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Applets and Applications. Application run by user, double-clickable/command-line No restrictions on access, reads files, URLS, … GUI applications typically include a Jframe Has title, menus, closeable, resizeable Applet is downloaded via the web
Applets and Applications • Application run by user, double-clickable/command-line • No restrictions on access, reads files, URLS, … • GUI applications typically include a Jframe • Has title, menus, closeable, resizeable • Applet is downloaded via the web • Runs in browser, not trusted (but see policy later) • Can't read files on local machine (but see policy) • Can't be resized within browser • Uses jar file to get all classes at once • Alternative? Establish several connections to server
Developing Applets and Applications • Create a JPanel with the guts of the GUI/logic • What will be in the content pane of both deployments • Makes GUI very simple, see SameGame refactoring • Use JPanel in both Applet and Application • Test with application first, easier to read files/resources • Migrate to Applet, test first with appletviewer • Migrate to web, may need to clear cache/reload • Ideally first cleanly into OOGA architecture • Gui isn't the view, what about interfaces?
Packages, JAR files, deployment http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jar/basics/index.html • Java packages correspond semantically to modules (related classes) and syntactically to a directory structure • Class names correspond to file names • Package names correspond to directories • Related classes belong together, easier to develop, easier to deploy • Leverage default/package access, use properties of protected which is subclass and package access
Packages, javac, java, javadoc • In moderately big programs packages are essential • Can’t easily live in a directory with 50 .java files • Can’t easily co-exist in such a directory • Harder to use tools like Make and Ant • Each of javac, java, javadoc is slightly different with packages, all must co-exist with CLASSPATH • File system vs. compiler vs. runtime • Source of confusion and problems • IDEs can manage Make/CLASSPATH issues
CLASSPATH and related concepts • The default CLASSPATH is . current directory • Works fine with default/unnamed packages • Will not work with named packages • Set CLASSPATH to directory in which packages live also include current dir • setenv CLASSPATH "~ola:." • setenv CLASSPATH "`pwd`:." • On windows machines change registry variable, separator is semi-colon rather than colon • All problems are CLASSPATH problems
More package details • To compile • Can cd into directory and type javac *.java • Can also type javac ooga/*.java from one level up • If CLASSPATH isn't set, the second won't work • To run • java ooga.TicTac will work, you must specify the "real" name of the class being used. • Reading files requires full-paths or run from directory in which file lives • To document • http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/faq.html • Don't need to use –sourcepath, but can • javadoc –d doc ooga ooga.timer ooga.game …
javadoc for packages • See the javadoc faq http://java.sun.com/j2se/javadoc/faq.html • For each package create a package.html file • Not in /** */ javadoc format, strictly html • First sentence after <body> is main description; a sentence ends with a period. • The package.html file should provide complete instructions on how to use the package. All programmer documentation should be accessible or part of this file, e.g., in the file or linked to the file • Use the {@link foo.bar bar} tag appropriately. • See the FAQ, or the source for the elan package online • You may want to keep .java and .class files separate, see sourcepath and classpath as commandline args to java
From JITs to Deoptimization • JITs compile bytecodes when first executed • If we can cache translated code we can avoid re-translating the same bytecode sequence • Spend time compiling things that aren’t frequently executed (optimistic optimization?) • Errors indicate “compiled code” rather than line number • Sun’s HotSpot VM uses a different strategy for performance • Adaptive compilation: save time over JIT, compile “hotspots” rather than everything, uses less memory, starts program faster, http://java.sun.com/products/hotspot/ • No method inlining, but uses dynamic deoptimization • Program loads new subclass, compiled code invalid, so …? • What does the class loader do?
