected 25% of older people. According to the Strategic Plan of Development of Kazakhstan till 2020, approved by Presidential decree on February 1, 2010 № 922 to 2020 year the expectancy life duration in the country will increase to 72 years, which is a major focus of the strategic objectives of the country, including its competitiveness. The increasing of the active life of man is one of the most important tasks of modern gerontology in the world, including in Kazakhstan. Distribution of respondents by occupation (at present time), in%
Development of measures for the prevention of tuberculosis relapse with various types of drug resistance» (MHRK) Progress. It was determined that the development of relapses in patients with TB is connected with: the presence of drug resistance (69.8%), low social status (59.8%) and as a consequence - low commitment to the completion of treatment, intolerance to TAC (79.9%), the presence of concomitant diseases at all stages of treatment (GI - 36.8%). It is established that the recurrence of tuberculosis occur in socially disadvantaged groups (no or low material income - the unemployed, pensioners, students, people coming from the ITU - 75.9%), with 2 / 3 of cases in men and in young and most working age. For the first time, the study of long-term results, it is established that an integrated approach to social support for TB patients (providing their food packages, transport costs) and medical staff (financial incentives for each case is the proper detection and treatment) reduces to 2 times the number of relapses (8, 4% for those receiving financial incentives, and 15.9% - did not receive social assistance). First studied the effectiveness of molecular genetic testing to determine the epidemiological factors of tuberculosis and its recurrence in these techniques VNTR typing and 15 loci (12MIRU and 3ETR loci). It was established that isolates MBTsemeystva Beijing dominated among newly diagnosed patients and in patients with recurrent TB cases and 75.7% and 86.2% respectively. According to VNTR typing proved a high probability of risk of spread of MDR-TB outbreaks in domestic tuberculosis isolates showed where the same sensitivity to anti-TB drugs, which indicates the need for enhanced infection control measures and improvement of health education among TB patients and the public.
«Implementation of new methods and technologies in practical medicine» (MES RК) Actuality. The application of traditional methods of research cardiovascular diseases often leads to incomplete recovery of the original integrity of the organ (heart) as well as the creation of life-support technologies of the body which occurs as a result of myocardial infarction, etc., the major cause of premature loss of society. In RK cardiovascular pathology is leading in the structure of morbidity, disability and mortality. Progress. Development of innovative high-tech medical advances, reducing disability, mortality (reducing the cost of funeral services), number of sheets of disability. Improve the demographic situation Creating a new training system of quality assessment and professional competence of practical public health representatives. Creation of personalized medicine. Formation of new approaches and methods of programs to get information as soon as possible on the risk of disease, which creates a system of innovation in preventive medicine, which can satisfy the needs of the country.
«Implementation of cell technologies and tissue engineering in practice» (МESRК) Actuality. introduction of new domestic cell therapeutic technologies: auto-and allotransplantation of bone marrow stem cells , differentiated into osteogenic direction; the most promising and safest method of regenerative therapy Progress. High medical and social effects; Competitiveness; Research intensity; Accessible; Further transfer to other branches of regenerative medicine; The development of personalized medicine. During the 7 years under the STP MES RK according to international standards GMP, GLP developed and ready for clinical trials and introduction of new domestic cell technologies: autologous and allogeneic transplantation of mesenchymal bone marrow stem cells differentiated into osteogenic direction. The developed cell treatment technologies are most promising and safe for regenerative therapies.
«Working-out scientific-based program of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of actual zoonotic infections: chlamydia (psittacosis), brucellosis» Progress.With the use of geographic information systems (GIS) were formed databases of the incidence of first diagnosed brucellosis in 2004-2010 and the prevalence of brucellosis in livestock in 2004-2010 in the format of dBASE IV. Based on the data were created shapefiles that are read in free and commercial GIS systems. According to the incidence of long-term genesis were founded regions with low incidence of human brucellosis (m/5-m/1, 1) - North-Kazakhstan, Mangistau, Kostanay, Akmola, Pavlodar regions, with middle incidence (m-2, 9m) - West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Aktobe, Atyrau, East Kazakhstan regions and a with high incidence (3m-5m and above) - Almaty, South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda regions, where m - the average national incidence of human brucellosis. It was revealed that the high incidence of human brucellosis and infestation of sheep and goats are the same on a territorial characteristics, which confirms the role of this group of farm animals in the preservation and circulation of brucellosis infection in the Republic of Kazakhstan Actuality. Despite the implementation of the system of epidemiological and epizootic monitoring in Kazakhstan, brucellosis remains endemic infection of humans and animals in the country, especially in rural areas. Kazakhstan remains in the top ten countries with the highest incidence of firstly diagnosed of humans brucellosis. In 2010, Kazakhstan reported 2153 cases of human disease and rate per 100 thousand population was 13.3. The unity of the modes of transmission causes the development of mixed infections (Chlamydia, and brucellosis). At the present time it is important to make screening of the RK - diagnosis of zoonotic chlamydiosis.
