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Mike Newton-Ward, MSW, MPH

Mike Newton-Ward, MSW, MPH. Enhancing QIO Efforts with a Social Marketing Approach—Session #2. The Care Reinvention through Innovation Spread National Coordinating Center for the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization Program. April 23, 2012. 1. Questions. Now, Your Turn!.

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Mike Newton-Ward, MSW, MPH

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mike Newton-Ward, MSW, MPH Enhancing QIO Efforts with a Social Marketing Approach—Session #2 The Care Reinvention through Innovation Spread National Coordinating Center for the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization Program April 23, 2012 1

  2. Questions

  3. Now, Your Turn! Issue: working with nursing homes to reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers To do: Who are your audiences? What behaviors do they need to do? What barriers & benefits exist?

  4. Marketing Tools For You: Audience Orientation • 1) Who do you want to do something? 4

  5. Remember:Segment & Target

  6. Segmentation Resources • CDC Audience Insightswww.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/Audience/index.html • Pew Internet in American Life Projectwww.pewinternet.com/

  7. Marketing Tools For You:Focus on Behavior 1) What do you want people to do? 7

  8. Audience . Behavior . Marketing Tools For You: Audience/Behavior Pairs

  9. Selecting Behaviors:Feasibility Issues • Access • Behavior • Resources • “Political” • Who has sparkling eyes?!

  10. Exchange A Commercial Example You Give Up (i.e. Costs, Barriers) You Get (i.e., Benefits, Facilitators) • 75 cents • Access • Convenience • Taste • A Pepsi • Thirst Quencher • Fun • Youthful Feeling • Boyfriend/Girlfriend 10

  11. “Simplified Elicitation Methodology” For Behavior X: • What makes doing X easier? What makes doing X harder? • What are the good things that happen when you do X? What are the bad things that happen? • Who would approve of your doing X? Who would not approve? *(Middlestadt, Susan E., Karabi Bhattacharyya, Julia Rosenbaum, Martin Fishbein, and Melissa Shepherd (1996), “The Use of Theory Based Semistructured Elicitation Questionnaires: Formative Research for CDC’s Prevention Marketing Initiative,” Public Health Reports, III, Supplement I, 18-27.)

  12. Exchange Your Example… You Give Up (i.e. Costs, Barriers) You Get (i.e., Benefits, Facilitators) • . • . 12

  13. From the Trenches • Look for similar research in similar places, with similar audiences • Use staff diaries • Do your own focus groups, if you have the training • Conduct “research by walking around” • Piggyback on existing questionnaires

  14. Your Turn #2! Issue: working with nursing homes to reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers. To do: Pick an audience/behavior pair. What barriers & benefits exist? Lower barriers & increase benefits/facilitators. Remember “fun, easy, popular”!

  15. Doing Social Marketing Audience/Behavior: _____________________ 15

  16. Doing Social Marketing Audience/Behavior: _____________________ 16

  17. Remember The 4 Ps • Product—Tangible items & services • Price—Incentives • Place—Location, time, place of action • Promotion—Informational materials

  18. Presenter Information Mike Newton-Ward, MSW, MPH Social Marketing Consultant North Carolina Division of Public Health/ Social Marketing National Excellence Collaborative E-mail: mike.newton-ward@dhhs.nc.net

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