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Promoting Abroad: Clubs, Music, and Films. By: Salim Bakhit. Promoting. Promoting, in general, is a major part of the entertainment industry.
Promoting Abroad: Clubs, Music, and Films By: Salim Bakhit
Promoting • Promoting, in general, is a major part of the entertainment industry. • Promoters are typically independent contractors that are hired by companies, venues, or musicians to propel their public image or their general recognition (be it local, national, or international). • Club Promoters are known for their connections and helping people gain access to certain features that their venues hold. • Music Promoters are responsible for such things as helping an artist or music group get more recognition, more people at their shows, or helping with their public image. • Promoting films is more geared toward getting a film more recognition and gaining a bigger audience outside of the film’s original target.
Club Promoting • To be a club promoter, one must know the demographic that each club wants to target as their main base. • Club promoters will also have to know how to dress the part for the club that they are promoting, talk the talk, and most importantly walk the walk. • In Brazil, where most of my experience has been, one will have to dress incredibly well, know how to take care of their guests/protect them, and speak in a way that flows with a general good vibe (unless there is a problem, then you have to try to intimidate or bribe your way out of it).
Music Promoting • In music, promoting really helps artists or music groups reach new audiences. • Promoting is a major part of the music industry and has soared to new heights in recent years. • Promoting musicians or groups internationally is both difficult and can be a fun experience for some. • If a promoter brings a new style to an area abroad, then they gain access to that area’s scene and to the possibilities of getting their client(s) noticed in other surrounding areas/countries/regions. • It is not an easy task and takes a lot of commitment to market the musicians/groups to a different country or region, but it can get a promoter into new circles that may create opportunities to open many doors for both the promoter and the musician(s). • Music can also be promoted, internationally, through video games because they may be included in the games’ soundtracks.
Film Promoting • To promote a film abroad takes a lot of research and event planning in order for the film to have success. • Usually a promotion company or PR firm will take this on, but their promoters will do endless research and networking in order to help make the film successful. • Targeting events that hold audiences that may be interested in each particular film is key in the success of the film in that region/country/area.
Why I am Interested • I promoted clubs, bars, events, and musicians during my Junior and Senior years of High School (In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). • I am still promoting music and have an internship at a company that does film promotions; I will also be promoting for some clubs/lounges in Amman over the summer). • I want to be a promoter and have my own PR firm or Event Management company or both, in the Middle East, by the time that I am 29 years old. • Music, films, and night life are also major parts of who I am as an individual; to be in the industry behind the scenes is and would continue to be a luxury for my lifestyle.
Social Media and Promoting • Social Media is a major part of promoting. • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Viddy, Vimeo, and not to mention Youtube have all been immensely resourceful tools for promotions around the globe. • These tools allow musicians, venues, and films to create their own pages, events, and calendar dates that promoters/promotion companies use to create sub-categories for fans and clientele bases that wish to know or see more. • Here is an example of how Flip Jordan, a company in Amman that has many different branches of expertise (PR, Ad, Events, Promotions, Marketing, etc), did the promotion for the Landmark Hotel’s pool lounge (Zest) opening party last summer. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1zHalMApeA
Promoting AbroadI: Europe • In Europe, the way that promoting is conducted is incredibly different. • Club promoters will have more access to the music that is played and have more control over who gains entry to the club itself; thus setting a certain standard for what is expected there. Where as in the USA, promoters are not granted as much power. • Music and Film Promoters will have to struggle more than they do in the USA to get their clients recognized or gain more momentum because the film and music industries are not as popular as the mainstream that flows out of the USA and the UK.
Promoting Abroad II: A) South America (Hispanic) • Clubs: Promoting clubs in South America is, actually, pretty easy. All you need is money, connections, and an outgoing attitude. Most promoters in these countries will be doing it for the fun and passion of promoting, rather than making money off of it; and that is what makes these promoters thrive in it. Plus, some of them have their own versions of Facebook that are custom made for each country on top of already having actual Facebook pages (Orkut in Brazil, for example). • Music and Film: Promoting music and films in South America, also, pretty easy. The Social Media tools available and the wide ranges of types of movies/music genres that tailor to each audience in these countries makes it incredibly easy to promote them throughout the region, excluding Brazil because they speak Portuguese not Spanish.
