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Literary Criticism

Dive deep into Aristotle's significant contributions to literary criticism through his masterpiece, Poetics. Explore his theories on imitation, action, and tragedy, and understand how his work shaped Western thought.

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Literary Criticism

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  1. Literary Criticism Lecture two: Classical Literary Criticism Aristotle

  2. Aristotle • The most brilliant student at Plato’s Academy was Aristotle. • His enormous contribution to the history of thought spans several areas: metaphysics, logic, ethics, politics, literary criticism, and various branches of natural science. • He served as tutor to Alexander the Great. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  3. Aristotle • Aristotle opened his own school of rhetoric and philosophy, the Lyceum, in Athens. • The history of Western thought has often emerged as a conflict between two main visions: • The idealistic Platonic vision which views reality as above and beyond our own world; • The empirical Aristotelian view which seeks to find reality within our world. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  4. Aristotle’s Poetics • Aristotle’s major contribution to literary criticism is his great book, Poetics. • In contrast with Plato, Aristotle sees poetry as having a positive function in the political state. • For Aristotle, poetry and rhetoric had the status of “productive” sciences. • These disciplines had their place in a hierarchy of knowledge. • Aristotle viewed them as rational pursuits, as seeking a knowledge of “universal” truths, and as serving a social and moral function. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  5. Aristotle’s Poetics • The entire structure of the Aristotelian system was governed by the notion of substance, from the lowest level to God as the First Cause, or Unmoved Mover. • Each element within this hierarchical order had its proper place, function, and purpose. • Aristotle’s universe is effectively a closed system where each entity is guided by an internalized purpose toward the fulfillment of its own nature, and ultimately toward realization of its harmony with the divine. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  6. Aristotle’s Poetics • At the core of Aristotle’s Poetics are two complex notions: • Imitation (Mimesis) • Action (Praxis) Lecture Two: Aristotle

  7. Aristotle’s Theory of Imitation • Like Plato, Aristotle holds that poetry is essentially a mode of imitation. • In contrast with Plato, Aristotle invests imitation with positive significance. • For Aristotle, imitation is a basic human instinct • It is a pleasurable avenue to knowledge. • Aristotle asserts that all the various modes of poetry and music are imitations. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  8. Aristotle’s Theory of Imitation • These imitations can differ in three ways: • The Means of Imitation (rhythm, language, melody) • The Object of Imitation (human beings), • The manner of Imitation (narration, dramatic representation, or a mixture of both). • For Aristotle, the essential characteristic of the poet is imitation, in which all human beings take pleasure. • Aristotle defines the poet as an integral part of human society, rationally developing and refining basic traits which he shares with other human beings. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  9. Aristotle’s Theory of Action • For Aristotle, all arts imitate men involved in action. • For Aristotle, “action” has a moral end or purpose. • Art imitates human action; but human action must have as its ultimate purpose “the Supreme Good.” • The actions imitated, says Aristotle, must be either noble or base since human character conforms to these distinctions. • Tragedy represents men as better than the norm; comedy as worse than the norm. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  10. Aristotle’s Theory of Action • Aristotle states that action can be represented in only two basic types: • Narration • Dramatic representation • Narration means the poet speaks in his own person or through a character • Dramatic presentation means the story is performed and acted out. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  11. Aristotle’s Theory of Action • According to Aristotle, artistic representations of people fall into three categories: • Better than us • Worse than us • The same as us Lecture Two: Aristotle

  12. Aristotle’s View of Tragedy • Aristotle’s analysis of tragedy remained influential until the eighteenth century. • Aristotle defines comedy as an imitation of ridiculous human beings. • He defines tragedy as an imitation of an action that is serious, complete and of a certain magnitude. • Tragedy is essentially dramatic rather than narrative. • It represents men in action and does not use narrative. • The tragic action is morally serious. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  13. Aristotle’s View of Tragedy • The Greek word used for “action or story” is praxis. • The tragic action is a complete of related incidents and events that are connected together logically through cause and effect. • Tragedy provides relief or Catharsis for various emotions, primarily pity and fear. • Hence, the effect of tragedy on the audience is part of its very definition. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  14. Aristotle’s Elements of Tragedy • Aristotle identifies six components of tragic action: • Plot: the “structure of events” through which action is imitated/represented • Character: the persons of the drama; the “moral bent” of each person must be clear to the audience. • thought: the power of saying whatever can be said and should be said at each moment of the plot. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  15. Aristotle’s Elements of Tragedy • Diction: the actual composition of the lines that are recited. • Melody: the use of musical accompaniment. It has to blend in with the play appropriately. • Spectacle: it refers to the staging of the play. It should be appropriate to the theme of the play. • The last four elements (Thought, Diction, Melody, and Spectacle) are the least important, but Aristotle felt they must be done well for the play to succeed. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  16. The Aristotelian Plot • For Aristotle, the plot is the most important of the six elements. • It is the “first principle” and “the soul of tragedy”. • The plot, is “the end at which tragedy aims”. • There must be unity of Plot. • This has already been described in the definition tragedy as “one complete action.” • Any events or episodes must be necessary to the main issue and must also be probable or believable. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  17. The Elements of the Perfect Plot • For Aristotle, there are six elements that work together to create the perfect plot. • A unified plot has a beginning, a middle, and an end. • The plot is shaped like an inverted “V”: • a series of complications (the rising action) draws the plot “upward” to its climax (the point of the “V”); after the climax comes the unravelling or denouement (the falling action). Lecture Two: Aristotle

