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Homeostasis. Balance Temperature Sugars – liver/pancreas – insulin Kidneys – water/ filter waste Chemical balance – pH respiration – oxygen and carbon dioxide. A – nonspecific defense. B – Nervous system – control of our muscles. A – no such Thing

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  1. Homeostasis • Balance • Temperature • Sugars – liver/pancreas – insulin • Kidneys – water/ filter waste Chemical balance – pH respiration – oxygen and carbon dioxide

  2. A – nonspecific defense B – Nervous system – control of our muscles

  3. A – no such Thing B – correct Answer – chemical changes affect pH C – wrong D – Thermal = heat Receptors are found on the cell membrane

  4. Natural Selection • Survival • Genes • Adaptation • Traits • Environment/Habitat • Fossils – common ancestry homologous structures

  5. Episodic – chapters – different things happen over time Temporal – TIME Geographic – location Behavioral – How they act

  6. Mitochondria • Energy • ATP - Product • Cellular Respiration • Glucose - Reactant • Oxygen Carbon Dioxide

  7. A – lysosome – break down and remove wastes B – Correct Answer C – messenger RNA – translates to proteins D – Golgi Bodies – Transport proteins out of the cell

  8. Boys have XY – only 1 X chromosome They get their X chromosome from their MOTHER -

  9. Alleles • Genes • Traits • Genotype • Phenotype • Homozygous – two of the same gene • Heterozygous – Two different genes • X- linked • Genetic disorders • Dominant • Recessive • Co-dominant - both alleles are equally dominant

  10. Aerobic – OXYGEN – cellular respiration requires oxygen Anaerobic – does not require oxygen

  11. Lethal = Deadly The gene must be recessive if you are a carrier C is the correct answer – a carrier has one copy of the lethal allele

  12. Meiosis • Sex cells • Reproduction • Haploid – One set of chromosomes • Sperm/egg • 2 cycles • 4 haploid cells result • Crossing – Over – genes are exchanged from one chromosome to the other

  13. N is the number is the number of chromosomes Each sex cell has “n’ number of chromosomes after fertilization they combine and have 2n number of chromosomes

  14. Codon • Proteins/Amino Acids • DNA • RNA /mRNA • Base Pairs – 3 Base pairs = 1 codon • Transcription • AGCT – DNA AGCU = RNA

  15. DNA HAS NO U’s C – Base Pairing is incorrect Correct Answer is B

  16. The correct answer is C – The arrangement and sequence of amino acids is important in defining which protein you have

  17. Cell Membrane • PhospholipidBilayer – heads and tails • Protein Channels • Controls what enters and exits • Diffusion • Semi-permeable – allows some things to pass through

  18. Golgi apparatus moves proteins out of the cell

  19. Enzyme

  20. Vocabulary • Succession • Polyploidy • Population Model • Aerobic • Genetic Drift • Temporal • Episodic • Geographic • Barrier • Semi/permeable/conservative`

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