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Getting Somewhat Formal with CSP and C++

Getting Somewhat Formal with CSP and C++. Bill Gardner , Assoc. Prof. Modeling & Design Automation Group Dept. of Computing & Information Science University of Guelph. Outline. Overview of “selective formalism” Based on CSP++ tool set: Making CSP specifications executable in C++

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Getting Somewhat Formal with CSP and C++

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  1. Getting Somewhat Formalwith CSP and C++ Bill Gardner, Assoc. Prof. Modeling & Design Automation Group Dept. of Computing & Information Science University of Guelph LFM

  2. Outline • Overview of “selective formalism” • Based on CSP++ tool set:Making CSP specifications executable in C++ • Communicating Sequential Processes (Hoare) • Case studies: focus on ATM • Technical look: • extent of CSP support; runtime mechanism • Current status/availability; future work LFM

  3. “Spectrum” of Formality Selectiveformalism Prove properties Code provably equivalent to specs  Relies on gurus to write specs, pilot refinements to code Ad hoc“Gonzo”SW devpt Full formaldevelopment Remove ambiguities Prove properties  Relies on hand- translation to code Mature,repeatable devpt process Use offormalspecifications LFM

  4. Selective Formalism • Formal spec (CSP) for “control backbone” • Interprocess communication/synchronization • Most vulnerable to concurrency snares: • Deadlock, livelock, safety issues • Prove properties • Automatic code generation  C++ • Plug in non-formal C++ modules • Invoked by CSP events & channels LFM

  5. Concurrent programming • IPC = rich source of faults • Programmers choose among techniques: mutexes, semaphores, monitors, (conditional) critical regions, condition variables • May not appear in programming language directly→cobble together • Must apply correctly “or else” • Lock/unlock mutexes in right order, etc. • Faults hard to reproduce, order dependent LFM

  6. Sample of CSP:Vending Machine SYS = CUST [|{|insert,select,get|}|] VEND(0) CUST = insert!100 → insert!25 →select!RootBeer → get.RootBeer → SKIP VEND(dep) = insert?amt → VEND(dep+amt)[] select?prod → get.prod → VEND(0) LFM

  7. What CSP buys you • Simple, small set of IPC elements: • CSP synchronization = rendezvous (barrier) • CSP channel characteristics: • One-way communication • Point-to-point (broadcast possible) • Unbuffered • Avoids usage errors of other IPC techniques • Except: circular waiting (deadlock) possible LFM

  8. Automated CSPm Tools • Different ways to explore your CSP spec before you go to code: • From Formal Systems (Europe) Ltd: ProBE • Process exploration tool, expands any CSP statement, treelike, to all reachable states • Make sure your CSP does what you thought LFM

  9. Verification of properties • Another Formal Systems tool, FDR2 • “Failures Divergences Refinement” • Checks for deadlocks automatically • Done by state-space exploration, sped up by heuristics • Refinement checking • Safety properties verification LFM

  10. Selective Formalism • System designers decide: • How much of system to specify in CSP • Control backbone • Critical areas • How much to write in conventional C++ • Computations, I/O • NO interprocess comm/sync (breaks formal model) • Limits role of formal gurus: • Spec writing, verification LFM

  11. CSP++ implements CSP computation model invokes plug-in modules handles interprocess sync/comm Bridging the formal method vs. implementation gap CSP formal “backbone” models control structure interprocess sync/comm verification tools C++ plug-in modules bulk of data processing restrictions (no IPC) LFM

  12. Layered System Model CSP++ Control Layer User-coded Functions Packages RTOSFacilities HardwareComponents Target System LFM

  13. cspt translator Verification Tool CSP++ Control Layer User-coded Functions Target System CSP++ Design Flow CSP Specs User Functions LFM

  14. Integration of User Code CSP++ ControlLayer P1 P3 P2 CSP process P1 f4 CSP event f1 f3 user function f1 Packages f2 External Event Routines RTOSFacilities HardwareComponents LFM

