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The d esign & development of an intervention about young men & unintended teenage pregnancy

The d esign & development of an intervention about young men & unintended teenage pregnancy. Maria Lohan, Áine Aventin, Peter O’Halloran , Marion Henderson & Carmel Kelly. ICL Conference, QUB Feb 2014. Aims of today’s talk. Why we developed the educational resource

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The d esign & development of an intervention about young men & unintended teenage pregnancy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The design & development of an intervention about young men & unintended teenage pregnancy Maria Lohan, Áine Aventin, Peter O’Halloran, Marion Henderson & Carmel Kelly ICL Conference, QUB Feb 2014

  2. Aims of today’s talk • Why we developed the educational resource • How we went about it • What are some key lessons we learned?

  3. Why?

  4. Source: Wilkinson & Pickett, The Spirit Level (2009)

  5. What’s men got to do with it? 6

  6. How?

  7. What the UK MRC Guidelines say Phase 1 development work : • identification of the relevant evidence base; • modelling of a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon and • exploratory mixed methods research to consult with end users and key stakeholders

  8. Development of evidence base

  9. Movie-based Approach Method: a computer based interactive video drama (IVD) • Brings to life a story… • Participants have to role play • Potential as an educational intervention

  10. What the UK MRC Guidelines say Phase 1 development work : • identification of the relevant evidence base; • modelling of a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon and • exploratory mixed methods research to consult with end users and key stakeholders

  11. Modelling of Theoretical Understanding

  12. Refining the content in consultation

  13. Some lessons Learned • Know & engagethe target population • Know the behaviours to be targeted & model a process of change • Look beyond development to evaluation by engaging stakeholders.

  14. Acknowledgement of Research Team Present and past team members: Dr Sharon Cruise, QUB Dr Carmel Kelly, QUB Dr Marion Henderson , Medical Research Council's Social and Public Health Sciences Unit. Prof. Fiona Alderdice QUB Prof. Abbey Hyde, University College Dublin

  15. Acknowledgement of Research Funding

  16. References • Lohan M (2007) How Might We Understand Men's Health Better? Integrating Explanations From Critical Studies On Men And Inequalities In Health. Social Science & Medicine, 65: 493-504. • Lohan, M., Cruise, S., O’Halloran, P., Alderdice, F., and Hyde, A. (2010) Adolescent men’s attitudes in relation to pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes: A systematic review of the literature from 1980-2009. Journal of Adolescent Health 47 (4), 327-345. • Lohan, M., Cruise, S., O’Halloran, P. Alderdice, F., and Hyde, A.  (2011) Adolescent men’s attitudes and decision-making in relation to an unplanned pregnancy. Responses to an interactive video drama, Social Science & Medicine, 72, 1507-1514. 17

  17. References Hyde, A. Carney, M., Drennan, J. Butler, M., Lohan, M. and Howlett, E (2010) The silent treatment: parents’ narratives on sexuality education with their adolescent children. Culture Health and Sexuality 12, (4), 359-371. Hyde, A., Drennan, J., Lohan, M., Carney, M. and Howlett, E. (2013 in press) Parent's Communication about Safer Sex with their Children. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Lohan, M., Olivari, M.G., Corkindale, C., Milani, L., Confalonieri, E., Cruise, S., O'Halloran, P., Alderdice, F. and Hyde, A. (2013). Adolescent Men's Pregnancy Resolution Choices in Relation to an Unintended Pregnancy: A Comparative Analysis of Adolescent Men in Three Countries. Journal of Family Issues, 34(8), 1037 18

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