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This document provides an overview of spectrum management in Korea and discusses the strategies and policies for promoting wireless IT. It covers various aspects such as spectrum organizations, licensing frequency, present and future wireless IT in Korea, and vision and strategies for promoting wireless IT.
Strategies and Policies for Wireless IT Promotion in Korea 16. Feb. 2004 Oh, Sung-Kon
Contents I Overview of Spectrum management II Strategies & Polices for Promoting W-IT
I. Overview of Spectrum Management • Importance of Radio Spectrum • Organizations • Types of Licensing Frequency
I. Importance of Radio Spectrum • Necessity of Human life at all Fields • Vital Resource for Economic Growth • enlarging Radio and Broadcasting Industry • Initiating to create new businesses and to develop other industry • Limited Resource of high needs • Increasing Spectrum needs with new technologies & business • Diffusing the fields of Radio spectrum application
Ministry of Information & Communication (Radio & Broadcasting Bureau) Radio & Broadcasting Planning Division Establishment of radio/broadcast promotion plan Promotion of radio related industry Developing radio/broadcast human resource Radio Monitoring Division Enactment of technical criteria for radio equipment Establishment of certification system Establishment of inspection standard for the radio equipment and CATV facilities Broadcasting & Satellite Division Establishment of broadcasting standard policy Licensing broadcasting station Permission of CATV broadcasting business Frequency Division Establishment of spectrum utilization plan Spectrum allocation/assignment/re-farming Securing/management of satellite orbits & frequency 2. Spectrum management organizations
3. Types of Licensing Frequency International Allocation Radio Spectrum Plan (National Allocation) Class License Spectrum License StationLicense
3.1 Spectrum License • Applicants : Telecom carriers, SOs and NOs of CATV • SO = Service operator, NO = Network operator • Selection method : Beauty contest • Pricing : Administrative pricing(not auction) • Right : Exclusive right of spectrum utilization • Duration of license : less than 20 years
3.2 Station License • Applicants : most of radio stations including fixed, broadcasting, radio determination, amateur station. Etc • Principle : First come first served Permission of operation on a station basis • Technical criteria : Center frequency, Channel bandwidth, Transmitter Power, Location, etc • Expiration date : less than 5 years
3.3 Class License • Generally allocated in ISM bands and power of emission is low • Require to get the ‘Type Registration’ which shows to satisfy technical regulations such as channel bandwidth, power limitation etc. • Authorizes operation of devices on a shared basis of the spectrum • Not protected from interference by other radio communication services • Devices : W-LAN, Bluetooth, Alarm transmitter, Remote controller etc
II. Strategies & Policies for Promoting Wireless-IT in Korea • Present and future • Vision and Strategies • Policies for Promoting Wireless IT
Seoul ▲98Km Busan▼96Km 1.1 Present of Wireless IT in Korea • Mobile phone Subscribers : 33.6M(2003) • 70% of population(Increasing by 11.4% last year) • wire phone subscribers : 22.9M • Wireless Internet subscribers: 22.9M • 52% of population ( Launched WCDMA in 4Q/03) • Broadband Wire Internet Subscriber : 11.2M • High growth of R & B Industries • Increasing Share of the R&B industry in GDP: 2.1%(97)4.4%(02) • becoming the core driving force of Korea economic growth
Present Voice centric mobile communication W-LAN Early stage D-TV 1.2 Future of Wireless IT Infra. Future(After 2007) Beyond IMT-2000 Next Generation Broadcasting u-wireless sensor Telematics Public Protection &Disaster Rescue Broadband W-W Integration T-B Convergence Ubiquitous W-W : Wireline & Wireless, T-B : Telecommunication & Broadcasting
Beyond IMT-2000 Portable Internet(50Mbps),3G(10Mbps) W-LAN(>100Mbps) 4G(100M,1Gbps) Satellite Service 3G(384kbps) W-LAN(54Mbps) u-wireless Sensor RFID based Man-to-Objects Communication UWB based Objects-to- Objects Communication Seamless Communication Telematics Portable Internet/DMB based Multimedia Mobile Office 2G Mobile/W-LAN based Transportation Information & Navigation PPDR Satellite based Disaster Relief Broadband Disaster Relief TRS based Disaster Relief 2004 2005 2006 2007 ~2010 1.3 Outlook on Wireless IT Infra. Evolution NG Broadcast Interactive DMB Gigabit-class DCATV Actual-feeling broadcasting DMB Service Satellite Data Service Terrestrial Interactive TV T-Government/Commerce
