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WHITE BLOOD CELLS & IT’S DISORDERS. PRESENTED BY DEEPA KC GUIDED BY DR MAJI JOSE DR VISHNU PRABHU DR PAVITRA DR SONIA. WHITE BLOOD CELLS. It is the another class of cells of blood Major function defence the body against microbes by
WHITE BLOOD CELLS • It is the another class of cells of blood • Major function defence the body against microbes by 1. phagocytosis 2. immune mechanism • Staining of peripheral blood by Romanowsky’s stain. this stain have 2 comopent Azure B & Eosin Y
Azure B TrimethylThionine/ blue methionine it is basic & combine with acidic materials. It stain nucleus blue. • Eosin Y tetra bromoflurescein it is acidic, red dye, stain basic material pink. • Modification of Romanowsky’s stain Leishman’s – popular in india Wright stain – popular in USA Jenner – simple procedure Giemsa – complicated procedure
PHYSIOLOGICAL VARIATION • AGE: in infants WBC count is 20,000/cu.mm in children the WBC count is 10,000-15,000/cu.mm in adults the WBC count is 4,000-11,000/cu.mm. • SEX: WBC is more in males. ↑ in pregnancy and menstruation – females. • DIURNAL VARIATION : minimum in early morning and maximum in afternoon. • EXERCISE : WBC is ↑ • SLEEP : WBC is ↓ • EMOTIONAL VARIATION: is ↑ during anxiety.
WBC COUNT • TOTAL WBC COUNT – 4000- 11000/cumm • DIFFERENTIAL COUNT – %wise distribution of the type of cell 100 WBC eg : 60% neutrophil 60 number neutrophil in 100 WBC • ABSOLUTE COUNT – 3% eosinophil 5000× 3/100 = 150 eosinophil/μl
WBC COUNT WBC DIFF COUNT ABSOLUTE LIFE SPAN VALUE/CU.MM Neutrophils 50-70% 3000-6000 2-5dys Eosinophils 2-4% 150-450 7-12dys Basophils 0-1% 0-100 12-15dys Monocytes 2-6% 200-600 2-5dys Lymphocytes 20-30% 20-30 ½-1day
GRANULOCYTES • Granulocytes are the category of leukocytes that contain granules within the cytoplasm & have lobed nucleus. • Formed bone marrow • Granulocytes include: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils.
AGRANULOCYTE • Agranulocytes are the category of leukocytes that do not contain granules. • Agranulocytes are produced by the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and other lymphoid tissue. • There are two types of agranulocytes: Lymphocytes, and Monocytes.
NEUTROPHIL • 60-70% of all leukocytes , most abundant of WBC’s • produced by bone marrow • function 1. emigrate from blood vessel to tissue , It reach to bacteria by chemotaxis , phagocyte them & kill them by different enzymes. 2. facilitation of inflamation • 10 – 14 μm size • 2-5 lobes in nucleus .
Young neutrophil have less no of lobes , as the age increases no of lobes also increases. Young neutrophil with 2- 3 lobes aeen in case of infection , neutrophil with > 5 lobes seen in vit B12 / foliate defi anemia. • Emigration of neutrophil facilitated by lobed nucleus. • Granules amphophilic / neutrally stained 2 types – a) azurophilic/ primary granule - less in no - seen at the stage of promyelocyte - contain acid hydrolase & myeloperoxidase - also contain powerful broad spectrum antimicrobial polypeptide defensin
b) secondary granule - numerous - appear at myelocyte stage - contain lactoferrin - produce free radicle like H2O2 - produce substances helps in chemotaxis. • Coarse cytoplasmic granule seen during infection known as toxic granule. • Neutrophil is phagocytic , but it is smaller than macrophage, so it is called microphage . It is the first defence soldier arrived at the site of microbial invasion, so previously it is known as 1st line of defence.
EOSINOPHILS • 1-4% of the WBC's • 10 – 15 μm size. • nucleus is bilobed , look like spectacle. • Cytoplasmic granule is eosinophilic , it stain red by leishman stain. • Granule contain - MBP ( major basic protein) contain histaminase which inhibit histamine - eosinophilperoxidase – produce H2O2 , activate mast cell leads to inflammation. - cationic protein – inactivate heparine
Eosinophilia seen in - infection by parasites hookworm , filaria - allergies and asthma. • It is weak in phagocytosis, it kills by H2O2 release & histaminase activity.
BASOPHIL • rare granulocytes that are responsible for the symptoms of allergies, including inflammation. • Basophil present in blood , but in tissue another kind of cell present called mast cell. Appearance & function of both is same. • < 1% of WBC • Size of 10-12μm • Contain coarse basophilic granule. • Granule contain histamine & heparin & small amt of bradykinin & seratonin
Basophils & mast cell combine with IgE , results in degranulation , leads to conditions such as allergy , anaphylactic shock.