Promoting AbroadII: B) Brazil • Brazil is in South America, but they do not consider themselves as part of the Latino culture. Therefore the promoting done in this country for music and film is carried out differently than in the other South American countries. Money is 85% of promoting in Brazil. • Music: There are 5 types of music that dominate Brazil: Funk, Pagode, Rock, Electronica/House, and Samba. Promoting these types of music in the more populated areas is very easy if you have money for bribes or if you know how to upload videos to Youtube (for Funk and Pagode). In the more rural areas, it is all about who you know and, again, how much money you have. • Film: Promoting films in Brazil is a task that has typically left to TV and Radio, while Social Media has only become a popular tool in the past 2-4 years for independent promoters that are unaffiliated with the Studios.
Promoting AbroadIII: Middle East • Club promoting in the Middle Eastern countries (that allow drinking to occur) is all about who you know, which family or tribe you are from, and how well you sell your public image. Promoting in these clubs and lounges is more lavish and promoters are expected to wear the nicest marks and have the best/most stylish looks that are in fashion (Gucci, L.V., Versace, etc). • Music and Film: Most of the films that come out in the M.E. are from Turkey and have been promoted through Turkish television or Phone services. Music is mainly promoted on the radio stations and it is extremely rare to find an independent promoter that can find artists that are not already affiliated with a radio station or a House DJ at a local club or lounge. Promoting music is mainly done through the club/lounge scenes in this region or the Radio stations.
Promoting AbroadIV: Asia • First and foremost, Japan is one of the greatest destinations for any promoter that wishes to make a decent mark in the music or club promoting industries. Then South Korea and China are the next countries to look out for. • Club promoting in Japan, S.K., and China are all very different from each other, but the main one to look for is Japan. Japan is a hub for fashion, avid club scenes, music, and film. The club scenes in Japan are all different and tend to depend on the type of music or fashion that one is into. Club promoting and Music promoting go hand-in-hand here and have promoters on their toes at all times because of the constant changes that occur within the scenes.
Promoting AbroadV: The UK • Clubs: Club promoters in the UK are known mainly for the work that they do in London. The London club scene ranges from dirty and grimy in some areas to luxurious and lavish in others. Promoting the clubs in London is difficult because of the scene’s diverse crowds and different areas that clubs are located in. Promoters need to have connections with many different people in order to succeed in their goals. • Music and Film: The UK is the home to many famous artists and the British dry humor comedies that have brought extreme laughter many people from around the world. Promoting music in the UK is near impossible for someone that does not know many well connected people, but if you know such people doors will be opened that can bring many famous artists, venues, and radio stations. As for films, promoting them can be easy as well as near impossible. Promoting comedies that are well backed is incredibly easy for a well connected promoter, but if it is independent and not well funded, then promoting it can be a dead end for the most well connected promoter.
Music Genres and Promoting • To promote music, the promoter must know which audience they are targeting, how they will target them, what to emphasize, and what to act like/dress like/talk like when addressing their targeted audience. • For example: To promote Rock music, the promoter will tailor to the type of rock (types of Metal, Punk, Alternative, Hard-Core, Easy-Listening, Classic, etc) and target the audience that they are addressing based off of the sub-culture that belongs to each type/sub-type. • The same goes for any other type of music. The promoter must know what they are talking about, other artists that are comparable, the types of venues that made other artists of the same general genre famous, know the culture or sub-culture of the music or music scene, etc.
Film Promotions Abroad • Here is an example of a film that is being promoted on the cycling circuit abroad. • Mosaic Media, the company I intern at, is trying to promote this film at cycling events around the world. I am, personally, working on this project. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vxH6zPoNNs
Music Promotion Abroad • Here is an example of a song that got global recognition because the video game, Fifa 2007, and helped this artist gain global popularity with audiences that love easy listening or global music. • His video for TiveRazao also includes an appearance by the famous actor, Willem Dafoe, who gives Seu Jorge money for playing his music in front of a Catholic Church. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwT2iiKeg1g