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BLIND SIGNATURES FOR UNTRACEABLE PAYMENTS ~David Chaum. Presented By: Mershack Okoe. Blindly Signing a Signature. Invented By David Chaum . He also invented the first implementation with RSA. Electronic Payment Problem. Problem: The automated way we pay for goods and services…
Blindly Signing a Signature • Invented By David Chaum. • He also invented the first implementation with RSA.
Electronic Payment Problem • Problem: The automated way we pay for goods and services… • Has substantial impact on : • personal privacy • Criminal use of payments • User profiling by organizations • Big brother watching you
Electronic payment Problem • Organizations link records from various sources • To protect themselves • Protect customers. • Same information in wrong hands • No protection for businesses or customers • E.g. tracking victims by consulting business-maintained address record. • Singling out taxpayers for audits based on estimates of income compiled by mailing-list companies
Example • If for all your transactions, a third party knows • The payee • Goods and service bought • time of payment e.g. hotels, restaurants, movies, food, transportations pharmaceuticals, books, political contributions, etc. • What can he Learn? • Your lifestyle • Your political affiliation • Your whereabouts • Predict your exact location. • The list goes on and on…
Alternative • Use anonymous payments systems like: • Bank notes • Coins • Problems? • Lack of proof of payment • Theft of the payment media • Tax evasion • Black markets • Black payments for bribes.
Solution • The paper proposed an automated payment system with the following properties: • Inability of third parties to determine the payee, time or amount of payments made by an individual. • Ability of individuals to provide proof of payment, or determine the identity of the payee under exceptional circumstances. • Be able to stop use of the payment media if reported stolen.
INTRODUCING…BLIND SIGNATURES • BASIC IDEA • Imagine a Trustee (Trent) wants to hold a secret ballot election. • The electors are not able to drop their votes in person. • Bob and Alice are part of the electors, but they have something to do on that day….
Blind signatures • What the electors want? • Their votes to be secret from Trent. • And to verify that their vote is counted. • What Trent wants? • Each vote must come from a valid Elector. No Ghost voters • Solution… • Make use of a special carbon lined envelope.
How it works • Alice places a ballot slip with her vote in a carbon lined envelope, • Places the carbon-lined envelope in an outer envelope addressed to Trent with a return address to Alice. • Trent knows the envelope comes from Alice, but does not know the ballot-slip in the inner envelope • Signs the inner envelope and returns it in a different envelope to Alice. • Alice verifies the signature of Trent and checks that the envelope has not been opened. • She removes the signed ballot and sends it to Trent without a return address. • Trent can put the ballots on public display, anyone can count the results, or check if his was part. • With the assumption that the signatures are identical, Trent cannot know any identifying aspect of the ballot slips. • Cannot know how anyone voted.
the signature • The Vote
The voting application Voter Voting Center Identification, Vcard Publishvoter’s cards Signed Voter’s Card ---S(Vcard) Sign Voters card S(Vcard) Voting: Put intent on S(Vcard) Verify & Publish: S(Vcard) + intent (S(Vcard) + intent)
Properties • Correctness • Un-forgeable votes • Votes come from registered voters • Anonymity • Un-linkabilitybased on blind signatures • Anonymous channels
The digital Signature Scheme Message User Signer Signature on Message Linkable Verifiable Signer The signer’s signature on “Message”
Blind Signatures • For Blind Signatures to work: • Use in a special way with commutative style of Two key digital signature systems combined e Public key systems. i.e ( ( (M) )) = (M) ( ( (M) )) = (M)
Functions of the blind signature • A signing function known only to the signer and an inverse such that • A commutative function and its inverse both only known by the provider. Such that • A redundancy checking predicaterwhich checks for sufficient redundancy to make search for valid signatures impractical.