«Improvement and implementation of forensic medical examination with the use of innovative methods of detection of latent and disclosed sexual offenses against minors» . Actuality. Sex offenders have a high quantitative indicators in the world. According to the Center of Forensic Medicine of the Republic of Kazakhstan annually more than 3.0 thousand examinations on sexual assault. Sex crimes against minors have high latency, has on the psyche of the victims distorting action and increases the risk of suicidal behavior among young people. At present, current trend in forensic practice is the diagnosis of sexual abuse and objectification of expert conclusions, the search for new effective methods of forensic gynecological examination. Progress. For the first time was received systematic information on sexual crimes committed against minors in the South and Southeastern regions of the RK. The estimation of the latency of sexual crime and victimization of young people were made in the southern regions of the country. Evaluated and established causes of high latency of sexual crimes. Taken results for the latency of sex crimes against minors will facilitate timely and legal planning of law enforcement measures to improve the level of detection of these crimes. Developed efficiency measures of prevention and rehabilitation activities carried out with the victims with the full restoration of their society.
«Production of new strains of bacteria, perspective for drug creation for the prevention and treatment of dermatomycoses» Actuality. Nowadaysdermatomycoses are the most common among human diseases. For their treatment is mainly used imported drugs based on antibiotics, which are characterized by high cost and have a number of undesirable side effects. All this calls for the development of effective national drug . Progress. Conducted the selection and breeding of new strains of cellulolytic bacteria that exhibit antagonistic activity against pathogenic fungi that cause fungal infections of humans and animals, the selection of new forms of non-pathogenic and non-toxic cellulolytic bacteria, promising to create a drug treatment and preventive action Obtained new strains of cellulolytic bacteria - producers of antifungal agents on the basis of which is possible to develop local products to prevent and treat fungal infections of humans and animals. Made a study of the spectrum antifungal activity of selected strains of bacteria to determine the nature of antagonistic activity of cellulolytic bacteria.
«Using of cellular technology in the dental implantation» Progress. Developed and implemented cell technologies at dental implants to improve processes of osseointegration with a transfer to further the principles and methods for cell transplantation into other branches of regenerative medicine. The methods for obtaining and using allo-and autologous multipotent mesenchymal bone marrow cells were developed to improve processes of dental osseointegration. Conducted preclinical trials in animal models of cellular technology in the dental implant in the age aspect. Carried out the introduction of cellular technology in the dental implant in medical practice. Actuality. Today dental implants is an important component in addressing the issues of dental defect removal system, allowing users to increase the efficiency of functional loading, aesthetics and social rehabilitation of persons rights. Control issues of healing implants and achieve a stable osseointegration especially in the elderly are still relevant.
«Innovative methods of diagnosis and orthopedic treatment of different defects of dentitions» Progress.Developed a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to create a dental structural materials based on standardized medical, technological and operational features of the study (mechanical, physical, chemical testing, process testing, toxicological testing, electron microscopy, spectral analysis, radiology, comparative analysis, laboratory and statistical methods) Given the technological operating characteristic of dental structural materials of domestic production compared with similar data imported materials. A comprehensive study of the functional state of the masticator system, allows you to simultaneously explore and functional status of 14 parameters. Actuality.Problem solving of diagnosis and orthopedic treatment methods through using of structural materials of domestic production is the most important and relevant in terms of identifying objective factors influencing the dental problems of the modern population. A comprehensive assessment helps to improve the effectiveness of orthopedic treatment on the basis of modifications of technologies, taking into account the functional state. Reasonable use for orthopedic treatment of domestic bioceramic and metal alloys produced from local raw materials, have reduced the cost of dental services by 50-70% compared to imported dental materials.
