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Cosmology. Structure in the Universe has seemed to exist on the largest scales we can measure distributions of superclusters and voids of galaxies get as large as 200 Mpc no measurements done out to average quasar distances use “pencil-beam” surveys to look at structure beyond
Cosmology • Structure in the Universe has seemed to exist on the largest scales we can measure • distributions of superclusters and voids of galaxies get as large as 200 Mpc • no measurements done out to average quasar distances • use “pencil-beam” surveys to look at structure beyond • only count galaxies as function of redshift in a vary small region of the sky • see structures no larger than 200 Mpc extending out to about 3 Gpc
Cosmology (cont.) • if sample is taken over a range larger than 300 Mpc, the universe will appear homogeneous • ther is no structure on scales larger than 200 Mpc, so the Universe looks smooth for scales of that size • The Cosmological Principle has two basic tenets • the Universe is homogeneous as mentioned above • the Universe is isotropic • it looks the same in any direction • consequences of the cosmological principal include • the Universe has no edge so that homogeneity will not be violated • isotropy means the Universe has no center • The age of the Universe can be estimated from the Hubble constant • since the current value of 65 km/s/Mpc is actually a frequency, just invert to estimate the age • current value gives ~ 15 billion years • not really too accurate since the Hubble constant is likely to have varied as a function of time • simply demonstrates the finite age of the Universe • Hubble’s law implies that ~ 15 billion years ago, all matter and radiation in the Universe existed in a single point
Cosmology (cont.) • there was an explosion where all of space and time were thrusted outward -- the Big Bang • Hubble’s Law seems to violate the cosmo. principle • individual redshifts of galaxies are different when taken from different host galaxies • but when the redshift vs. distance relation is graphed again, a line with the same slope, Hubble’s constant, appears • The expansion of the Universe has no central point of origin • the Big Bang was not an ordinary explosion • the key point is that space exploded along with the matter and radiation • imagine the two-dimensional analog, a surface, on an inflating balloon, marked with fiducial points • as the balloon inflates, the points ALL separate from each other, as the spacial surface of the balloon expands
Cosmology (cont.) • The same analogy of expanding space can be extended to radiation • radiation (photons) are tied to space from theory of general relativity • as space stretches due to expansion, photons must stretch • wavelengths get longer • known as the cosmological redshift • not related to velocity like the doppler shift • Some things may be said about what might have been prior to the Big Bang • not even general relativity is sufficient to describe the workings of a singularity • not even time existed prior to the Big Bang • there was no “before” • current known physics can only describe what occurred in the Big Bang at times greater than 10-43 sec after Bang
Cosmology (cont.) • The fate of the Universe depends on the amount of matter in the Universe • there are three possibilities • the Universe is unbound • it will keep expanding forever • the Universe is bound • at some point the Universe will stop expanding and begin contracting back towards a spacetime singularity • the Universe is not expanding and has always been the way we currently see things • this is called the steady state model of the Universe • there is absolutely no evidence to support this • the key parameter is known as the critical density of the Universe • for H = 65, this density is 5 H atoms / cubic meter ! • if the density of matter in the Universe is greater, then the total gravity from all the matter causes acontraction
Cosmology (cont.) • if the density of the Universe is less than the critical density, the Universe will expand forever • usually astronomers talk about the ratio of the actual density to the critical density • call it 0 • = 1 , the Universe is marginally bounded • > 1 , the Universe is bounded • < 1 , the Universe is unbounded • we can try to measure the mass content of the Universe • mass in luminous matter (galaxies) => L = 0.01 • dark matter from cluster motions and galaxy light curves => D = 0.1 - 0.3 • possible very large scale distributions of dark matter from 100-150 Mpc scales => D2 ~ 0.5 - 1.0 ? • another way to determine 0 is through the deceleration of the Universe • the Universe expanded faster in the past • the greater the density, the greater the deceleration • look for changes in the Hubble law diagram where, at the most distant galaxies, Hubble’s Law breaks down
Cosmology (cont.) • galaxies show some signs of deceleration but the errors are large • recent measurements of Type Ia SNe standard candles shows the Universe is accelerating, not decelerating • if true, would mean a total rewrite of cosmology theory • don’t know if all these Type Ia SNe are of the proper behavior, because some are known to be very bright or very faint • The best hint that the Big Bang happened at all is the Cosmic Microwave Background • discovered in 1964, by Robert WIlson and Arno Penzias while searching for sources of radio noise that might interfere with phone transmissions
Cosmology (cont.) • they noticed that this background noise appeared in every direction they looked at the same intensity • realized it was the remnant signature of the Big Bang • the CMB is the redshifted radiation of the Big Bang • started out as gamma ray, but became cosmologically redshifted to the microwave region • in 1989 the COBE satellite determined the CMB is a perfect blackbody curve with a characteristic temperature of 2.735 K • showed an extreme degree of isotropy (to 1 in 100,000) in all directions
Cosmology (cont.) • also showed net redshift/blueshift caused by the Earth’s velocity through space => 400 km/s