Protocol • Alice chooses at random such that, forms , and sends to the Signer. • Signer signs by applying and sends to Alice • Alice extracts the signed matter by applying • Anyone can verify that was signed by the Signer by applying his public key • ………………
Security Properties • Digital Signature: • Anyone can check that was formed using the signer’s private key • Blind Signature?? • The signer knows nothing about the correspondence. • -i.e. cannot link the to • Conservation of Signatures • ---even with …. and choice of ,, and. It is impratical to produce such
Alice pubKeyB = {e,n} privKeyB = {d,n} Bob RSA Review • where 1<e< ø(n), • gcd(e, ø(n))=1 • e * d= 1 mod ø(n) and 0≤d≤n Cannot Infer privKeyB from pubKeyB ! n = p x q Cannot get d given e and n Need p and q !
C= Me mod n Alice Malory pubKeyB = {e,n} pubKeyB = {e,n} 2 privKeyB = {d,n} 1 Intercept C Bob RSA cont. n = p x q M = Cd mod n Cannot obtain M from Me mod n !
Alice Bob The Blind Signature Protocol (RSA) = M M r …. gcd(r, n) = 1 Generates e, d, and n e , n — public d — secret n ----pq
Alice Bob What is the problem with this? = M r…. gcd(r, n) = 1 Generates e, d, and n e,n — public d — secret n — pq
Alice Bob What is the problem with this? = M r…. gcd(r, n) = 1 Generates e, d, and n e,n — public d — secret n----pq Solution: Never use a Signature key pair to encrypt messages
Example : Untraceable Payment System • Single note is formed by the payer, • Signed by bank, • Stripped by the payer, • Provided to the payee and • Cleared by the bank. Payer Payee Banker
Untraceable payment system • Bank is ready to signed anything from the payer. • But it is worth $1. ---fixed amount • Payer chooses x at random such that and forms , forwards to the bank • Bank signs and returns to payer. • Payer strips note to form .. By • Payer makes payment later by providing to payee. • Payee forwards to bank. Bank checks note, adds note to cleared list of notes (stop if already exist), credits account of payee. • When bank receives a note to be cleared from the payee, it doesn’t know which payer the note was originally issued to. • Counterfeiting is impossible by the conservation and digital signatures properties.
Payer Payee Banker Verifier Traced Payer
Auditability • Extendingit such that payers receive digital receipts from payees. • Receipts will include description of purchased goods, date and a copy of the note.. • To prevent Fraud • Note will allow the payer to identify payee’s account with the help of the Bank. • A dissatisfied customer of a black market could reveal note supplied to the black market which can be traced to the account it was deposited in. • Stolen notes can be included in a list and stopped from being cleared or traced if already cleared.
Elaborations • Use of multiple denomination notes • banking and clearing house functions being separated. • Multiple banks and multiple clearing houses, serving overlapping banks • Periodic changes of the key used to signed notes in order to increase security • Different signatures for different amount to reduce uncertainty about the money supplied.
Applications • E-voting • Untraceable Electronic cash
Untraceable Electronic Cash • Veriable by everyone • Untraceable by bank • Untraceable coins • Possible to spend the same coin twice? • Online? No • Offline? Yes.
How to prevent multiple spending of the same coin offline • Use Cut and choose technique • Encode the owner’s identity into the coin such that he remains anonymous after one payment but will be identified if he double-spends.
Cut-and-choose technique • To get a coin • Alice performs the following protocol • Choose , , and , 1 i k uniformly at random from residues of • Send Bank = . f(, ) for 1i k Where = g(, ), = g((u|| v+ i)), ) • Bank chooses blinded candidates randomly, • Alice reveals them and bank checks. • For the unseen bank does the following multiplication, sends to Alice and charges 1 dollar • Alice can get C = and arranges them in lexicographic manner. Bank knows (u|| v+ i))
How to pay Bob • Alice sends C to Bob • Bob chooses a random binary string , … • Alice responds as follows for all 1<=i<=k/2 • If = 1, then Alice sends Bob , , • If = 0, then Alice sends Bob , ((u|| v+ i)), and • Bob verifies, and later sends C and Alice’s responses to the bank, which verifies their correctness and credits his account. • Bank stores C, the binary string , … and ((u|| v+ i ). • If Alice uses the same coin C twice, then she can be traced because two different payees will send complementary binary values for at least one bit . • So the bank has both and ((u || v+ i )., so the bank can isolate u and trace it to Alice. • Problems with This??? • Alice can collude with the second payee, and give him the same order of keys she gave to the first. This way, it cannot be traced back to her. • Bank can also frame up Alice.