  15. Restrictions on User Code • Can link to individual events, or multiple cooperating events of leaf-level process • Cannot rely on static storage (due to multiple process instances) except as provided by framework • Cannot “go behind back” of CSP spec to contact other processes • preserves convention that interprocess communication/synchronization done via CSP LFM

  16. What can you do with CSP++? • Case studies to date: • Disk controller (performance benchmark) • Point-of-sale terminal [Carter & Xu 2005] • Targets Xilinx Microblaze processor core onVirtex-II FPGA • Automated teller [Doxsee & Gardner 2005] • With 22 user-coded functions • Network interface to simulated bank using MySQL • Robot probe [Carter & Gardner 2007] LFM

  17. SESSION = insertcard_i -> READINGCARD READINGCARD = readcard?c -> (cardset!c -> READINGPIN) [] badcard -> EJECT READINGPIN = readpin?p -> (pinset!p -> CHOOSING) [] cancel -> EJECT CHOOSING = chosen?menu -> (choose!menu -> TRANS) [] cancel -> EJECT TRANS = endtrans -> EJECT [] anothertrans -> CHOOSING [] holdingcard -> DONE EJECT = ejectcard -> DONE DONE = sessiondone -> SESSION We will see the READINGPINprocess translated to C++ next CSPm for one ATM process LFM

  18. //READINGPIN = readpin?p -> (pinset!p -> CHOOSING) //[] cancel -> EJECT Channel readpin("readpin", readpin_p); AGENTPROC( READINGPIN_ ) FreeVar p; Agent::startDChoice( 2 ); readpin >> p; cancel(); switch ( Agent::whichDChoice() ) { case 0: { pinset << p; CHAIN0( CHOOSING_ ); } default: { CHAIN0( EJECT_ ); } } } We will see the readpin channel input event replaced by a user-coded C++ function next Sample Translation of CSPm by cspt to C++ LFM

  19. void readpin_chanInput( ActionType t, ActionRef* a, Var* status, Lit* l ) { int pinnumber; cout << "Welcome to the CSP++ ATM" << endl; cout << "Please enter your PIN -> "; cin >> pinnumber; *status = Lit(pinnumber); // store input } Sample User-coded C++ Function • linked to the CSPm channel readpin?p • obtains PIN and returns it via status LFM

  20. ATM Performance Metrics • 1.5 GHz Pentium M, 512 Mb RAM • UCFs removed so only framework overhead measured • 10,000 ATM transactions • Compared with commercial SW synthesis tool, Rational Rose RealTime V6.5 • Generates C++ from UML state diagrams LFM

  21. ATM Timing • Learned: • Structure of CSPm spec strongly influences run-time performance (environment stack, threads) • Pth is slowcompared to native POSIX threads LFM

  22. Contrast Component Kit Approach • Construct executable system from library of components with CSP semantics • E.g., JCSP/CCSP/C++CSP • Appropriate for static process structure • Event/channel renaming not applicable • [Raju et al 2003] Translates CSPm to CTJ, JCSP, CCSP • CSP++ does more operators LFM

  23. Process Definitions • Simple: M = a -> b-> SKIP • Parameterized: P(1,n) = ch!n -> Q P(x,n) = R(x) ||| S(n) • Translation-time vs. run-time binding … -> M … b?y -> P(y,4) … -> P(1,5) LFM

  24. Process Composition • Interleaving: P ||| Q ||| R • Sequence: P ; Q ; R • Interface (sharing) parallel: P[|events|]Q • Simple event set: {a,b,c} • Event closure: {|chan|} LFM

  25. Supported Operators • Comments: --and{-…-} • Prefix: -> • I/O: ch.1.5!12 … ch.1.5?z • if … then … else • External choice: a->P [] b->Q • Limitation: initial event must be exposed • Renaming: [[e<-f]] • Hiding: \{e} LFM

