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2010 Sci Oly Events. B Events. 15 team members with up to 6 alternates Competing with 7 th through 9 th grade Only five 9 th graders on the team! 20 events 1-2 events is normal 3-4 is tough 5 events is for serious geeks only!. Anatomy (B and C). Basic knowledge
B Events • 15 team members with up to 6 alternates • Competing with 7th through 9th grade • Only five 9th graders on the team! • 20 events • 1-2 events is normal • 3-4 is tough • 5 events is for serious geeks only!
Anatomy (B and C) • Basic knowledge • Covers skeletal system and muscular system • C Team will cover Endocrine, too
Bio-Process Lab • Laboratory competition • Covers lab safety, observations, inferences, scientific method, lab equipment, experimental design, measurement, microscopes, chemical analysis, dichotomous keys, graphing, data analysis,
Compute This • Computer-based test • Find information on a website, put it in a spreadsheet, and interpret the data
Disease Detectives (B and C) • Know everything about diseases like transmission, stats, causes, prevention, etc. • C event will also do calculations
Dynamic Planet (B and C) • General knowledge event about Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Ecology (B and C) • Written test on Grasslands biome. • C event also includes Taiga biome.
Egg-o-naut (B and C) • Shoot bottle rocket carrying egg • Parachute back to Earth safely
Elevated Bridge (B and C) • Build the lightest bridge that holds the most mass.
Experimental Design (B and C) • Create an experiment, complete it, and write it up
Fossils (B and C) • Identification and general knowledge
Meteorology • General knowledge about weather and atmosphere.
Metric Mastery (B and C) • Estimation, measurement, calculation using metric system.
Mystery Architecture • Hey, here’s some junk! Build a bridge… or a tower, or a… something.
Ornithology (B and C) • Identification and knowledge about bird characteristics
Physical Science Lab (B and C) • Build the most efficient windmill. • General knowledge on wind power and other alternative energy sources. • C event must do calculations of energy/power.
Road Scholar • Interpret, collect data from, and create topographic maps
Shock Value • Knowledge of electricity, magnetism and electrical devices • Build basic circuits
Solar System • Test on sun, planets, satellites, famous astronomers, etc.
Trajectory (B and C) • Build a catapult to shoot targets. Create data tables of all trials.
Write It Do It (B and C) • Write instructions to your partner for building a random structure. Your partner then builds it from pieces using only your written instructions.
K… Now for the extra C events • Same deal: 15 competitors with up to 6 events. No limit on 9th graders, though. • 20 events • Competing with 9th through 12th
Astronomy • Knowledge of galaxies, cepheid stars, binary systems.
Cell Biology • Stations-based test on cell structure and function, DNA/RNA, genetics • Can include specimens and demonstrations
It’s About Time • Building and knowledge event about time and timekeeping. • Construct a device that keeps accurate time.
Pentathlon • Demonstrate knowledge of the 5 areas of Science Olympiad AND complete physical tasks.
Picture This • Pictionary with science words Monera =
Open Events (Both B and C) • These events are possibly going to be included. • Depends on parental support and comittment level from the student. • So… if you are interested in doing this, show us you can do it well and we will consider making it a medal event!
Battery Buggy (B event) • Construct a battery-powered vehicle that travels a certain distance and stops on a dime (dollar divided by 10).
Can’t Judge a Powder (B) • Identify a pure substance (chemistry lab) and then answer questions about it.
Junkyard Challenge (B) • Using “junk” you bring from home, you must trip 4 mousetraps using a golf ball dropped in the center.
Science Crime Busters (B) • Perform chemical tests, fingerprint/footprint analysis, etc. to solve a crime.
Wright Stuff (B) • Build and fly a rubberband-powered plane for the longest time.
Mission Possible (C) • Build a complicated Rube Goldberg machine with a photocell, motors, electromagnet, fire, hydraulics, etc.
Mouse Trap Vehicle (C) • Build a car that travels a set distance and then returns to the starting point using only mousetraps for power.
Remote Sensing (C) • Use data from satellites to understand human interaction with the FOREST biome.
Environmental Chemistry (C) • Knowledge of chemical reactions, minerals, soil properties and nutrients.