MONOCYTE • Largest circulating WBC • 2- 8% 0f WBC • Size of 12-20μm • Nucleus is not lobed & no granules in cytoplasm • It born in RBM, then enter in to circulation with in 48-72hr, then emigrate in to tissue. In tissue monocyte converted in to tissue macrophage. • Function - phagocytosis - release many cytokines - play key role in lymphocyte mediated immunity known as 2nd line of defence
LYMPHOCYTE • 25% of circulating WBC • By leishman’s stain 2 type - small lymphocyte - large lymphocyte • Having large nucleus & little scanty cytoplasm • There are 2 type T lymphocyte B lymphocyte It can’t differentiate by leishman’s stain. • T lymphocyte play role in cell mediated immunity . B lymphocyte play role in humoral immunity.
4 types of Tcell 1) Helper T cell – a) helps in growth & proper functioning of cytotoxic T cell , suppressor T cell B lymphocyte , macrophage b) produce many chemicals such as IL-3, TGF, granulocyte colony stimulating factor. Cytokines produce by lymphocyte known as lymphokines 2) cytotoxic T cell – it kills microbes , cancer cells, reject tissue transplanted from different person. They kill Ag through perforins. It perforate the membrane of Ag
3) Suppressor T cell – it regulate the immune response. 4) memory T cell – after the removal of Ag, the specific acquired immune mechanism declines, but few T lymphocytes persist in the lymphnodes for years called memory T cell . When reinfection by the same microbes occure in later life, these cells get activated & remove the microbes. B Lymphocyte main function is synthesis of antibody . After an antigenic challenge , the specific clone of B lymphocytes are converted in to lymphoblast, later it become plasma blast. Plasma cell produce antibody.
WBC DISORDERS • 1) Leukocytosis • 2) Leukopenia - Agranulocytosis - Cyclic Neutropenia - Chediak – Higashi Syndrome • 3) Infectious Mononucleosis • 4) Leukaemoid Reaction • 5) Leukaemia - Acute - Chronic
II. Leukopenia 1. Agranulocytosis 2. Cyclic neutropenia 3. Chediac – Higashi syndrome
AGRANULOCYTOSIS • Synonyms: Neutropenia, Granulocytopenia , agranulocytic angina, malignant leaukopenia Characterized by decreased number of circulating granulocytes <1500/cumm CLASSIFIED Primary agranulocytosis Secondary agranulocytosis
ETIOLOGY • Primary: associated with many syndrome – etiology is not known -chediakhigashi syndrome. -kostmann syndrome • Secondary: associated with drugs anti inflammatory: penicillamine. Anti thyroid drugs: carbimazole, propylthiouracil. Anti arrhythmic: quinidine Anti hypertensive: captopril, enalapril Anti malarial: dapsone, sulfadoxine Anti convulsant : sodium valproate. Antibiotics: penicillins , cephalosporins
Mechanism that cause agranulocytosis is not known. In drug induced , it act as a haptan & induce antibody formation , which destroy the granulocyte or form immune complex which bind WBC & destroy them. • Autoimmune neutropenia is due to anti neutrophil antibodies . • Kostmann syndrome is - congenital neutropenia - mutation in granulocyte colony stimulating factor - myelodysplasia in early infancy with recurrent infection
CLINICAL FEATURE • At any age, mainly in adult , women. • Mainly affect health professionals coz they can access to offending drugs & use drug samples injudiously. • Bacterial infection depending upon degree of neutropenia • Fever is the first manifestation with <500cells/cu.mm of blood • sore throat, weakness, skin become pale & anaemic • Most charecteristic feature is infection of oral cavity& through out GIT, UT, RT • If proper Rx is not given , leads to sepsis & death with in a week
ORAL MANIFISTATION • necrotic ulcer present in oral mucosa, tonsils, Pharynx, gingiva and palate with no purulent discharge. • Ulcer covered by gray/black membrane. Less haemorrhage & pus. • No sign of inflammation around the lesion. • Excessive salivation • Oral surgical procedure & tooth extractions are contraindicated. Histological features • Ulcerated epithelium • Lackes of development of granular leukocyte, no PMN against the bacteria in tissue. • Rapid destruction of supporting tissue of teeth. • Necrosis of tissue start at gingival sulcus & spead in to free gingiva & pdl.
Lab finding • WBC count <500cells/cu.mm with complete absence of neutrophils & other granulocyte. • RBC and Platelets count is normal. • Bone marrow shows absence of granulocytes, but myeloblast & promyelocytes are present . Basic defect is arrest in cell maturation. • Microscopically– necrosis of gingiva beginning in sulcus is seen.