  18. The Elements of the Perfect Plot • In the best plots, the climax is marked by a reversal and/or a recognition: • The use of a reversal/recognition is what renders a simple plot complex. • A reversal (in Greek, peripeteia) occurs when the fortune of the hero moves suddenly from good to bad or bad to good. • In Oedipus, the messenger thinks he brings news that will free Oedipus from fear, but that very news leads to his destruction. This is the peripeteia. • A recognition (in Greek, anagnorisis) occurs when the hero moves suddenly from a state of ignorance to enlightenment. This is the anagnorisis. • In Oedipus, the messenger reveals to Oedipus his true Theban origins. • The best kinds of recognitions are accompanied by reversals; this is the case with the scene from Oedipus mentioned in items III.C.3 and III.C.5. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  19. The Elements of the Perfect Plot • The best plots do not end with a Deus ex machina (“god from the machine”) • The deus ex machina was a crane-like device that allowed an actor to descend onto the stage in the guise of a god or goddess. • It was used by dramatists as a way of resolving “from above” all manner of difficulties and misunderstandings in the play. • Aristotle considered the use of this device an artificial way to end a plot. • The plot, he felt, should be strong enough to resolve itself in a manner consistent with necessity, probability, and inevitability. • Oedipus is so well-constructed that the final tragic revelation of Oedipus’ parentage arises naturally out of the plot. • Aristotle’s prejudice against the deus ex machina reveals his strong commitment to a balanced, rational universe in which all makes sense. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  20. The Elements of the Perfect Plot • the best plot centres on a tragic flaw (in Greek, hamartia)of the hero: • Hamartia is usually translated as tragic (or fatal) flaw, but it would be better to translate it merely as “error.” • Aristotle clearly does not see this hamartia as a vice or moral flaw. • Readers of Oedipus, generally blame the hero’s misfortunes on his pride (in Greek, hubris). • But, it is really Oedipus’s good qualities (his love of his people and his unswerving devotion to truth) that leads to the tragic revelation of his birth. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  21. The Elements of the Perfect Plot • The best plot shows a good man who, on account of a tragic error, moves from good to bad fortune; Such a movement elicits the proper pity and fear: • A bad man moving from good to bad fortune evokes neither pity nor fear: it merely makes us feel smugly satisfied. • A bad man moving from bad to good fortune merely arouses disgust. • A good man moving from bad to good fortune makes us feel happy, but it does not inspire either pity or fear. • Pity is evoked when we watch a good man suffer undeservedly; fear is evoked when we realize the same may happen to us. • Pity draws us toward the hero; fear drives us away. Lecture Two: Aristotle

  22. The Character of the Tragic Hero • The Aristotelian tragic hero must possesses five qualities: • He must be a good man: he should be neither immoral nor vicious. • His character must be appropriate to his station in life. • He must possess a likeness to human nature: though heroic, he is a man. • His character must be consistent: even if he is inconsistent, says Aristotle, he should be consistent in his inconsistency. • Aristotle also advises that the hero be taken from one of the great tragic houses of ancient Greece (i.e., he should not be a commoner). Lecture Two: Aristotle

  23. The Character of the Tragic Hero • The character of Oedipus possesses all five of these characteristics.: • Though stubborn and a bit prideful, he is a good king who loves his people and is devoted to truth and justice. • His love and devotion, as well as his stubbornness and pride, are befitting the nature and role of a king. • Though “larger than life,” Oedipus still possesses very human traits. • Both within the framework of the play and throughout his “off-stage life,” Oedipus is supremely, and consistently, the solver of riddles. • Oedipus is a member of the royal house of Thebes. Lecture Two: Aristotle

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