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BELLAHOUSTON ACADEMY. Sport & Health News. Issue 3 – December 2013.
BELLAHOUSTON ACADEMY Sport & Health News Issue 3 – December 2013 The Sport and Health Council would like to introduce you to our brand new logo. The logo was designed as part of a whole school competition and the final badge was created by merging the work of Humera Rafique, Toni-Jayne McCreath, Tad Masiyazi. Well Done, guys! The members of the sport and health council 2013-2014 have now been selected. The council meet once a month with Miss Dickman and Miss Connelly to discuss Sport and Health related issues. Members of the council contribute to the Sport and Health newsletter, researching and writing articles. With the enthusiasm of Ivan, Liam and the rest of the committee we are expecting a very successful year. “People overestimate what they can do in a single day and underestimate what they can do in their entire lives.” – Anonymous
Introducing… Bellahouston Academy’s Sport and Health Captains and Young Ambassadors for 2013/2014. Emma Ivan LiamSharon Myself and Ivan were chosen to attend the Young Ambassadors conference in Tollcross. The day commenced with an inspirational talk from David Smith, an adaptive rower, who won Gold in the 2012 Paralympics. He spoke about the mental and physical barriers he had encountered in his life, which caused difficulty to him when he wished to participate in sport to a high level of performance. However, his sheer determination saw him through these difficulties. He encouraged us to try and try again if we fall at the first hurdle, and to be determined to achieve our goals and dreams, determination was key in his success. We met with other Team GB Olympians, such as Shirley Addison (hammer thrower) and Robbie Renwick (swimmer), who also encouraged us to set goals and to achieve them whether they were specific to our YA role or just in our everyday life. Each workshop we completed was to boost our confidence and determination within and out with our role as Young Ambassadors. We hope to encourage more pupils to participate in sports within the school. We will hopefully arrange some lunchtime clubs for junior years in the near future. We are also open to any ideas pupils may have to improve their experiences and health in sport/PE in Bellahouston. by Emma Mathieson S4
Queen’s Baton Relay Last month the School of sport sent Cara Kennedy, Morgan McKinnon and I to London for the launch of the Queens Baton relay for the commonwealth games in Glasgow. We were taking part in the relay outside Buckingham Palace and Olympians Daniel Purvis and Caitlin McLatchey were also taking part. Olympic gold medallist Allan Wells started the relay. The trip was amazing and we met a lot of great people such as Sir Chris Hoy. We were also interviewed about the relay at Glasgow Green before the fireworks display and the interview was recorded and broadcast on boards around the park. by Ruairi Kirkwood 5C “A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything” – Irish Proverb Well done to our three Duke of Edinburgh groups who recently completed their Bronze expedition. The first two groups had to battle heavy rain and wind, whilst our third group had the pleasure of dry and sunny days. All groups worked very hard in preparation for their expedition. Congratulations to the Bellahouston Teacher’s volleyball team who won the St Andrew’s Carntyne inter-school Volleyball Tournament! . CHAMPIONS!
Bella’s Edible Garden After School Club In the school gardening club there is always a selection of things you can do . It is on Wednesdays at 3:00 – 4:30 in Bellahouston Park. It only takes 10-15 minutes to get there. We do lots of things like harvesting, getting rid of weeds and planting. Everyone that went enjoyed meeting new people and they will be very happy to see new faces. People think harvesting is the most enjoyable thing in the garden, but that is only one of the many activities. Have a go and you will have a great time. If it was fun you could bring your friends. Go to the garden to help increase your confidence levels, of meeting new people and making new friends. At the start you will feel excited, scared, and happy but at the end you will be pleased to behere and will feel confident. By Ayisha Rashid and Malaak Mohammed, S1 Garden Club Every Wednesday 3pm till 4.30pm Sign up today!
