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Empires of the Past: The Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals

Explore the rise and achievements of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires in this trivia game. Test your knowledge of strong leaders, significant events, and cultural contributions. How well do you know these historical powers?

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Empires of the Past: The Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals

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  1. Jeopardy The Mughals The Ottomans The Safavids Strong Leaders I Didn’t Know We Would Be Tested Over That… Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from The Ottomans… This term means “warriors for Islam”. This group formed military groups and raided the lands where non-Muslims lived.

  3. $100 Answer from The Ottomans… Ghazis

  4. $200 Question from The Ottomans… This man was the most successful ghazi and became the founder of the Ottoman Empire.

  5. $200 Answer from The Ottomans… Osman

  6. $300 Question from The Ottomans… The Ottoman Empire was based in this country, the site of modern day Turkey.

  7. $300 Answer from The Ottomans… Anatolia

  8. $400 Question from The Ottomans… The military success of the Ottomans was aided by this resource from Asia.

  9. $400 Answer from The Ottomans… Gunpowder

  10. $500 Question from The Ottomans… This group were an elite group of soldiers. They were Christians taken as children and were personally loyal to the sultan.

  11. $500 Answer from The Ottomans… Janissaries

  12. $100 Question from The Safavids The Safavids were part of the Persian Empire which is a part of this modern day country.

  13. $100 Answer from The Safavids Iran

  14. $200 Question from The Safavids The Safavid empire created this new branch of Islam.

  15. $200 Answer from The Safavids Shia Islam

  16. $300 Question from The Safavids This 14 year old leader led the Safavid army and conquered Baghdad to bring the Safavids to full power.

  17. $300 Answer from The Safavids Isma’ il

  18. $400 Question from The Safavids The Safavids reached their height in the late 1500s under this ruler. He reformed the military, the government, and brought gifted artists to his empire who helped make his capital very beautiful.

  19. $400 Answer from The Safavids Shah Abbas

  20. $500 Question from The Safavids This Persian craft became popular in Europe and demand for this item increased throughout the years.

  21. $500 Answer from The Safavids Persian Rugs

  22. $100 Question from The Mughals… The Mughal Empire was based in this modern day country.

  23. $100 Answer from The Mughals… India

  24. $200 Question from The Mughals… This building was built as a mesothelium and was so beautiful that the emperor had the artist’s eyes cut out so he could never again make anything as beautiful.

  25. $200 Answer from The Mughals Taj Mahal

  26. $300 Question from The Mughals When Babur became ruler over the Mughal Empire, he did so by defeating this city.

  27. $300 Answer from The Mughals Delhi

  28. $400 Question from The Mughals After the Mughal Empire declined, this European power colonized the country of India.

  29. $400 Answer from The Mughals Great Britain

  30. $500 Question from The Mughals Babur ruled this part of India after his take over. The Mughal rulers ruled this land until Aurangzeb decided to expand a hundred years later.

  31. $500 Answer from The Mughals North India

  32. $100 Question from Strong Leaders This man is considered the greatest ruler of the Ottoman Empire. During his rule, he was given the moniker “the Magnificent” as well as “the Lawgiver”.

  33. $100 Answer from Strong Leaders Suleiman I

  34. $200 Question from Strong Leaders This Ottoman sultan was the first to conquer Muslim controlled lands. He was given the nickname “the Grim”.

  35. $200 Answer from Strong Leaders Selim


  37. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$300 Question from Strong Leaders This Ottoman leader led the offensive against Constantinople. He renamed the capital Istanbul.

  38. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$300 Answer from Strong Leaders Mehmet II

  39. $400 Question from Strong Leaders This ruler founded the Mughal Empire.

  40. $400 Answer from Strong Leaders Babur

  41. $500 Question from Strong Leaders This Mughal emperor built the Taj Mahal for his wife. It took him 23 years to build it.

  42. $500 Answer from Strong Leaders Shah Jahan

  43. $100 Question from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That This term means “ones with power”

  44. $100 Answer from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That Sultan


  46. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$200 Question from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That The Ottomans took control of this church built by the emperor Justinian and converted it into a mosque. It still stands there today.

  47. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$200 Answer from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That Hagia Sophia

  48. $300 Question from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That The Ottoman Empire used three different ways to gain power and extend their kingdom under Osman’s rule. They would buy lands, form alliances, and finally they would do this.

  49. $300 Answer from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That Conquer Lands

  50. $400 Question from I Didn't Know I Was Being Tested Over That In the Ottoman Empire, sons of the king had a very distinct way to determine ascension of power. They would perform this act in which they would attempt to kill their brothers. Mehmet I became the first to complete this act.

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