Loading .class files • The bytecode verifier “proves theorems” about the bytecodes being loaded into the JVM • These bytecodes may come from a non-Java source, e.g., compile Ada into bytecodes (why?) • This verification is a static analysis of properties such as: • .class file format (including magic number 0xCAFEBABE) • Methods/instances used properly, parameters correct • Stack doesn’t underflow/overflow • Verification is done by the JVM, not changeable • Contrast ClassLoader, which is changeable, can modify classes before they’re loaded into the JVM http://securingjava.com http://java.sun.com/sfaq/verifier.html
The ClassLoader • The “boot strap” loader is built-in to the JVM • Sometimes called the “default” loader, but it’s not extensible or customizable the way other loaders are • Loads classes from the platform on which the JVM runs (what are loader and JVM written in?) • Applet class loader, RMI class loader, user loaders • Load .class files from URLs, from other areas of platform on which JVM runs • A class knows how it was loaded and new instances will use the same loader • Why implement a custom loader? • Work at Duke with JOIE
Applications and Applets • An applet is a program delivered via the web • security issues, sandbox model • where does code/images/etc come from? How is it delivered? • what browsers support JDK1.2 out-of-the box? • Use IE/Netscape with plugin, use Opera as is, use appletviewer for debugging, testing • Possible to wrap up lots of classes in a .jar file • java archive, similar to a tar file, possible to include .class files, .au, .gif, etc, so all code transferred at once
Running an Applet • An applet has an init() method • similar to constructor, called only once, when the applet is first loaded • An applet has a start() method • called each time the applet becomes “active”, run the first time, or revisited e.g., via the back button in a browser • An applet has a stop() method • called when applet is invisible, e.g., user scrolls or goes to another web page • other methods in an applet • destroy, getAppletInfo, getParameterInfo • Applet subclasses Panel, so it is an Container/Component
Security Manager • Applets use a SecurityManager • Query for permissions • Supported by browsers by convention (would you use an “untrusted” browser) • The picture shows JDK 1.0 model, “sandbox” restrictions supported by SecurityManager • Untrusted code restricted to the sandbox • All downloaded/applets are untrusted • Severely limits what a downloaded program can do
SecurityManager changes in JDK 1.1 • Applets support signing using digital signatures • Signature stored with code in JAR file that’s downloaded • Clients support open/full access to “trusted” applets, some signatures ok • Still “all-or-nothing”, an applet is untrusted or completely trusted • What might be preferable?
SecurityManager changes in JDK 1.2 • Policies are now supported • Allow more fine-grained control of access, permission • Based on location (URL) and/or digital signatures • Uses public/private key, applets don’t need to be signed, can be from a trusted location • Set policies on a system wide basis using policytool • What about user-level permissions?
Networkable solutions • Using sockets we can pass objects back and forth between client and server, but we’re limited • Cannot call methods on objects between client/server, only send objects and respond to protocols • Conceivably we’ll run into firewall problems • RMI, Remote Method Invocation, can fix both these problems • Clients call methods across machines, on objects running in other JVMs • Built on top of HTTP, so can (in theory) be used through firewalls • Requires bookkeeping and security precautions, non-trivial to set up (not in theory, but in practice)
RMI ideas • Think of clients and servers, though this distinction is blurred • In jdk 1.2, server-side objects can call client object methods, so really distributed computing • Still, an initial server/rmiregistry begins the RMI process • JVMs on different machines execute, objects communicate with each other between JVMs • Sockets used underneath, either TCP/IP or HTTP or … customizable e.g., SSL • Classes can either be located in all JVMs, or transferred/downloaded using HTTP codebase • Codebase is also used in applets, but restricted to original web page as root
Applet codebase • JVM executing in browser has different capabilities than “regular” JVM • Looks in codebase as its CLASSPATH, also uses client/browser side CLASSPATH • Codebase is relative to location of web page originating the applet for security reasons • Implications for downloading foo.jar?
XML: Another TLA or the Future? http://java.sun.com/xml/tutorial_intro.html • XML is eXtensible Markup Language • It's a w3c standard (what does this mean?) • http://www.w3.org/XML/ • It's simple, flexible, portable, extensible, hierarchical, complicated (see simple) • Basis for XMP-RPC, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL • Why do we need to understand XML? • It really is simple, and it really is powerful • It really is in-demand and one of the FOTDay
XML in brief • Need some method to create XML • Exported by applications, e.g., iTunes • Edited by hand, this is a bad idea • Done programatically, see bullet 1 • XML can be validated with a DTD • Document Type Definition • Often provided by applications • Really necessary for complex XML data
What does it look like? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Major Version</key><integer>1</integer> <key>Minor Version</key><integer>1</integer> <key>Application Version</key><string>6.0.1</string> <key>Features</key><integer>1</integer> <key>MusicFolder</key> <string>file://localhost/Users/ola/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Music/</string> <key>Library Persistent ID</key><string>2D2047AF6D8A9673</string> <key>Tracks</key> <dict> <key>40</key> <dict> <key>Track ID</key><integer>40</integer> <key>Name</key><string>Track 01</string> <key>Kind</key><string>AAC audio file</string>
Elements of XML • There's an XML header, specifies global "stuff" • There's the content • Root element • Sub elements • What is an element? • Tagged, case-sensitive, semantic • Can contain text, data, attributes <project name="foo" type="java"> <file>Glob.java</file> <file>Blib.java</file> </project>
Handling XML • There are two ways to parse/read XML • SAX: Simple API for XML • Stream based, register callbacks that are called when certain tags/data parsed • Can't move around, but can read and discard • DOM: Document Object Model • Entire tree-like structure read into memory • Easy to move around
Saving and restoring objects • Classes should implement Serializable, this is a tag interface, not necessary to implement a function (see Cloneable) • mark non-serializable fields as transient • platform specific objects like font sizes, these need to be reconstructed rather than re-read • fields that aren’t needed when an object is deserialized • use ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream, can customize behavior using private?! functions below private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException; • also defaultReadObject() and defaultWriteObject()