An Example coin • , are random strings • The values and ⊕ USER_ID are hidden in the coin.
How the payment protocol works • When the payee receives the coin, he gives a random K-bit vector to user • If user reveals • If , user reveals ⊕ USER_ID • How to catch a cheater?? ⊕ ⊕ USER_ID
Other issues about blind signatures documents
Signing documents with blind signatures • Very Tricky… • Alice can have Bob sign anything at all. “Bob owes Alice $5 billion and a Ferrari” “Bob agrees to marry Alice or pay $10 million” “Bob transfers all his real estate properties to Alice Alice” • Is blind signature useful with documents? • There should be a way Bob should know what he is signing….. • Cut and choose technique. • Works as The immigration Search selection (probabilistic solution)
Blinding documents • Alice receives N documents, randomly opens N-1 and signs the Nth envelope. • Example: The counterintelligence agents problem • Protocol • Bob prepares n documents containing different cover names • Blinds each of the documents with different blinding factor • Bob sends the n blinded documents to Alice • Alice chooses n-1 documents randomly and asks Bob for their blinding factors • Alice checks those documents and realizes that no strange name has been selected • Alice signs the document • Bob’s chance of cheating?? • 1 out of N. (Alice is confident with his signature )
Reducing Bob’s cheating chances • For Identical documents(assumption…document is not secret, but no tracing • Instead of Alice opening n-1 documents, she chooses to open n/2 documents. • Alice multiplies together all of the unchallenged documents and signs as one mega document. • Bob strips off all the blinding factors. Alice’s signature is acceptable only if it is a valid signature of the product of n/2 identical documents. • Can Bob Cheat? • Of course. • Smaller luck…..He has to guess which half of the documents Alice wouldn’t challenge. • Two different documents good and bad, find two different blinding factors that transforms each document into the same blinded document. • Possible but mathematically infeasible.
Digital Signature Problems • Deprive individuals some type of protection though it protects them from the “big brother is watching” situation. • Provide potential problems for law enforcement in some types of crimes • Money Laundering • Untraceable “Ransoms”
Example • Blind Signatures and Perfect Crimes • An example of how blind signatures can be used to commit untraceable crimes • The Kobayashi Credit Card case • Kidnap of a famous Japanese TV actor’s baby • requested for 5 million Yen be paid to account • Blind signature….. • Compute the set = 3 f() mod n. • Tell authorities to get it signed compute = mod n • And Publish the set in a newspaper. • Later get the notes.
Alice To Safely Get a Ransom Publish the blinded e-cash Forward the blinded message Withdraw the blinded e-cash Anonymous Channel Banker Send a blinded message Deposit the e-cash Criminal Unblinding
Alice Bob Money Laundering Withdraw a blinded e-cash Unblinding Banker Forward the e-cash Deposit the e-cash
Other related solutions Fair Blind Signatures
Concept of Fair Blind Signatures • A signing protocol involving the signer and a sender • A link-recovery protocol involving signer and the judge. • To cope with the misuse of untraceability….
Alice Fair Blind Signatures (Registration) Judge Identification Protocol License = (SJ(B(K), iduser) Where K is EJ ( iduser,random)
Alice Bob Signing Process B(M,r), user_id, License = (…,B(K)) Verify Licence S (B(M,r) # B(K)) U (S (B (m, r) # B(K)), r) = S(m # K) Signature-message triple: (S(m # K), m , K) V (S(m # K), (m # K)) = True
Revealing stage • Judge can reveal the id of user when supplied K • K = EJ (iduser, random)
Conclusion • Blind Signatures : • Makes untraceable payment systems possible. • Provides • improved auditability and control. • Unforgeability and unlinkability • And also provides Increased personal privacy. • Systems based on it are now being launched by Deutsche Bank and other major banks in European countries. We have it on chip cards and electronic wallets. • Applications • Untraceable Electronic Cash • Anonymous Electronic Voting