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Problem Solving #3

Problem Solving #3. ICS 201 Introduction to Computer Science. Example 1. Declare a class named Employee that contains: A String variable called Name ; A double variable named Basic_Salary ; A Char variable called Gender (‘ M ’ for Male and ‘ F ’ for Female)

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Problem Solving #3

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  1. Problem Solving #3 ICS 201 Introduction to Computer Science

  2. Example 1 • Declare a class named Employee that contains: • A String variable called Name ; • A double variable named Basic_Salary; • A Char variable called Gender (‘M’ for Male and ‘F’ for Female) • A constructor that initializes the field of the Employee class; • An accessor method getGender( ) that returns the gender of an employee.

  3. class Employee { String name ; double Basic_Salary ; char Gender ; Employee (String n , double b , char G) { name = n ; Basic_Salary = b ; Gender = G ; } char getGender(){ return Gender ; } }

  4. Declare a derived class from Employee called Faculty that contains: • An Integer variable named Extra_Hours; • A constructor to initialize the different fields of Employee and Faculty classes; • A method MontlySalary( ) that returns the monthly salary of a faculty; • Hint: Monthly salary = Basic_Salary + Extra_hours*100

  5. class Faculty extends Employee { intExtra_Hours ; Faculty (String n , double b , char G , int EA){ super(n , b , G) ; Extra_Hours = EA ; } double MonthlySalary (){ return super.Basic_Salary + Extra_Hours*100 ; } }

  6. Declare a derived class from Employee called Staff that contains: • An Integer variable named Rank; • A constructor to initialize the different fields of Employee and Staff classes; • MontlySalary( ) that returns the monthly salary of a staff according to the Gender; Hint : Monthly salary = Basic_Salary + 500 if Gender = ‘M’; Monthly salary = Basic_Salary + 300 if Gender = ‘F’;

  7. class Staff extends Employee { int Rank ; Staff (String n , double b , char G , int R){ super(n , b , G) ; Rank = R ; } double MonthlySalary (){ double MS=0 ; if (super.getGender() == 'M') MS= super.Basic_Salary + 500 ; if (super.getGender() == 'F') MS= super.Basic_Salary + 300 ; return MS ; } }

  8. Create an instance of Faculty class, initialize all the fields with appropriate values, and invoke the MontlySalary( ) method. • Create an instance of Staff class, initialize all the fields with appropriate values, and invoke the MontlySalary( ) method.

  9. class Test{ public static void main(String [] a){ Faculty F = new Faculty("xxxx" , 1220.5,'F',10) ; System.out.println("The monthly salary of the faculty xxxx is " +F.MonthlySalary()) ; Staff S = new Staff("yyyy" , 1350.5,'M',1) ; System.out.println("The monthly salary of the staff yyyy is " +S.MonthlySalary()) ; } }

  10. Example 2 • Consider the class named Book that contains: • A private String variable called title; • A private integer variable called nbpages; • A public double variable called price ; • Two public methods SetTitle() and SetNbpages(); • Two public methods getTitle() and getNbpages(); • Class TextBook is a derived class from the class Book. It contains: • A protected integer variable called gradeLevel; • A public method toString() that returns a description of a textBook; • A public method PriceAfterDiscount() that returns the price of a book after applying a discount of 10%. • Question: Establish the UML diagram for this problem.

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