Management • Not specific, withdrawal of causative drug and administration of antibiotics to control infection. • Death is due to massive infection. • Prognosis is good , if identifying causative factor. • Agranulocytosis due to viral disease is self limiting , have good prognosis.
CYCLIC NEUTROPENIA Synonymsperiodic neutropenia, periodic agranulocytosis , cyclic agranulocytic angina • Unusual form of agranulocytosis characterized periodic/cyclic deminutation of PMNs. • Bone marrow maturation arrest. • It spontaneously regress & recur in rhythmic pattern. ETIOLOGY • autosomal dominant cyclic neutropenia is caused due to mutation of gene ELA2
Clinical Feature • Patient manifest a cyclic pattern of neutropenia after every 21days persisting for 3-5days. • Infants and young children • Fever, malaise, sore throat and regional lymphadenopathy. • Neutrophil count is low for short period of time, so no significant bacterial infection . Oral Manifistation • Gingivitis and stomatitis with ulceration corresponding to the period of neutropenia. • Ulcer persist for 14 days & heals with scarring. • radiographic manifistation is mild to severe loss of superficial alveolar bone. Also called prepubertalperiodontitis.
Lab findings • WBC differential count is normal for 21days , for 3-5dys neutrophil count is declined which is compensated by increased monocytes and lymphocytes. Management • No specific Rx • Prognosis is better than agranulocytosis. • Pt may die due to infection in severe case.
CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME Synonyms :Beguezcèrsar syndrome ETIOLOGY • Rare autosomal recessive immunodeficiency disorder characterized by abnormal intracellular protein transport. • Defect in LYST/ CHS 1 gene located on 1q42-43 is lysosomal regulator. • It affect synthesis of - lysosome - dense body of platelet - azurophilic granule of neutrophil - melanosomes of melanocyte • Autophagocytosis of melanosome results in oculocutaneous albinism
CLINICAL FEATURE • seen after birth/children younger than 5yrs. • immune deficiency, occulocutaneousalbunism, recurrent infection with neutropenia, impaired chemotaxis, bleeding due to platelet defect. • Terminal phase charecterized by non malignant lymphohistiocytic lymphoma of multiple organs that occure in 80% of case. It is precipitated by Epstein-Barr viral infection. results in anaemia, bleeding,infection & death. • Infection secondary to abnormal PMN. • Very few pt live to adult hood have peripheral neuropathy. ORAL MANIFISTATION • Ulceration , gingivitis, glossitis and breakdown of periodontium due to defective leukocytes.
Lab finding • Peripheral smear reveals: giant abnormal granules in circulation leukocytes— dohles bodies. This is the hallmark of this syndrome. It represent abnormal lysosomes. • Ultra structurally – viable dividing bacteria along with abnormal granules are found in cytoplasm of periodontal PMN. Management • No specific Rx • Death occure before the child reaches the age of 10yrs.
III) INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS Synonyms: glandular fever, kissing dieases. • It is described as mononuclear leukocytosis in reaction to acute infection. charecterized by fever , pharyngitis, adenopathy. • Early it is termed Drusenfieber • Occure in children & young adult, no sex prediction. • EB virus transmit through body secretions & saliva, so it is known as kissing disease. • EB virus persist in saliva for 18 month following onset of the disease.
Clinical Feature • Sore throat, fever, headache, chills cough nausea vomiting and lymphadenopathy. • Splenomegaly and hepatitis, pharyngitis , tonsilitis. • Cervical lymph node involvement.
Oral Manifistation • No specific oral manifestations. • Acute gingivitis and stomatitis with ulceration. • White gray membrane in various area. • Petechial hemorrhage of soft palate several in number. It appear few days after prodromal symptoms. It is the early clinical diagnostic sign. • It is 12-100 in number. Lesion persist for 3-11dys. Gradually fades.
INVESTIGATION AND DIAGNOSIS • Peripheral blood smear shows atypical lymphocytes. It have horse-shoe shaped/ intented nuclei with dense chromatin & vacuolated cytoplasm. Also known as mononucleosis cell / downey type cell . • Increase in hetrophilantibody titer to 1:4096 – paulbunnell test. • EBV nuclear antibodies appears after 1-2mths and persist through out life. • EBV infected B Cell undergo polyclonal activation & proliferation, it secrete IgM antibody & later produce IgG , which present through out life .
Management -Rest and adequate diet. -Short term steroids. -Disease generally run its course in 2-4wks with less complications
IV) LEUKAEMOID REACTIONS • It is reactive leucocytosis in peripheral blood, resembling that of leukaemia in a subject who doesn’t have. • Clinical feature of leukaemia such as splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, hemmorrhage are usually absent. • 2 type - myeloid leukaemoid reaction - lymphoid leukaemoid reaction