Healthy Recipe of the Month • Strawberry & Banana Smoothie • (Serves 2) • What you need… • 6 large strawberries • 1 medium banana • 2 tablespoons of Fresh Orange Juice • 1 Cup of milk • 4 Ice cubes • 2 glasses • A blender • Peel and slice up the Banana. • Remove the green stalk from the Strawberries and cut in half. • Add the fruit and all of the other ingredients into the Blender, put the lid on and blend until smooth. • Pour into two clean glasses • …and enjoy • For more recipes from our Bella cook book, go to our school website Health and Wellbeing Home Economics or follow the link below. • http://www.bellahoustonacademy.glasgow.sch.uk/PlainText/PlainText.aspx?SectionId=2fd89717-69cc-4e74-b2e4-0e7e8dca3f0a
Congratulation to Joseph Millan who produced an excellent Sport Rap for the Sport and Health News! 5 on 5, shooting some hoops Kicking it back wae’ all the troops! Zone defence, saving the ball Having a laugh in the PE hall. Changing the sport to a “kick about” Just scored a goal! Everybody shout! Changing the sport, changing the hall Next one up… it’s time for Dodgeball Sports and games are really good in the sun Come play… join in… It’s lots of fun! By Joseph Millan, S4
This year Mr McCloy has arranged an under 15’s football team to play in a cup against other schools throughout the West of Scotland. Last year we played really well and earned a place in the semi-finals. We started our new season well, winning our first two games. Since then we have had a bad run of results but we are working hard to pick up on that and start to win again. We have had injuries and players missing from the team which has been difficult. Some people from last year’s team have left but we have some new team mates who have come in and filled their place. By Ryan Rae and Reagan Maliska, S2 Welcome to our new SCHOOL SPORTS CO-ORDINATOR A BIG BELLA congratulations to Edward who recently became a qualified SFA referee. Edward has already started to use his skills taking charge of the school football games. MR McCLOY Over the past few weeks we have been lucky enough to have a Scotland International Lacrosse player coming in to coach. This has been very popular with the pupils who have already attended and there is still space to sign up – Thursday 3.50-4.50. Get involved! Some of the girls have taken part in some taster rugby sessions in their core PE classes. The sessions were run over a 6 week block. Most of the girls started out quite sceptical about Rugby but soon caught the rugby bug. Well done S2 Girls!
Bellahouston Academy has lots of extra-curricular activities for pupils after school. These after school clubs are really fun. All you have to do is bring your PE kit for after school clubs and the school provides all the equipment FREE for you that is needed in your sport. It’s great for your health and more and more people are joining these clubs every day. The teachers who are coaching after school clubs are very supportive. They guide you and help you when needed. Our school is giving many facilities for you to maintain your health and have fun. Some of the after school clubs takes place in the Glasgow School of Sport hall which is amazing. We would like you to come along, play your favourite games, have fun and stay healthy!!! Noor ul Mubeen , S3
Bella does Bikram Bella does Bikram S1 and Mrs Kerr are on a big tidy up mission as they begin their litter sweep round the local community. Help S1 Keep Bella Tidy! Bikram is a version of yoga performed in a room heated to 40 degrees. It is very popular throughout the world but is new to Scotland. A group of senior pupils had the opportunity to work with Stephen Clark who offered taster sessions in PE. After trying it in school some pupils were brave enough to face the ‘hot room’ and try a class at the studio in the west end.
Thank you to our Parent Helpers who have generously given up their time to help supervise pupils who have been going out of school to various events such as Cross Country and Swimming. Without their help and continued support our pupils could not engage in these wonderful opportunities! Thank You Parent Helpers! If you are interested in becoming a friend of Bellahouston and helping out with some of our events please let us know of your interest. Beauty Club So far in the Beauty Club we have been learning about nail polish and eye shadow/eyeliner and have been applying it using different techniques. On the first week we did each other’s nails. We had a variety of nail polishes to choose from. During week 2, we attempted French manicures. It turned out to be pretty good, considering the fact that none of us had actually ever done a French Manicure! On the third week, we used eye shadow and eyeliner on each other. We were trying to get a smoky effect. Everyone really enjoyed it because it was something that some of us had never tried. So far all the girls in the beauty club have really enjoyed learning about different ways to do your nails and eyes, with help from Claire (the visitor). Claire also took plenty of pictures of our nails and make-up for the paper. Thank you, Claire! By SafahAslam S1
