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Recap of Chapters 25-31 in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee discussing themes of prejudice, courage, and societal justice. Scout reflects on Tom Robinson's unjust death, Jem teaches Dill to swim, and the community's reactions. Includes questions on Scout's evolving perception of Boo Radley, reactions to the trial, irony in Miss Gates' views on prejudice, Jem's emotional turmoil, Link Deas' support for Helen Robinson, Halloween pranks, the pageant, the mysterious attack on Jem and Scout, and Boo Radley's heroic acts. Examines lessons on empathy, resilience, and standing up against injustice.
TKAM DiscussionChapter 25-31 And final 3 chapters (29, 30, and 31)
Chapter 25 • Scout recalls learning about Tom Robinson’s death • Jem and Dill had gone to Barker’s Eddy so that Jem could teach Dill how to swim • On their way home, they saw Atticus, who was on his way to the Robinsons, and brought them along, on the condition that they wait in the car • Calpurnia and Atticus don’t have to say a thing – Helen knows why they have come to see her: Helen “ ‘fell down in the dirt, like a giant with a big foot had just came along and stepped on her.’ ”
Chapter 25, continued • The community’s interest in Tom’s death lasted for only a couple of days. • Mr. Underwood wrote an article about Tom in which “he likened Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds” once again revealing the symbolism of the mockingbird • The sad realization is that Tom had no chance because prejudice was what made the decision about Tom’s guilt, not the truth or the evidence, and it is clear that “in the secret courts of men’s hearts Atticus had no case.”
Chapter 26 Questions • What does Scout think about Boo Radley at this point in the story? She’s no longer afraid of the Radley house: “So many things had happened to us, Boo Radley was the least of our fears” (242-3). 2. How do Scout and Jem’s peers act after the trial? They treat them with respect, since they likely were told by their parents they had to, as it wasn’t Jem and Scout’s fault that Atticus was their father (243). 3. What is bothering Scout about Miss Gates’s response to Hitler and the Jews?
Irony in Chapter 26 Why is the following quote ironic? Miss Gates: “‘Over here [in the United States] we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced. Prejudice...There are no better people in this world like the Jews, and why Hitler doesn’t think so is a mystery to me’” (245). See page 247: “ ‘Jem, how can you hate Hitler so bad an’ then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home– ’” (247).
Chapter 26 Questions Continued 4. How does Jem react to Scout’s conversation with him? He becomes very angry and says he doesn’t want to talk about the courthouse again (247). 5. What is Atticus’s explanation for Jem’s behaviour? Atticus says that Jem is still upset about the result of the Tom Robinson trial. He says that Jem is trying not to think about it, but when he is “able to think about it, [he] would be himself again (247).
Chapter 27 Questions • How does Link Deas help Helen Robinson? He gives her a job to help her (248). After he finds out that Bob Ewell has been harassing Helen, he walks her home and threatens Bob (and the Ewells) with consequences if he/they continues/continue to bother Helen and not allow her to use the public road. 2. What did the Maycomb children do to the Misses Tutti and Frutti last Halloween? They snuck into their home, moved all their furniture into the cellar. Sarah and Frances thought someone stole their furniture, but then the dogs found their way to the cellar and the furniture was found there.
Chapter 27 Questions Continued 3. What is being done this year to prevent Halloween pranks? An organized pageant (252). There would be a play for the adults to watch and some games for the children. 4. What is Scout’s role in the pageant? A ham. She is wearing a costume made from chicken wire. (This protects her from getting hurt later.) 5. Who is escorting her to the pageant? Jem (253).
Chapter 28 Questions • What is the night like as Jem and Scout walk to the school? It was quite warm for October (254). 2. What happens to Jem and Scout under the oak tree? Someone had been following them and ends up attacking them. Jem tells Scout to run. 3. How does Jem get home? He is carried home by Mr. Arthur (Boo) Radley
Chapter 28 Questions Continued 4. What is Jem’s injury? A broken arm. 5. What does Heck Tate find under the tree? He finds Mr. Ewell “‘on the ground under that tree…with a kitchen knife stuck up under his ribs. He’s dead’” (266).
Chapter 29 Questions 1. What does Aunt Alexandra say in response to these events? She feels somewhat responsible (267). 2. Why doesn’t Atticus hear Scout and Jem hollering? “He had the radio on” (268). Aunt Alexandra had hers on too, and she had asked Atticus to turn down the volume. 3. What happened to Scout’s costume? “‘[Her costume]was crushed to a pulp’” (269).
Chapter 29 Questions Continued 4. What strange sounds does the fourth person under the tree make? “‘Somebody was staggerin’ around and pantin’ and – coughing fit to die. I thought it was Jem at first but it didn’t sound like him” (270). 5. Who saves Scout and Jem? Boo Radley
Chapter 30 Questions • Why do Scout and Boo go out to the porch? Provide both a literal and figurative meaning. Scout and Boo go out to the porch because Atticus says the living room is too bright (271). Scout treats Boo like company and gently shows him the way to the porch. This is also to make Mr. Arthur more comfortable. He is out of his comfort zone since he is a recluse who rarely leaves the house. 2. Who does Atticus think killed Mr. Ewell? Jem
Chapter 30 Questions Continued 3. Who does Heck Tate say killed Mr. Ewell? He says Mr. Ewell tripped over a tree root and fell on his own knife (274). 4. Why does Atticus want Jem’s name cleared legally? He’s worried about being a hypocrite. He doesn’t want his children not to trust him: “‘I can’t live one way in town and another way in my home’” (274).
Chapter 30 Questions Continued 5. Why doesn’t Heck Tate want to tell everyone the exact truth? He doesn’t want Mr. Arthur people to know that Mr. Arthur was responsible for the death of Mr. Ewell. Heck also thinks that the town will not only praise Mr. Arthur as he did “‘this town a great service an’ draggin’ him with his shy ways into the limelight – to me that’s a sin’” (276) but also won’t leave him alone, as Mr. Arthur has chosen to live in isolation. 6. What does Scout say about this explanation of events? “‘Yes sir, I understand,’ [Scout] reassured [Atticus]. ‘Mr. Tate was right’” (276).
Chapter 30 Quotes In pairs, discuss and analyze the significance of the following quote: “‘Well, it’d be sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird, wouldn’t it?’” (276).
Chapter 31 Questions • Why does Scout bring Mr. Arthur back inside? She takes him to see Jem before he leaves (277). 2. How does Mr. Arthur behave toward Jem? He leans over the bed and just looked at Jem: “An expression of timid curiosity was on his face as though he had never seen a boy before” (277). He gently strokes Jem’s head (278). 3. How does Mr. Arthur get home? Scout holds his hand and leads him home.
Chapter 31 Questions 4. What does Scout do as she’s standing on Mr. Arthur’s porch? She looks at her home and neighbours’ homes and can see the other houses so clearly. Even the post office is visible from the Radley’s porch. She reflects that Mr. Arthur had given her and Jem many gifts, but they had given him nothing. She feels regret for not giving him something in return. 5. Where does Atticus spend the night? In Jem’s room.
Chapter 31 Quotes In pairs, discuss and analyze the following quote: “Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough” (279).