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Placer MHSA Integrated 3 Year Planning—Further Conversations

Placer MHSA Integrated 3 Year Planning—Further Conversations. July 1, 2014- June 31,2017. The Big Picture…. Review MHSA planning efforts Revised five year forecast Community capacity/asset mapping tool Ready to go - details Program assumptions Review Suggested narrowing processes

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Placer MHSA Integrated 3 Year Planning—Further Conversations

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  1. Placer MHSA Integrated 3 Year Planning—Further Conversations July 1, 2014- June 31,2017

  2. The Big Picture… • Review MHSA planning efforts • Revised five year forecast • Community capacity/asset mapping tool • Ready to go - details • Program assumptions • Review • Suggested narrowing processes • Next Steps

  3. Review of Planning Elements & Requirements • 3-year plan (2014 – 2017) • Based on unspent funds + estimated revenues from State • Stakeholder process • Representatives from various constituency groups (CCW Steering) • Involvement in: mental health policy, program planning & implementation, monitoring, quality improvement, evaluation & budget allocations • Draft plan circulated for 30 days for public comment (Summer/Fall 2013)

  4. Review of Current CCW Organizational Structure • Leadership Team: Decisional Team, based on input and guidance from this CCW Steering committee • Participation from 4 committees: • Promote Mental Health Awareness – Anno Nakai • Outreach and Stigma Reduction—Jennifer Price • MHSA Implementation – Janice Leroux • Workforce, Education and Training(WET)—Sandy Cretney • Plus 2 County Reps – Maureen Bauman and Richard Knecht

  5. Review of Current MHSA Elements Ongoing Ongoing One-Time 75% 20% 5% Community Services & Supports Prevention & Early Intervention Innovation Cap Fac. & Tech WET West Slope(PCF) Full Service Prt. Ready for Success Tahoe(TTCF) Systems Transf. Bridges to Wellness 5 Large Projects Bye Bye Blues Crisis Triage Housing Lake Tahoe

  6. Five Year Financial Forecasts Ongoing Dollars Unspent funds

  7. Forecast of Ongoing Dollars in millions Assumes Revenues increase 5% per year from State

  8. Forecast of Unspent Dollars in millions Assumes starting in 2012/2013 current unspent (rev. increases 5% , expenses 2%): CSS & PEI spread over 6 yrs. Innovation spread over 3 yrs. WET over 2 yrs. Cap Facility 1 yr.

  9. Current Process Dec. April - June July March Aug Gaps Eval. Current Programs Asset Map Review Framework For Priorities Outcomes& Target Pops. Target Pop. + Outcomes • Target Pops served • Outcomes • Recomm. • Recommending programs • Steering Ideas • Asset mapping • Funding strategies Sept. Strategies & Programs Draft Plan Staff maps To Budget Oct. 2013 • Steering Rec. • Leadership Team decisional

  10. Asset Mapping Tool is Ready • Survey tool created • MHSA subcommittee has reviewed + approved • Timing • Sending out today (2/22) • Responses due by 3/15 • Preliminary results by next CC@ meeting 3/22 • Outreach to: • Those serving mental health needs • PCOE, PCOH, PCN, NOC, CCTT

  11. Proposed Process for Making Funding Recommendations

  12. Suggested Elements for Funding Consideration 3 elements that will come together into one draft plan • Existing programs • Shall we add, reduce, or keep same? • Roll Identified portions of Innovations and WET, and Capital/Facilities into ongoing • Develop new programs • Ongoing $’s • Three yr. $’s • Match criteria • Innovation • Decision based on “new learning”

  13. Current Programs 2 independent Review teams All Current Programs Meet State Outcomes Criteria? YES MHSA Eval. Comm Volunt. Comm. (new) Include WET? Cap/Facilities/IT? Housing? Include selected Innovations proposals? Criteria: Evaluation Outcomes Review priorities MHSA Principles Survey: gaps/assets Budget Inquiry Funding: +, -, 0 Portion of Draft Plan Recommend Programs w/budget CCW Leadership CCW Steering Not assigned To Agencies yet RFP after plan Is approved

  14. New Programs • Reconcile to: • Existing funding strategies • Criteria Initial mapping by Leadership Team F S P PEI Gap Ideas (steering) Prioritized Programs List Committee? INN Sys Trans Recommend Programs w/budget Portion of Draft Plan CCW Leadership CCW Steering No agencies named RFP after plan Is approved

  15. Innovations(Process to be Determined) Target pops (CCW gap ideas) Steering Committee Final Recomm. Program & Funding Priorities CCW Leadership • Programs must do at least one of the following: • Increase access to underserved • Increase quality of services, including better outcomes • Promote interagency collaboration • Increase access to services Portion of Draft Plan

  16. Timing for the 3 elements: Existing, New and Innovation July Sept. March April - June Review Programs Per process Existing Programs Recruit Volunteers For Committee Refine Criteria and process Merge : Programs & Budget Recomm. WET, & Innovation Programs selected New Programs Recruit Volunteers For Committee Prioritize List per process Map to budget estimate Finalize Recomm. Innov- ation Target Pops (from CCW gap ideas) Program & Funding Priorities

  17. Next Steps • Review asset survey results • Discuss process recommendations • Innovation • Review • Program Learning and strategies conversation • Volunteers for: • Existing program volunteer review committee • New program review committee

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