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Influence of Chinese Culture on Japan, Korea, and Vietnam

This chapter explores the influence of Chinese culture on Japan, Korea, and Vietnam during the Post-Classical period. It covers topics such as the dynasties in China, Japanese feudal society, Sinification in Korea, and the impact of Chinese conquest in Vietnam. Learn about the spread of Chinese language, Confucianism, and technological innovations throughout these Asian countries.

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Influence of Chinese Culture on Japan, Korea, and Vietnam

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  1. Chapter 13 – Japan, Korea, Vietnam AP WORLD HISTORY

  2. What do we know about Post-Classical China? • Sui, Tang, Song Dynasties • Sui: rebuilds after chaos resulting from the fall of the Han dynasty; Grand Canal to connect north and south • Tang: Early support and promotion of Buddhism (Empress Wu); increase in temples/education/rights of women; eventually ban Buddhism; Perfect Bureaucracy/Civil Service Exam; growth of large cities; Land Reform • Song: Neo-Confucianism; foot binding; strong trade networks and navy; some tendencies for exploration; • Eventually will be invaded by Mongols in 1237 CE

  3. China’s View of the Asian Peoples Story of Phuc and the Barbarians’ Hotel Story shows reverence for China but also showed the view China held for “others” China was seen as “Middle Kingdom” Chinese language, Confucianism, technological innovations and social/political organization spread throughout Vietnam, Korea and Japan This spread was also met with open resistance when direct control was exerted (Vietnam & Korea)

  4. Japan in the Post-Classical Period

  5. Influence of Chinese Government, Culture and Traditions in Japan • 7th and 8th centuries CE - Chinese influence in full effect in Japan • Taika Reforms (646 CE) [make Japanese Gov’t like Chinese] • Change Japanese leader into absolute emperor • Chinese language in Japanese bureaucracy • Dynastic histories • Etiquette blended from China and Japan • Buddhist art; Confucian practices • Ultimately fail - WHY? • Buddhist monks overly powerful; aristocratic families seize control in reaction and move capital to Heian (present-day Kyoto) • Emperor gives up building conscripted army; relies on local aristocratic lords to raise an army…

  6. Chinese Influence Upon Japanese Culture • Royal Court Proceedings • Emphasized education, politeness, social norms, literature/poetry/art • Encouraged Japanese form of Buddhism/language • Palaces and Gardens • The Tale of Genji (~first Novel in any language) • Written during Heian period (high culture/strict social norms) • Decline of Chinese influence • Imperial family loses power to powerful landowners • Less stress on importance of Chinese customs which were deeply connected to Imperial family • Formal gov’t replaced with bakufu (military government)

  7. The emperor reigned, but did not always rule! JapaneseFeudal Society

  8. Japanese Social Structure • Samurai Code of Honor (Bushido) • Loyalty to lords and emperor, Politeness, Simplicity • Hunting, Archery, Steel Swords and Longbow • Seppuku - killing oneself for dishonorable deeds • Japanese vs. European Feudalism

  9. Japanese vs. European Feudalism

  10. Japanese Economy • Growth of urban commerce • Guilds • Better crops (soybeans) • Settle in new areas • Impact on Women • Guild and trade participation in merchant classes • Elite women: lost rights to inherit land and certain forms of education • Used in marriage alliances

  11. Decline of Post-Classical Japan • Shoguns • Gain too much power; manipulated emperors • Military Divisions • Divide Japan into 300 little kingdoms • Changes in Warfare • Sneak attacks, untrained forces; decreased focus on role of samurai • Peasant Unrest • Badly trained and poorly fed troops • Raid cities; some unsuccessful revolts and uprisings

  12. Korea in the Post-Classical Period

  13. Chinese Influence Upon Korea • Before arrival of Chinese Influence: • Descendants of Siberia and Manchuria • Settle in Korean by 4th century BCE • Han Dynasty conquered Korea in 109 BCE; Chinese settlers to Korea • Sinification • Adoption of Chinese culture • Aided by Buddhism • Acceptance of certain Chinese traditions • Writing, unified law code, universities, bureaucracy

  14. Sinification • Tang Dynasty conquers Korea (allies with Silla Dynasty), but eventually removes influence in 668 CE (Silla operates independently) • Korea remains independent until 20th century • Send groups to China to study Chinese culture (Tribute system) • Study Chinese texts • Art - modeled Chinese pottery, architecture (templies, pagodas), print-making • Buddhism

  15. Limited Acceptance • Which group was most likely to accept Chinese culture in Korea? • Why? • Elites did not intermarry or socialize outside of classes so ideas never spread • Dominated trade with China and Japan • Commoners only related to religious (Buddhist) aspect due to missionaries and festivals • After expulsion of Mongols in 1231, Korea establishes the Yi dynasty which will continue many of these trends until its rule ends in 1910

  16. Vietnam in the Post-Classical Period

  17. Vietnam • 2nd century BCE - conquered by Han • Pre-conquest: Viets had strong cultural heritage of their own • Already settled in area when come in contact with Qin dynasty 100 years before • Resisted cultural influences but accepted technological innovations and ideas about government • China views Viets as “southern barbarians”

  18. Chinese Culture Xenophobic Mandarin Chinese Emphasis on centralized government/ bureaucracy Women’s roles limited to household Vietnamese Culture Willing to marry outside of culture (Khmers in Cambodia) Distinct language Emphasized local village autonomy Women have good deal of independence Also have different styles of dress and hygiene Chinese vs. Vietnamese Cultures in Post-Classical Period

  19. Influence Upon Vietnamese Elite • 111 BCE - Han conquers Vietnam • Elite look to benefit • Attend Chinese schools • Enforce exam system for gov’t jobs • Adopt irrigation techniques, Chinese military organization, ancestor worship

  20. Vietnamese Resistance to Chinese Influence • Peasants oppose influence - they don’t benefit as much as elite • Chinese in Vietnam look down upon lower-class customs • Trung sisters led revolt in 39 Ce • Opposed Confucian values - WHY? • Vietnam difficult for China to control due to geography (Distance/mountains) • 939 CE - gain independence from China • Remain independent until 19th c. French colonization

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