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15 th ROAD PAVEMENTS FORUM Mpekweni Beach Resort 6-7 May 2008 Final Session: Resolutions

15 th ROAD PAVEMENTS FORUM Mpekweni Beach Resort 6-7 May 2008 Final Session: Resolutions. Resolution #1. That the sponsors of the RPF should continue to pursue the establishment of a Roads Engineering Coordinating Body (RECOB) in support of the Roads Coordinating Body (RCB) and RISFSA.

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15 th ROAD PAVEMENTS FORUM Mpekweni Beach Resort 6-7 May 2008 Final Session: Resolutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 15th ROAD PAVEMENTS FORUMMpekweni Beach Resort6-7 May 2008Final Session:Resolutions

  2. Resolution #1 • That the sponsors of the RPF should continue to pursue the establishment of a Roads Engineering Coordinating Body (RECOB) in support of the Roads Coordinating Body (RCB) and RISFSA

  3. Resolution #2 • That a status report on the current condition of the road network be presented at the next meeting of the RPF by the RCB (to be championed by Ian McDonald)

  4. Resolution #3 • That the ‘ASTM/CEN standards for bituminous materials’ working group establishes essential revisions to the current draft 3001 AS methods for asphalt through: • Analysis and evaluation of the current methods proposed in SANS vis-à-vis ASTM & EN standards • Identification of amendments to current draft SANS methods in consultation with a panel of experts • That the agreed proposals be submitted to Dave Wright for further action as per the established protocol (RMC – SABS)

  5. Resolution #4 • RPF to support the self regulation initiatives of the bituminous, readymix concrete and aggregate materials industries in HSEQ

  6. Resolution #5 • The RPF resolves to create and mandate an education and training task group in order to communicate the industry needs to the various industry training bodies, and actively co-ordinate and participate on these various bodies in order to achieve a set of qualifications that are in line with the needs of the country. This will be achieved by actively engaging as industry with ECSA, CETA, SAQA and others at their committee levels

  7. Resolution #6 • The RPF Accreditation Task group are to actively engage with SANAS in order to assist them in creating the necessary accreditation systems in order that the requirements of ISO 17025 are achieved

  8. Next RPF Meeting • 16th RPF • 11-12 November 2008 (CSIR Conference Centre, Gauteng)

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