«Educational and informational training of medical workers and citizens, the assessment of immunological effectiveness of vaccination against human papillomavirus infection» Progress. For the effective implementation of protection from vaccine-preventable diseases, including human papillomavirus etiology of cervical cancer, used the possibility of "School of vaccinology," first in the world in the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the first time in the RK is defined immunological effectiveness of vaccination against human papillomavirus infection, which causes cervical cancer. As a result of the "School of vaccinology," raised the level of training of health workers in immunization of infectious diseases, and also increased awareness of the need for vaccination, in particular against cervical cancer. Taken results will be competitive and innovative advantages of specialized training medical students, interns, graduate students, PhD-doctors, faculty and practicing physicians on immunization of infectious and noninfectious diseases. Actuality. Implementation in national immunization schedule of RK of the vaccine against cervical cancer - is a reliable way to protect the health of expectant mothers. Early vaccination of girls aged 9-14 years against papillomavirus infection which causes cervical cancer, is a 100% protection. This research work is matched with the plan of the State Program "Salamatty Kazakstan" to protect the mother and child. Innovative ness of scientific and technological project will provide protection of girls and young women from cervical cancer, because the problem is actual for all countries, including Kazakhstan.
«Development program of genome resources” Progress.The analysis of the current state of laboratory diagnosis of reproductively significant infections in Kazakhstan and abroad were made; analysis of the existing legal and institutional base. By using molecular genetic techniques was made a comparative analysis of distribution of sexually transmitted infections in men and women of childbearing age.The efficiency of early detection of STDs was shown on the basis of the introduction of modern diagnostic methods. An algorithm was made for molecular genetic diagnosis of reproductively significant infections in men and women of childbearing age. Studied genetic factors habitual miscarriage, the risk of venous thrombosis. Investigated genetic factors of male infertility. Made the determination of the nature of mutations of genes metilentetrahydro-folatreductase, Leiden factor and mutation locus AZF Y-chromosome. Actuality. Program of the Development of genomic resources developed in the framework of implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 16, 2004 № 565-II «reproductive rights of citizens and guarantees of their implementation in the Republic of Kazakhstan." An important strategic objective of our government the President N.A. Nazarbayev has called the formation of a healthy nation. In his annual addresses the President always stresses the importance of the issue of motherhood and childhood and multilateral support. Due to the success of sustainable socio-economic development adopted socially-oriented programs aimed at strengthening the family, mothers and future offspring.
Scientific-research works for 2011-2012, funded by a grant of KazNMU • Development of science-based program of early diagnosis and prevention of hypertension in students of various ethnic groups. Head of project: Prof. M. Dauletbakova . The amount of funding: 2.5 million tenge. • Comprehensive assessment of morphofunctional changes in the wall of the colon in the age aspect with obstructive ileus and its correction based on the results of clinical and experimental and genetic studies. Head of project : Prof. Mustafina A.R. The amount of funding: 2, 5 million tenge. • Organ and cell transplantation of stem cells of the endocrine and neuroendocrine organs (experimental, morphologic and molecular genetic aspects). Head of project Prof. Zhanybek D.E., Karakushikova A.S .The amount of funding: 2.0 million tenge. • Creating herbal remedies on the basis of carbon dioxide extracts obtained under supercritical conditions. Head of project: Prof. R.D. Dilbarhanov . The amount of funding: 2.5 million tenge. • Investigation of the factors of vascular damage and higher risk of myocardial pathology in children with obesity and metabolic (insulin resistance) syndrome. Head of project : prof. Habizhanov B.H. The amount of funding: 3.0 million tenge. • Clinical and laboratory study of herbal medicines in the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease and oral mucosa. Head of project : M.K. Iskakova. The amount of funding: 2.5 million tenge. • Scientific rationale for a comprehensive program of correction and prevention of stress in emergency situations. Head of project : prof. Akanov A.A. The amount of funding: 1.0 million tenge. • Development and implementation of educational programs based on the formation of competences of a graduate medical school in the field. Head of project : prof. Akanov A.A . The amount of funding: 1.5 million tenge. • Development program of genomic resources. Head of project : Prof. Karakushikova A.S. The amount of funding: 1.3 million tenge. • Concurrent medical and environmental studies for the project "Mars - 500" Head of project : prof. Akanov A.A . The amount of funding: 1.5 million tenge.
«Financing of scientific-technical projects in KazNMU» (million tenge)