On Sunday I ran the great Scottish run 10k fun run. I ran it with my dad so I could make him and myself proud. Everyone was full of high spirits, and overall the day was full of fun for everyone taking part. I ran it in under an hour (which was my goal) and I proved to myself that I could do it, which is all I wanted. The route started in town and finished in Glasgow Green. It was a nice route, and even though I was half dead after I was still happy. I had watched the run for many years before I was old enough to take part and I saw all the people dressed up in costume running for a charity and just to have a good time in general and I new from then I wanted a shot, although not brave enough to run in a massive banana suit, far too warm. By Robyn Board, S4 The first Great Scottish Run I did was 3k and my time was 15 minutes and 32 seconds. I went with my school, Glendale, and was the first to finish out of our group. This year I was going to train really hard but only realised on the Monday before the race on Saturday that it was that week. I packed in some last minute training and managed to get my time over 3k down to 14.27! On the day I was quite nervous and anxious to get an even better time. When the race started I got ahead of as many people as possible so I could get my space, then slowed down as I got further in. I ended up finishing with a time of 12.28 in 71st place, which is quite good out of thousands of people. I was really proud of my time and aim to get about 10 to 11 minutes next year. I just have to remember when it is so I can train harder! By Maisie Watson, S1 We both met each other just in front of the course, and put on our numbers and attached our chips to our shoes. Then we went to the start line to do the warm-up routine that lasted roughly 15 minutes. When we heard the horn it meant we were to start. We ran the course together and it hurt near the end but we both finished in 12:45 Havana and 12:54 Jodie. At the finish line we had to rip off our chips and put them in a bin. By Jodie Board & Havana Sillars, S1 Mr McCloy took part in his first ever half marathon this year. Months of training hard paid off when he finished in a time of 1 hour 37 minutes! He was even happier when he realised he finished before his training partner. “Next year my aim is to complete a marathon”. Watch this space to find out how he gets on. WELL DONE TO ALL OUR RUNNERS!
More fundraising The Glasgow Santa Dash is a 5k run/jog/walk around town in a Santa suit. I did the Santa Dash for Prince and Princess of Wales charity in the memory of my friend, Euan Craig. The first runners started at 9.30am at George Square. There was a sea of red and white. I finished at 10:01am and as I crossed the finish line, people were handing out medals and I collected my medal. I raised over £300 pound for the charity which I hope will be well used by them. By Robert Lee, S5 On Sunday the 22nd of September our very own Miss Connelly from the Home Economics Department took part in the Glasgow Bridge Walk for Kidney Research UK. This Seven Mile charity walk started and ended at the Riverside Museum covering many of Glasgow’s famous bridges including the Clyde Arc (Squinty Bridge). There were around 350 participants at this event raising money for this fantastic charity that helps millions of people in the UK who suffer from Kidney Disease. Miss Connelly managed to raise a fantastic £190 – “I would like to thank everyone for their support and donations to this cause, it is a very important charity to me and I can’t wait for next year’s walk!”
Sport and Health Stars Congratulations to those nominated for a range of sport and health related awards this term: Caring Performance Enthusiasm S1 Litter Pick Sinead Crossan Chloe Rooney Tieghan Rooney Sohaib Asif Jack Allardice Fuel Zone Healthy Eaters Ismaily Seleman Kier Pringle Sarah Sidebottom Alexander McGarry Chris Grimley Chefs of the Month Rebecca Brown Waqar Younas Sam McArthur Robyn Miller Ruebin Glasgow Melissa McPhail Zahrish Khan Juliana Mosslemani Abbie Hunter Responsibility Trustworthy PE Star Pupils Rabia Ali Sunny Arshad Ellidh Clark Ryan McDonald Reham Bubaker Royal Horticultural Society Hosts Harry Speake Phillip Buchanan Leadership Adam McInnes Marc Gibson Gary Hannah Alex Smith Billy Murdoch
Sport and Health Career Spotlight: In my week in work experience in PE, I looked at Careers which National 5 P.E could help with help with getting a job in sports. I wanted to look at how to become a strength and conditioning coach. The requirements to be strength and conditioning coach are an A or B degree in a related field such as exercise or human performance. A master’s degree is always preferred by an employer. Having a master’s degree will 100% give the greater and more positive edge over any competition that doesn’t have a post graduate degree. To give yourself the upper hand over the others who are going for the same job as you is to have practical experience, preferably in a collegiate strength and conditioning program. The skills required to be strength and conditioning coach are the following; Communication Skills Ability to work with larger numbers of people Motivational skills Ability to collaborate and compromise Ability to deliver results The most important of these in my opinion is to be able to deliver results. The better the results you deliver as a coach will increase your chances of making more money and give you a better reputation as a person and as a coach. By Mark Crosbie 4B Smile… Be Happy!