  26. OO Application Framework • A given translated C++ program =a customization of the framework • Most generated code instantiates OOAF classes • Process; Channel; Event; etc. • Classes incorporate CSP execution semantics • Targeting OOAF shortens translation “distance” compared to directly generating assembly code & C++ OOAF more portable LFM

  27. Run-time Environment Stack • Branches at composition operators (tree) • Records all… • Synchronization sets (sync objects become “control center” for sync/comm in progress) • Hiding & renaming • Event execution searches up stack to identify sync/comm, apply hiding/renaming • Trace printing reflects hiding/renaming • Can verify that trace refines original spec LFM

  28. Recent developments (1) • Added synthesis of Timed CSP operators to CSP++ • Original CSP is untimed • Timed CSP adds delays -d->, timeouts [d>, and timed interrupts /d\ (+untimed versions [> /\ ) • Recent tool for carrying out timed verification: • HORAE, National Univ. of Singapore • Includes robot vacuum case study LFM

  29. Recent developments (2) • New Eclipse plug-in for CSP++ • CSP-highlighting specification editor • Integrated with Formal Systems tools (ProBE, FDR2) and maybe HORAE • One-click translation/build • Export execution trace to FDR for verification • Convenient integration of C++ user-coded functions • Goal: Make CSP++ attractive for use in education • Help automate, smooth design flow LFM

  30. Future work • More data types (only int now) • Extend CSP channels/events to coprocessor • Target digital logic on FPGA, SOPC • Add hardware synthesis to cspt translator • Hardware/software codesign: • Partition CSP spec: SW part→C++ source code • HW part→HW description language → FPGA netlist • Synthesize the communication links between them LFM

  31. Future work (2) • Concise training for roles: • CSPm “guru”: • write CSPm, write assertions, run verification tools • System designers identify named CSP events to be linked with C++ functions • I/O, interface to external components, calculations • UCF coder: write C++, test/debug system • How much CSP knowledge is enough? LFM

  32. Availability • Formal Systems tools (ProBE, FDR) free fornon-commercial use (www.fsel.com) • CSP++ also free • Only needs GNU g++ and Pth portable threads • Threading model is non-preemptible without priorities LFM

  33. CSP++ Versions • Download from my website:www.cis.uoguelph.ca/~wgardner“Research & Downloads” link • V4.1 binaries available now + case studies code • V4.2 soon to be released as “open source” • Will include Eclipse plug-in • V5.0 with timed operators still in testing LFM

  34. Conclusion • CSP++ makes synthesizable subset of verifiable CSPm specifications executable & extensible • Tool for carrying out selective formalism with user-coded C++ functions • Possibility of making (some) formalism more palatable & practical to the resistant LFM

  35. Utilize 4 kinds of CSP • Functional model: • Processes with desired system behaviour • Environment model: • Processes simulate entities interacting with system • Constraint model: • Optional processes limit/constrain event sequences (including safety properties) • Implementation model: • Detailed functionality for synthesis LFM

  36. Refinement checking in FDR • Does candidate implementation X “refine” specification S? • Done by verifying traces(X)  traces(S) • “Spec S is ‘trace refined’ by implementation X” • Verify that traces output from CSP++ simulation refine original CSP spec!(have tool for this) LFM

  37. Safety properties in FDR • After given sequence of events, system should not engage in certain “unsafe” events • Set up specification of a bad CSP process that you don’t want to occur • Check whether it refines original spec • If not, proves the spec is safe (in that regard) LFM

  38. Prospects for adoption • Realistically, groundwork for industry practice laid in university education today • Where are formal methods in our/anyone’s undergrad curriculum? • Suitable for 4th yr/grad course • 50% exposure to variety of methods • 50% concentrate on actually using one LFM

  39. Related work: libraries approach • Since manually assembled, not “correct by construction” • Suitable for specs with static process structure (no renaming, hiding, little/no dynamic process creation) • Tech’l: CPA talk • ATM: CPA talk LFM

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