IndustryDevelopments StandardizationPolicy R&D Policy Spectrumpolicy ServicePolicy Promotion Policy for each Infra. Common Foundation Enhancement 2. Vision and Strategies Contents Industry Equipments Industry High 5 WIN Broadband Wireless Korea International Cooperation Laws & Regulations Reform Manpower Training New Spectrum Development
u-wireless sensor Infra. NG Broadcast Infra. Spectrum Policy New allocation & Re-farmingto boost New Market Standardization Policy R&D Policy Standardization Activity aiming at Global Market Related to Spectrum & Standard Policy R&B Infra. Core Technology PPDR Infra. Telematics Infra. Leading Service Market R&B Industry Competitiveness Beyond IMT-2000 Infra. Service Policy 3. Policies for Developing Wireless IT
100Mbps(vehicle)∼1Gbps(pedestrian) broadband service by the combination of W-LAN, 4G Mobile (Portable Internet etc), IMT-2000 enhancement, Satellite IMT-2000 IP backbone Network Satellite Terrestrial Mobile communication NW (New Mobile Access, IMT-2000 Enhancement, IMT-2000) W-LAN (2.4, 5, 60GHz) Portable Internet NW (New Mobile Access) Satellite IMT-2000 NW Megacell Macrocell Microcell Picocell In-building Urban Rural 3.1. Beyond IMT-2000 Infra. Overview
ITU-R Definition A service that provides multimedia information at the speed of 100Mbps in high mobility through new mobile access around the year of 2010 Internet (IPv6) access environment at any time and any place Seamless interconnection with other networks, High Security & QoS 3.1-1a. 4G Communications Strategy Launching Portable Internet as the first phase of 4G mobile technology
3.1-1b. 4G Promotion Policies Spectrum Policy R&D Policy Spectrum license of Portable Internet service Secure the spectrum for 4G service (2007) Develop Portable Internet technology(private sector) Support 4G core technology development Standardization Policy Service Policy Lead the International standard activity by international cooperation Commercialize Portable Internet service first time in the world to lead 4G(2005)
3.1-2. 3G Enhancement Policies 10Mbps level multimedia service in high speed mobility cdma2000 1xEV-DV, HSDPA can be deployed by changing channel cards of cdma2000, W-CDMA Spectrum Policy R&D Policy Consider allocation of more spectrum for IMT-2000 service, if necessary. Private sector driven commercialization Standardization Policy Service Policy adopted both cdma2000 1xEV-DV & HSDPA as national standards to support the mobile industry aiming at worldwide market Utilize domestic market as a test-bed by allowing advanced services to the current IMT-2000 spectrum bands
IP Backbone NW Office Network Hot-Spot Network Home Network 3.1-3a. High Speed Wireless LAN 500Mbps~1Gbps level high speed multimedia service at home, office & hotspot
3.1-3b. W-LAN Promotion Policies R&D Policy Spectrum Policy 5GHz(IEEE802.11x) Core Tech. 60GHz Source Technology Considering the allocation of 5GHz bands step by step in accordance with market demand Considering the allocation of 60GHz band for the promotion of home networking Standardization Policy Service Policy Use de-facto standard (IEEE802.11) to ensure international compatibility Active efforts to contribute domestic developed technology to IEEE802.11n Considering 5GHz bands on an unlicensed basis for the promotion of W-LAN service Support interworking among service providers to save provider’s network investment
위성 DTV 3-2. Next Broadcasting Overview Interworking of various communication & broadcasting infra. Interactive intelligent broadcasting service with high qualityHD level video & CD level audio Terrestrial DTV Terrestrial DMB SatelliteDTV Satellite DMB TX/Relay TX/Relay Broadcast Station Rural Urban Mountain Urban Nationwide Broadcasting Area Fixed Receive Mobile Receive DCATV Mobile NW IP Backbone Cable NW
ETRI Terrestrial Broadcast Station Return CH 3.2-1a. Terrestrial Broadcasting 5-6 times clearer video(HDTV quality) & multi-channel audio(CD quality) Interactive intelligent broadcasting service under fixed & mobile condition Fixed NG Internet Mobile Mobile communication NW
