Lupus the Wolf By Alexis Noble
The Myth Lupus or the wolf. Filomeleo son of Demeter and Yasonte was the first agriculturist of the world according to Greek mythology. It seems to be that his grandfather invited Zeus to a banquet and he served to him to his own Arcade grandson like food. Zeus recomposed the body of this one and he turned it star, but according to another version after recomposing the body of Arcade occurred it to raise to a goatherd and punished to the grandfathers turning it a wolf or Lupus and setting afire its mansion The wolf is said to be placed in the heavens as a reminder of the religious nature of Chiron the Centaus who is depicted as spearing it in order to offer it as a sacrifice
Where can you find Lupus? Lupus limitsthe North withtheconstellationsfromScorpius and Libra. TotheeastwithCentaurus. ThesouthwithCircinuss . Thewestwiththeconstellations of NormaandScorpiusagain. Crossestheparallel of 40º of South latitude.
History Lupus is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for wolf. Lupus was one of the 48 constellations, listed by the 1st century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations.
Stars Lupus has no extremely bright stars, but has around thirty stars of second and third magnitude and 70 of greater than sixth, including a number of binary or multiple stars. Among the stars which make up the constellation figure, only a few are named stars, the brightest is α Lupi, or Men, a blue giant. β Lupi has the name KeKouan. Most of the brightest stars in Lupus are massive members of the nearest OB association: Scorpius-Centaurus
WorksCited http://www.redorbit.com/education/reference_library/constellations/lupus_the_wolf_constellation/334/index.html