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Chile. La historia.

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  1. Chile

  2. La historia • Diego de Almargo arrived in 1536 and settled the country for Spain. Chileans formed a government independent from Spain in 1812, but true independence was won in 1820. In 1973, Augusto Pinochet took control in a brutal coup d’état. In 1988, Chile returned to its democratic traditions.

  3. La costa pacífica: only 180 km Wide the Chilean beaches take up more than 6, 000 km of the pacific coast.

  4. Santiago: the capital de Chile, was founded in 1541 by the Spanish explorer, Pedro de Valdivía. Today the city is very modern.

  5. Easter Island, La isla de Rapa Nui: contains stone statues that were created in the XII and XVII centuries. See pictures in book on page 152

  6. La cueca: the national dance of Chile and represents the courting period between el novio y la novia

  7. El desierto de Atacama: the driest desert in the world is located in the North of Chile.

  8. El altiplano de los Andes: in the north of Chile, at a height of more than 4, 500 meters, it is the region where llamas, vicuñas, guanacos and alpacas live. These types of animals are well adapted to extreme conditions.

  9. El ParqueNacional Laguna San Rafael: in the southern part of Chile, it has a spectacular glacier the color of sea green.

  10. Las Torres y los Cuernos del Paine: the high peaks of the mountains reach more than 2, 000 km south of Santiago.

  11. La isla Chiloé • Vivid colors and woodendesignscharacterizethehousesonthissouthernisland

  12. Iquique • Thiscity in northern Chile has examples of mudejararchitecture, anArabicstyleintroducedbySpaniards

  13. Lo moderno y lo antiguo • Colonial architecturecontrastswithmodernarchitecture in the capital city of Santiago, givingit a Europeanfeel.

  14. Platos con mariscos • Chileanseat a greatvariety of seafoodfromthePacificOcean. Thisdishiscalled curanto.

  15. El pastel de choclo

  16. El Pastel de choclo • Is a meat pie toppedwithmashedcorn

  17. La fiesta de la Tirana

  18. La fiesta de la tirana: • Thetown of La Tirana near Iquique hodlsthismajor festival eachJuly. The festival has itsroots in Incanceremonies, Chinesecarnivals, and Spanish fiestas.

  19. Los mapuchesThe people in southern chile can be seen in their customs, handicrafts, traditional dress, and festivals.

  20. Pablo Neruda and Gabriel Mistral • ThestwofamousChileanpoetseach won a Nobel Prize in Literature.

  21. Pedro Lira • Gainedinternationalfameforthispainting, TheFounding of Santiago.

  22. Víctor Jara

  23. Víctor jara • OnSeptember 11, 1973, theChileanarmyunder Augusto Pinochet toppledtheelectedgovernment of Salvador Allende. Chile wasruledby a dictatorshipuntil 1990. Thepoliticallyinspiredmusicknown as la nueva cancion chilena lostone of itsbestknownrepresentatives, Victor Jara, in therperessionfollowingthecoup.

  24. Víctor jara • This mural in Santiago isaboutJara’smusic. In yourlibraryoronthe Internet, try to find a Victor Jara song. Howdoesit compare to thepoliticalsongs in the USA?

  25. 1. What does one find on the Island of Rapa Nui? • More than 600 stonestructures of Moais

  26. 2. When was the city of Santiago founded? • In 1541, bytheSpanishexplorer Pedro de Valdivia.

  27. 3. What is the national dance of Chile? • La cueca

  28. What is the driest desert in the world? • The Atacama desert in northern Chile.

  29. What are the names of the peaks that rise up vertically? • Las Torres y los Cuernos del Paine

  30. What are the houses like on the Isla de Chiloé? • Theyhave vivid colors and woodendesigns.

  31. What is the architecture mudéjar? • Mudéjar isanArabicstyle of architectureintroducedbytheSpaniards.

  32. What are the roots of la Fiesta de La Tirana? • The festival has itsroots in Incanceremonies, Chinesecarnivals, and Spanish fiestas.

  33. How do the Mapuche preserve their customs? • In theircustoms, handicrafts, traditionaldress, and festivals.

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