3.2-1b. Terrestrial Promotion Policies Spectrum Policy R&D Policy Allocation of UHF bands for trial broadcasting use (2002) Considering effective spectrum utilization policy for A-TV frequency after D-TV transfer ends (2007) Performance enhancing tech Intelligent broadcasting tech. 3DTV technology Standard Policy Service Policy Adopted ATSC standard Contribute domestic developed technology to MPEG, ATSC, DVB, TVAF etc Service launch in 5 Major cities (2003) Nationwide service (2005) A-TV broadcasting ends(95% subscription)
이 Portable Terminal Mobile Terminal 3.2-2a. Terrestrial DMB Overview Multimedia broadcasting service under mobile condition Broadcasting service with high quality(HD video & CD audio) Radio Studio Service NW (IP/Data NW) TV Studio Service Multiplex & Transmit Fixed Terminal Contents Provider Mobile Communication NW
3.2-2b. Terrestrial DMB Promotion Policies Spectrum Policy R&D Policy Temporary allocation of VHF TV band for early service launch (2003) and reallocation after DTV transfer ends NG Multimedia Service Tech. Interactive Application Service Technology Standardization Policy Service Policy Adoption of Eureka-147 standard to cope with future service demand Contribution of domestic developed technology to MPEG, DVB Launch Multimedia DMB service first time in the world Utilize domestic market as a test-bed (2004)
Satellite Gap Filler Internet 3.2-3a. Satellite DMB Overview Nationwide multimedia broadcast service under mobile condition SD level video and CD level audio Earth Station Mobile Terminal Terrestrial mobile Communication NW
3.2-3b. Satellite DMB Promotion Policies Spectrum Policy R&D Policy Secured 25MHz BW (2605-2630 MHz) at WRC-2003 additionally Considering allocation of DMB spectrum Private sector driven commercialization Standardization Policy Service Policy Adopt power-efficient and mobile-communication compatible standard(System E standard) Coordinate S band(2630- 2655MHz) with Japan for early service launch
3.3a. U-wireless Sensor Infra. Overview By attaching electronic tag to objects, ubiquitous sensor networkenable objects to communicate each other and provides servicesrelated to information exchange, location, remote control/management Wireline/Wireless Communication NW RFID Information Management Center WPAN (UWB etc)
3.3b. U-wireless Sensor Promotion Policies Spectrum Policy R&D Policy Spectrum allocation of UWB, RFID band for new industry promotion (2004) 900MHz RFID Technology UWB, WPAN Technology Interworking between Sensor NW & Mobile Communication NW Standardization Policy Service Policy Adopt IEEE802.15 standard as UWB standard for global interoperability Contribute to ISO(RFID standard body) Unlicensed utilization of UWB, RFID for service promotion
3.4a. Telematics Infra. Overview Telematics(Telecomm+Informatics) provides ‘Mobile Office Service’,such as Internet access, location based service, traffics information, emergency rescue, remote vehicle diagnosis Traffic Information Center GPS Internet Map CNS Traffic Safety LBS CRM DSRC/W-LAN Mobile NW Traffic Information Gatheing NW Antenna Roadside Base Station Display Engine W-LAN Collision avoidance Radar Cellular Phone Roadside Base Station
3.4b. Telematics Promotion Policies Spectrum Policy R&D Policy Set-up spectrum policy for the efficient construction of telematics Infra. Wireless multiful access tech. Traffics/map/location information server Antenna/Radar technology for vehicle Standardization Policy Service Policy Develop GIS interface standard, UWB-based in-vehicle WLAN standard Contribute domestic developed standard to international standard body Construct location/traffics information center(2004) Support the spread of affordable terminal
3.5a Public Protection & Disaster Rescue Infra. Satellite-Mobile communications integrated network for public safety & rescue Communication Satellite Monitoring Satelle Aircraft Personal Equipment Vehicle Equipment Server Robot, Manless Equipment Vehicle Equipment
3.5b. PPDR Promotion Policy Spectrum Policy R&D Policy Reallocation of existing TRS bands for early launch of narrowband service Allocation of 4/5GHz bands in accordance with international trends for broadband service, (2007) Handset platform technology Ad-hoc network technology 4~5GHz band RF device Standardization Policy Service Policy Adopt the narrowband standard that fully utilizes existing infrastructure Adopt international standard, MESA, for global interoperability Set-up construction plan of national PPDR NW (2004) Broadband service will launch keeping pace with overseas trends (2010)
Thank You! OH, Sung-Kon Director Ministry of Information & Communication, Korea Tel : 82-43-290-3000 Fax : 82-43-290-2449 E-mail : kon@mic.go.kr